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Posts posted by (PSN)octus

  1. Fair point. +1

    Though, I wasn't implying you couldn't have a Hype train. :P By all means here your ticket:

    YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all aboard!!!! 

    hide in my luggage, we can go togetha.

  2. Don't wanna come off rude here but, all I see is "we want new content" all the time. Do PS4 players already have everything (weapons, frames, sentinels, helmets, maxed mods,etc)? IMO there should still be beyond PLENTY enough to keep you occupied until the update comes out. 

    Plus, it's in Sony's hands. 




    I'm competently confident that DE is working hard on both platforms around the clock. 

    I'd much rather have a update take awhile to come out, then be rushed and forget something that cannot be hotfixed instantly because it's on PS4. 

    i dont take you as coming off rude, but im pretty sure there are players who have things maxed. i really want it because its my hope that it will have a fix for the bug that was introduced last update. So its not entirely about new content, for some of us(like me), i cant play my game until this update comes out. and its a little frustrating waiting for it after i have put time and money into a game that will not save my progress 95% percent of the time. im not trying to sound rude or angry or anything, but i am definitely getting up every morning hoping that update will come out and i can play my current favorite game again.


    also, just to point something out. if i recall there was a HUGE hype-train when update 13 was about to hit for the p.c. i think it went on for a few pages had multiple threads merged into a mega thread...and then the update did not hit when it was supposed to. the p.c. side went pretty crazy and lots of threads were started in anger. they were so mad that they were told it was going to come out one week, and then they had to wait ONE MORE WEEK after that. now i want anyone who thinks the ps4 tenno are being greedy, or entitled or whatever,  to just stop and think about how long the ps4 people have had to wait after that whole mess(which we sat through with you, waiting for our turn)and maybe be a little sympathetic to them.


    we have waited long, we can have our own hype-train.

  3. It is a embarrassing for someone to just say: "I want it now", It makes that someone sound spoiled and entitled.  


    As for the the timing of the update being sent to cert. , have you tried coding something? Have you tried completely overhauling a combat system? This takes time.  And I say that as an IT major just starting to code. Just be glad its coming out at all.


    EDIT: Lets not forget the different architecture between the PC and PS4 (I do not know the specifics between the two, but I know it holds some bearing.)

    architecture shmarchitecture. give the update to me right meow!!!


    edit: look, im a little boy, with big boy dreams. And some day i will be a big boy looking back on my little boy self asking" where did that little boy go?" And then i may just turn around and see in a mirror...and hey, looking back at me through my big boy eyes, i will see that little boy who is dreaming of big boy dreams.

  4. im sick to wait . they said "monday or tuesday-ish" the last week !

    they said that about giving Sony the update, Sony still has to put it through the ringer and find if there are any bugs that may break the console. that part is usually only around 3-7 days, its usually the fastest part of this whole process.

  5. re establish internet connection to console...or plug Ethernet cord in, it may be due to poor connection or slow speeds and maybe too many people using wifi or too many devices connected to router, chip, hotspot or card.

    as far as i can tell its not those things, and this is the only game it happens on. there are a few threads about it in the ps4 bug section and a lot of people are getting this problem after the last update. :/

  6. i really hope they are gonna fix the cannot save, log out error in this update.

    i havent been able to play since the anniversary gifts came out. i get the login fail error 95% of the time i do anything, not just missions.

  7.   Why don't they remove warframe ability mods from the loot table anyway it's dumb that they are even there as soon as you craft the warframe you get all the abilities anyway.  They should replace them with fusion cores or something else same with specific sentinel abilities.

    they should absolutely be removed, they are useless because you get all of those mods when you create or buy a warframe.


    hey exist to "advertise" other frames to new players (we need those). Just think of every single one you pick up as 100-1,000 credits.


    they dont need to be advertised, because there is a market where you can see all of the warframes, plus the codex has all of the warframes in it with the mods listed. not having them would result in a higher chance at a rare mod drop from enemies.

  8. all of the warframe save data is stored on DE's servers not on your system, so you dont have to worry about backing it up.


    for example i can log into my friends game from the user account i created on my system for him, and play his game without having to download any of his saves. this worked out really well when i went on vacation to visit him and still wanted to play my saved game(on his system under my account) and get my daily log in rewards.

  9. so wrong but interesting opinion.

    which part was wrong?


    p.c. gets updates much faster and hotfixes for bugs.


    for anyone who has played on the p.c and the ps4 its very apparent that they get better treatment, its not surprising since they started out on that platform, and they dont have to go through anyone else to update the game. plus they have more exclusives.


    there is a program that lets me use my ps4 controller on my p.c. for gaming. the program makes your computer think the ps4 controller is an xbox controller. you can even change the light color.



    you can google for the controller program, and look in the forums in the ps4 bug section to see the amount of frustration from waiting for more than a month just to get bug fixes. i have seen the p.c. get fixes within the week or sooner for some bugs.


    im not complaining about the game on the ps4 side, i really enjoy playing it, but if you already have a p.c. and it runs the game smoothly, i would just stick with that. you are gonna better service and you even have the chance for 20-70% discounts for plat in the log in rewards.



    edit:just for the record i play on both the ps4 and p.c. i started out on ps4 and so i enjoy it more there(when its working, i currently have a bug preventing me from saving any progress). i have much more content unlocked and leveled on the ps4 side so i main that one, but love playing the new content sooner on the p.c. side

  10. if your p.c. runs the game fairly well, i would advise you to stick with the p.c. version. they updates WAY faster, and get much better treatment on that end.

    if they ever add the ability to transfer your account to the ps4, and you do so, i think you will be disappointed.

    if the main reason you want to change is to play with a controller, there is a program that will let you use your ps4 controller.

