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Posts posted by Zerrien

  1. Dude can't you see now, It always will be clantech, gone are the days you can buy bp for credits and rush it for 1/5th of the market price on day one ! Get used to it this kis how it is now.


    You understand the negative connotations of this, right?


    1) Make it clan-exclusive, so each clan needs to deplete their resources in order to get access to it. (A resource sink isn't necessarily a negative, but, wanna double check how much Oxium it takes to research it?)

    2) It creates a larger gap between those who are willing to spend platinum, and those who aren't. If you want to get a Helios of your own, without spending Plat, first you need to put in all the resources, (which, if you haven't farmed, could take a while,) then you need to wait a few days for it to -research-, then, you need to buy a blueprint, then you need to make it on your own. Over a week of waiting, which, if you're pessimistic over the whole thing, is put into place because: DE wants to incentivize people to buy the item for Platinum, and completely skip over the research. And, because it's research, clans will be dumping those resources into it anyways, to research it.

  2. Let's see, I thought of some good ones during the middle of the week...


    Are we going to see alternate version of the Warframes, such as a Banshee Wraith or Vauban Vandal?

    Are Vandal/Wraith weapons going to get unique models, or are they doomed to be custom skins?


    Since the addition of tons more weapons, and mods, are we ever going to see "Pistol/Rifle/Bow" mods combined into "Ranged"?


    Are Kubrow planned to be Sentinel replacements, or are they going to be pets?

    Will we be able to get Feral Kubrow/Militarized Kubrow/Tenno Kubrow?

    Will there be an exotic Orokin-esque Kubrow?

    Will there be an Infested Kubrow?


    The release of Imperator Syandana and new Sentinel accessories are great Platinum sinks. Is this the start of a shift away from 'new content' to 'building on existing' content, within the studio?


    Hubs each having their own design style?


    I would -love- LOVE! To hear more about factions, specifically either/or of the big factions. Is there any possibility that we can replace Lotus with the voice of Grineer Queens, or are they too detached from the front lines that we'd be taking orders from Vor?

  3. Oh god no. Diablo 3 is all I have to say and they shut that down because of the huge fail it was.


    Diablo 3 and Warframe are completely different games. Diablo 3 is STRICTLY item-based progression, with random attributes, etc. Warframe is level based, (you level up a weapon to 30, insert mods, reach optimal build. Sure there are Formas and the Mods themselves, but they aren't randomized, so there isn't a perfect roll 'weapon' worth $300+, but a perfect build that is farmed in under an hour.)


    But, that being said, there are not enough items to justify an Auction House system. I honestly don't believe the prices of every single thing, given a perfect market or auction-setting won't end up at 1plat. Is that 'okay'?

  4. Read the rest of the post next time


    Getting off topic, not gonna continue on this. If you had actually read the page, you'd see examples that follow the exact format of what I said anyways.


    You're underhandedly commenting that people who would like Excalibur Prime belong to 'Team Greed.' It's either abusive, (for randomly insulting a subset of people,) or it's an ad hominem attack, (they don't want anything but items for themselves, so their argument is easily discounted.) You're attacking the speaker, instead of the arguments themselves.


    Earlier you claimed I was making a "straw man," argument over the issue of Pay2Win. Unfortunately, it isn't, as, Pay2Win and Exclusivity have always played an important roles in many Free2Play games.  There are many different elements that come into play, and Pay2Win/Exclusivity is part of it, I'm constantly revising and replying to various specific elements that people bring up.


    If you want to accuse me of something, go ahead and use 'slippery slope,' (a bit late to use it though!) As Excalibur Prime had a benefit, (which was locked behind a Pay Wall,) and now Rhino Prime has a larger benefit (as, Rhino Prime's advantage over Rhino directly fixes a problem with the Rhino Frame itself, speed. Instead of Excalibur Prime's shield recharge rate, which doesn't target Excalibur's problems as much.) But, luckily, I guess, for me, is that, given sufficient evidence that such slopes are being descended, I can argue that someday, DE may just release a Loki Prime access that is locked away behind miniscule RNG %s, but for sale for $$$ while Loki Prime has more Armor and Health, to help with it's survivability.


    Now note, I am willing to rescind my argument that Excalibur Prime may be 'buffed' on par with 'Rhino Prime,' because he already have a buff itself. But, due to the fact he has a gameplay advantage over Excalibur, is it -fair- that he was only obtainable with $$$?

