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Posts posted by --TL--Sui

  1. 8 minutes ago, GrandmasterSatele said:

    This is a massive nono. Spamming forums for an unban isnt going to get anywhere. Infact, it's more likely to get him perma banned. I am all for guthix's unban but spamming forums is not the way to do it. Knowing the discord, some fanatics are going to flood forums and nothing is going to get resolved. 

    This does not help it either. I do agree that spamming the forums would be a bad idea and definetely would not help his case, which is why we're not doing it but instead created one thread about it, like civil people who are trying to bring attention to an obvious issue - the unfair ban.
    Should anyone start spamming the forums with #UnbanGuthix threads or whatever, that's a different story, I can only discourage everyone from doing that - but that's simply not what's happening.

    • Like 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, Rose said:

    Incase mods don't understand this is a joke post

    This statement is false. We're not trying to start a Riot with this or anything, but it is a pledge to have his ban reviewed because anyone with an IQ higher than that of your average automated ban system can see that he is not a "known plat reseller" but simply someone who does a lot of giveaways to gie back to the community. We need more people like him, not less.

    • Like 4
  3. Just now, --TL--Prexd said:

    I 100% agree with this. Guthix would never RMT, he just does plenty of giveaways to giveback to the community!

    Yes! He's helping this community so much and this is what he gets for being a nice person - a ban.

    • Like 1
  4. I went into a mission and found that some relics were shown as "|ERA| |CATEGORY| (INTACT)", or with their respective upgrades. This happened 100% of the time, most of the time all relics were like this; this was one exception where one relic was shown properly. While not in a mission, the relics show fine.


  5. Today I was playing The Index (double credit weekend, duh) and my team (including host) wanted to leave, I however wanted to stay for another round to get 2m in one run. No problem, that's why you can select to stay in the mission, right? Well, the inevitable host migration came and then... nothing. The game was showing me the part of the map where the scoreboard was, aka. where you normally spawn, and it got stuck there. No chat, no ESC menu, nothing; waited for about two minutes until I eventually ALT-F4'd. Super annoying to lose what you invested and what you would have earned because of an issue that has existed ever since I started playing, and very likely before.

  6. I noticed that WFInfo marked the Bronco Prime Blueprint as "vaulted" even though there was no mentioning of the weapon being vaulted, so I checked my relics - sure enough, the only relic I had containing it is the Axi P3 relic, which becaume vaulted with the vaulting of Pyrana Prime. This makes Bronco Prime unobtainable; Akbronco Prime too since you need the Bronco Prime for that.


    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, notNSANE said:
    • TYPE: In-Game
    • DESCRIPTION: Playing an entire Ground event run.
    • VISUAL: UELg94V.png
    • REPRODUCTION: Play an entire ground event run.
    • EXPECTED RESULT: Get 4100+ Credits
    • OBSERVED RESULT: Got only 3672 Credits.

    Exact same thing happened to me too, and others in my Flotilla. So far i haven't seen anybody say they got the correct amount.

    • TYPE: In-Game
    • DESCRIPTION: Playing the Murex Raid with 2 other players (so 3 in total); recieving Kill Codes.
    • VISUAL: (two pictures, in chronological order)
    • 7lwRG3l.jpg
    • hJXfNWz.jpg
    • REPRODUCTION: Unknown what causes it, but it happens around 1 in 3 times.
    • EXPECTED RESULT: The game should display the proper amount of OpLinks in the UI
    • OBSERVED RESULT: The game displays 1 less OpLink than there is (First screenshot: none displayed, only one standing; second screenshot: A and B displayed, C not - even though it's visible in the screenshot, on the map and the speed shows 75%)
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: I can not figure out how to reproduce, but it happens around 1 in 3 times.
    • ADDITIONAL INFO: In this case it was always the last one that was placed missing, but iirc that's not always the case. Also, as visible in the video of the other report I posted on here about 15 minutes prior about Aerolysts, one of the OpLink displays will sometimes flicker between the status of two OpLinks (Video).
    • TYPE: In-Game
    • DESCRIPTION: Playing the Murex Raid on version 27.3.8, though the bug isn't new, just the first time I had recorded it (been a thing since the start of Scarlet Spear). An Aerolyst was inside Limbo's Cataclysm and shooting it's "things" around what Iassume is it's waist did not destroy them, both they AND the rest of the body gave you grey 0's when shooting.
    • VISUAL:
    • REPRODUCTION: Very easily, it happens whenever an Aerolyst is inside Limbo's Cataclysm. This works in the Simulacrum too, even with AI disabled.
    • EXPECTED RESULT: The "things" around the Aerolyst's waist should have exploded, making him vulnerable once they are all gone.
    • OBSERVED RESULT: They were indestructible, making the Aerolyst unkillable unless he flies out of Limbo's Cataclysm or it is disabled.
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: Every time, without fail.
    • Like 1
  8. My teammate's OpLink was destroyed on round two (this happened in round 3) so he couldn't place his - but for some reason I couldn't either (mine was NOT destroyed), making us unable to continue. I apologize for the bad video quality, it's supposed to scale down to 480p for file size but my OBS somehow made it a lot worse.


    • TYPE: In-Game -> CRASH, Ground Assault (Scarlet Spear)
    • DESCRIPTION: I tried switching to my Synthesis Scanner (from Primary) while being attacked by a Symbilyst.
    • VISUAL: No video unfortunately, ye good ol' crash program thingy failed to connect to server too.
    • REPRODUCTION: Probably by switching to a synthesis scanner while being attacked by a Symbilyst on a Ground Assault.
    • EXPECTED RESULT: It should have equipped the Synthesis Scanner.
    • OBSERVED RESULT: The game crashed.
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: I have not managed to get into the exact same circumstance, however usually I can equip my scanner just fine.
  9. (Video below) Whenever Revenant is in his 4 and touches a ledge in a way where he'd normally climb it up (not uncommon, especially on Grineer Shipyard where it happens every 2-3 missions and especially when using his 3 to travel faster), he breaks completely - can't jump, can't deactivate his 4, can't use any other abilities, can't pick up loot, /unstuck doesn't help either. You can only get him out of this broken state by falling off a cliff/into deep water or, like in the video, by letting his energy run out, which makes him teleport to wherever he tried grabbing the ledge. Frustrating in fast fissure missions when you have to stand around for half a minute trying to run out of energy.

    Sorry for non-optimal video quality, it's supposed to be 480p but something seems to be wrong in my OBS settings.


  10. When I enter Revenant's 4 while sliding on the ground or in the air or while crouching, he will move a lot slower and it will be zoomed in, as if I was still crouching, even when I'm not pressing CTRL anymore. The only way to get out of that state is by disabling the ability any pressing CTRL again (you will be crouching after deactivating even without holding CTRL, pressing it again will fix this. I do not have crouching toggled).


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