  11. i agree with the OP, there should be a few more guns/melee weapons available to outright purchase with credits. i think it would help some new players to stay interested.


    blueprints are only really viable after you have made it to i think 4-5 planets to be able to get all of the resources, so early players are stuck with fairly crappy things until then. Now im not really complaining here, because i bought blueprints and made weapons and thought it was fun, but i have a few friends that started playing and hated the Mk1. i let them know that they would get good stuff soon enough, but its a fairly long grind, just to get a planet to get the resources for the weapon, and then you gotta wait while it gets pounded out at the foundry.  :)


    the point im trying to make is that more newcomers might stick around if they had a few gun options to buy and try out.

  12. For real whats wrong with u guys? Who says u never be able to complete the game or i ask another way what do u want complete here it´s an endless game? If DE stop giving us new things the game will die i mean its a F2P game, no new stuff, no money, no game.


    If u missed some stuff, that happens, like in a lot of other Games of this kind. A lot of games have special event items and stuff like this. There are Mastery Ranks till 30 right now and even if u missed some weapons "older" players will just reach it earlier than u thats all.


    I played a lot of other games were ppl are disapointed because they missed some events and stuff but i never saw one were ppl cry "Please give me a second chance to get it!!!" like in Warframe its really sad-.-

    most likely, because there is a story involved in those other games. there isnt really much else to do in this game besides get weapons and level them up.

  13. i am marked for them to visit currently, but i have the "failed to login/disconnect" error or bug happening to me anytime i  do anything besides logging in to get my daily reward. so i cant even try to hunt for the gun, because i have a 98% chance for the game to disconnect and not save whatever piece i would happen to get.

  14. this is a very big deal for someone like me who is a completionist. knowing that i can never actually complete the game is a serious turn off. are there any plans for a way for newer players to gain levels that the removed equipment would have provided?

    my guess, is that eventually they will have enough warframes/weapons so that you wont need the removed items to level to the highest amount.


    thats the hope for all ps4 players who have stuck through the game so far.

  15. i enjoy the game very much but whit this last update i can't play it at all. The ps4 did the update file just fine but its the in game dl updates thats a problem. It will go to about 35% (takes about 3 hours to get to 35% btw) then tell me there were problems and ill have to start all over. Iv did that for 2 days then i uninstalled the game, reinstalled it and it does the same thing. Anybody else have this problem. I would love to play the game again. 

    thats the first i have personally heard of that problem. that really sucks man.

  16. thanks, hopefully after this we can get weekly updates sent to sony to patch problems or bugs. if this isnt possible some one from DE should comment so i can stop suggesting it.


    thanks again, looking really forward to all the great things in u13

  17. i dont care if they release the events or items again. because its just a game and its not going to kill anyone. plus it would be nice if newcomers have a chance at getting items, because it does not matter since this game is a free to play, co-op game.


    you guys should not get stressed over digital items that will only take up a very short time in your hopefully long and beautiful lives.

  18. the only time i like to have chat on is when im playing with real life friends. otherwise, i dont like listening to people's music, singing, or complaining/arguing with some one else in their house.


    if you are somebody who does these things, im just gonna let you know here and now, its really annoying and no one likes it. also, some one like me is going to record you on my phone and show all of their friends how stupid you sound. plus, i will maybe post it online.

  19. The only advice I could give to PS4 players is playing the game on PC if their computer is powerful enough.


    DE completely failed the optimisation or greatly overestimated PS4 power.

    i can agree with this. i do play it on my p.c. and you are able to use an xbox controller with it. NOW HERE IS THE COOL THING, someone has made a program that lets you use your ps4 controller and the program is made to trick your computer/game into thinking its an xbox controller.

    the program is great, it actually gives you a lot of control over different things your controller can do, including customizing the color of the glow.


    im not sure if im allowed to link to outside sites or anything, so i wont, but you can Google using a ps4 controller on computer and its the first thing that comes up im pretty sure.


    the only reason i haven't switched completely to p.c. is because i have bought so much platinum to support the devs on the ps4 side i cant see myself giving it all up. so i just play here and there on the p.c. when a new update comes out. I REALLY AM SO EXCITED TO USE ALL OF MY STUFF IN MELEE 2.0 ON MY PS4!! i only have like to swords or something on pc. haha.

  20. Oh I know there are bugs on the PS4 that we haven't experienced, my point was there would be even more if we had to wait. You'd all have to go bug Sony to drop updates quicker. I've seen a lot of the PS4 perspective, The Void is still unplayable for more than 2 players at once I believe?

    thats what i have heard about the void also, but i really only ever play that with one other person, so it hasnt affected me yet.


    for the record i personally dont think that p.c. players should wait for the ps4 updates to be available.


    what i think should happen is that DE should make smaller weekly or every other week hotfixes/updates for the ps4 also, instead of the larger updates they put out. the reason i think this is because this would get DE and Sony to start working with eachother more frequently on putting them out and most likely they would get used to routine and it would perhaps streamline the process. Plus Sony wouldnt have to sort through as much data at one time, so maybe the cert would be a little quicker, which is actually already the fastest part of the update since you know it will only take them 3-7 days to complete.(if we consider how long it took from past updates)

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