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Posts posted by Zerrien

  1.  If the pack does get re-released its likes saying that every event in the past should be done over again so everyone can get the badges that are exclusive. there are also many other weapons that were released with special skins that were for a limited time as well like all the vandals. why isnt anyone complaining about those



    It's a concern on many people's minds. And, most people who wants Founder's items don't care about the Forum Badges, or Solar Shoutouts. They want the in-game items, to complete collections / gain mastery points.


    If you're talking about in-game shoulder badges themselves, then, there is a difference again. Every new event comes with a new badge. A player is free to choose their own, and there is an element of... well, it's easily replaceable. Didn't get the very first badge ever? Less likely to care because some later badges might fill that void. However, with Excalibur Prime, Lato/Skana Prime, there are gameplay advantages to owning it (Mastery Points, as well as being better weapons. (Insert "BUT THEY AREN'T THEY GOOOOOOOD" counter-'argument'.),) as well as finishing a tangible collection. You see all your Warframes in the inventory when you open it up. You need to go into menus to find your badges.

  2. When a competition is put into place, people play to win. An Event shouldn't be a recruitment drive, to bolster numbers. It should be based on the skill/drive of the individual clan members.


    This past event had some trouble with the fact the scoring was DIRECTLY based on the CLAN AMOUNT not CLAN SKILL. So, a 1,000 Member Moon Clan could beat a 301 Member Moon Clan, no matter what, easy.


    A 301 Member Moon Clan, even at 100% Efficiency, with ALL members wouldn't be able to beat a 1,000 Member Moon Clan at 31% efficiency. Literally, in this event, quantity won out.


    Exploiting and cheating is bad, yes. And they were punished for it. And then, in the end, it turned into a mass recruitment drive for all clans, simply to pad their scores higher. Where is the skill in that? 1,000 > 301.... 1,000 > 500. 1,000 > 750, there is nothing those smaller clans could do except perform at 100% Efficiency and hope any clan with more members wouldn't participate in equal amounts to them.


    This all could've been prevented with an event that focused more on clan member skill, instead of clan member count.

  3. That will still equate to mostly random, and not give us any choice.


    I don't think choice is needed. In the current iteration of Damage 2.0, it's obvious DE wants some randomness to the system. At least make it more predictable. To force 100% of a specific proc isn't... I don't see it being implemented, like that, ever, given how things currently are.

  4. I have one: It was said it would be never available again, and as soon as account migration comes to exist, there is a way for it to exist on PS4, and a way for founders to be on PS4, so if a founder migrates, and then is slapped in the face with "we lied! it's available again", that is a problem.


    Counter point: Provide a single, solitary, valid reason as to why PS4 players deserve it. We all know you can't, it's just a matter of how much you type while proving it.


    PS4 players didn't get a chance to become a Founder, as it was over before the PS4 version launched.

  5. I heard during one of the dev streams that Warframe was officially out of beta.  I believe it was the one right around November 5th 2013 right after the founder program ended.  Steve said Warframe is out of beta.  Isn't that why Warframe is going against full released game at this very moment on mmobomb F2P showdown?  If the statement was taking back, ok that's fine, but I don't see why founders needs to be taken back too?  The purpose behind a "founders" program is to get a boost in money to launch a game that's in it's early stages, like kick starter.  Did the founder's program successfully do that?  Yes, Warframe, in beta or not, has been successfully founded in order to get a head start and is now fully walking on it's own two feet.


    Just so everyone is clear:




    Warframe is still in beta.

  6. Just add a slot-machine graphic at the end of each mission, so people can see they missed their Rhino Prime part, and know there was nothing they could do about it.


    Slot-machine graphics dull the pain of losing, because it's fun!


    Edit: loooosing

  7. What is there to learn? They made boat loads of money to produce more content. Exclusives are NOT hard to defend. Think of all the Call of Duty exclusives per platform or retailer. Think of all the ones that EA does and other companies "Preorder and get blah blah blah exclusive." It was almost as if we preordered this game.


    I still do not understand why everyone is STILL talking about this, seems to be a every day thing on the forums. The founders supported this game and helped them get DE where they are now. If it were not for them, warframe would be very behind of where we are now. It kills me when a company does something to their benefit and the benefit of their players who want to show support, and they get grilled for it EVERY DAY on their own forum.


    I really wish mods would shut theise threads down.


    People are allowed to discuss whatever they want. If people want Excalibur Prime and all those other exclusives, again, they're free to voice their opinion.


    Anyways, the post in the other thread pretty much guaranteed that such things aren't returning, so I'm tossing my hat into the ring. We'll just need to focus on future exclusives, so we can at least somewhat keep up with the rat race of red-stripe/blue-striped exclusive weaponry.

  8. There are no plans to support additional skins on Prime Weapons at this time. The main reason being that the mesh for the Prime variations is usually modified, so skins that work on the standard guns will not wrap correctly around them. We would need to create a unique alternative skin for them.


    Lore-wise, these weapons are the predecessors of the standard weapons. It does not really make sense that the Ancient Orokins planned on supporting skins for their technology developed by their Tenno ancestors.




    But given Tenno are parasites, wouldn't they spray on some sick Vandal logos and call it a day?

  9. #1 Moon clan for Tethra, Last place for shenanigans from your members and your banned Warlord.


    #1 Moon Clan for Tethra, Cicero, Gradivus, Arid Fear and so many others.


    Our Warlord lives on in our hearts.


    Warbros Number One #1.

  10. This is feedback. While it also needs to be discussed, it's a feature request, so it's feedback.


    And, I agree with the idea. A clan score to display would be great for the smaller clans, just like players get badges.


    However, I'd keep the competitiveness in it, any say only the top 50% scores for all clans (after inactive clans get pruned) get a participation award.

  11. I don't see this as an instant 'no.'


    They give away so much platinum on the streams, why wouldn't they add in an automated thing to get people excited to log on for?


    Honestly, DE is so sleek with their drop tables, it could be in there right now, but none of us has gotten it.

  12. 1) A new clan rank should be added with a maximum of 600 members.  Let's call it TEST for the sake of this post.


    2) A minimum active player total will be applied for each clan rank (4 for Ghost - 40%, 8 for Shadow - 27%, 20 for Storm - 20%, 48 for Mountain - 16%, 84 for TEST - 14%, & 132 for Moon - 13%).  If a Clan fails to meet the minimum requirement it will be averaged against this value.  Note that these values are based on full party sizes and require less activity among larger clans.


    3) If a clan exceeds the minimum requirement, then up to 250% of the minimum requirement will be tallied.  This means that all 10 Ghost members will count if active, up to 20 for Shadow, 50 for Storm, 120 for Mountain, 210 for TEST, and 350 for Moon.


    4) At the end of the event, all Clan's are tallied against other clans of the same rank and a global rating will be assigned according to the average active member performance. The top 3 clans will be rewarded for each clan rank.  Additionally, any clan within 10% average global rating of the #1 clan will also be rewarded, although slightly less than the 3rd place clan.


    5) As for how to weight global ratings across clan ranks, well that will require weighting things like efficiency versus total clan size in order to prevent the lower clans from having the best efficiency and the largest clans from having the most involvement.  This would involve a lot of math and I don't feel like doing it now but you get the idea.


    But, the likelyhood that a 1,000 member clan has.... 350 qualified participants, versus another clan with 601 members to meet 350 is more likely. A clan with 601 members needs over 50% to perform at their max, while a clan with 1,000 only needs 35% to work at their max, making it easier for the 1,000 clan, no matter what, to perform better.

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