  5. Allow me a moment of pedantry, just because I'm curious. Does anything specifically, categorically state which items (Minimum two, obviously) fall under the domain of "exclusive items that will never be available again"?


    We all know it refers to everything in the package. I'm just playing Devil's Advocate here.


    That's a cruel argument. The Founder's Badge and Solar Thank-You are 2 items.


    For all the we know, Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime, and Skana Prime aren't covered under that.

  6. its all too common, people say im playing how I want, I tell them your basically taking the xp and leaving the others with next to nothing, they say I don't care, I let them play to end and abort before xtract if im hosting, that way everythings lost, but I do let them know first, ok, you don't have to stay on the console all the time, cover the doors in room, but its just being selfish, pure and simple to go out of range and kill things, I don't do it to take xp away from you, I don't expect you to do it to me, or the other players


    This is why I need a reputation system, so I can kick/blacklist this player so I never have to play with him again.


    The pod didn't die, and he's going to lecture me because I played a way he didn't like?

  7. Where did you hear this? DE most definitely DOES NOT want primes to be "significantly better than their non-prime counterparts." They've mentioned in past livestreams that they're trying to balance making them better with not obsoleting the original frames to avoid power creep.


    This is kind of the reason we want an Excalibur Prime analogue. Rhino Prime is better than Rhino, but we can obtain Rhino Prime. (Even if the legitimacy of the actual RNG can be brought into question.) You buff Excalibur Prime... Well, that's Pay2Win, pay $$$, get a better item no one else can get, without $$$.

  8. Only problem I have with this idea is lore-friendliness. As long as these relay hubs stay true to the Tenno way, I would love to see it implemented.

    Just as suggested already, some activities and information-exchange at this relay hub would be nice too, say studying Codex information, showing off mod builds, a firing range, an Auction House (Possibly? If the community can handle it, and it doesn't turn into a complete fuckfest), an Alert Mission Control Screen where squads of players can decide on whether they want to dive into an alert directly from the relay hub.

    If implemented right, this will bring the game far. +1


    I see it as depending on who runs the hubs.


    Mercury could have a 'refuge' town look, as people come from across the system in an attempt to gain some protection from the various factions.


    Venus may be a Tenno run gateway, a few humans passing through, but mostly a militarized 'base'.


    Earth is the big 'human' hub. Lots of AI doing lots of things. Selling things, anti-Grineer propaganda, etc.


    Jupiter could be a Corpus-run hub (whaaat?) For profit, of course.


    Europa would be a Grineer staging area/defense outpost against Corpus near Jupiter.


    Mars is another human outpost, where Grineer and Corpus are seen doing business with each other, talking casually.


    Phobos would be loaded with Arid Grineer, occasionally a squad would patrol around the station, culminating in a flag bearer presentation for the Arid faction of Grineer.


    Saturn could be an industrial base, humans mostly forging armaments for war, (selling them to the Grineer.)


    Sedna would be a base under siege, constant communication interruptions by Kela (which are avoidable, should you go deeper into the hub,) but there will always been the constant barrage of torpedos against the shields.


    Uranus is a Tenno base, lots of traditional items (ying/yang) as well as lots of research. Technology / traditional mixture.


    Eris would be a large Corpus hub. A big commerce center for the


    Neptune is... hotel-based hub.


    Ceres is... ????


    Pluto is Badlands themed.


    (I ran out of juice near the end.)


    Have fun, DE art team, making 14 unique hubs!

  9. God help this game if it turns into TF2.


    Like, uh, that's not a bad thing. Nor does Warframe have a lot of the innate elements that TF2 has.


    On topic though? Nah. Items aren't unique enough to justify trading them. Prime Parts barely fit the bill, and, as THRISTY_PICKLE said, there was a bit of a stink.

  10. Warframe's ... Item system isn't conducive to an auction/market system.


    Trading needs to be improved, first. Why the hell do we need to go into a dojo to trade? Make it happen in the starmap, seriously.


    Also, I'd rather see the Steam Market used, before there is an auction/market system implemented.

  11. This would be a good idea even if it were just used to help tidy up the list of available weapons and frames. Lots of things could be combined with their counterparts--Primes, Vandals and Wraiths as skins for their normal variants, and even AK/Dual weapons as alternate options for their singular versions.


    If that happened, then as far as I can tell only three things would need to be made available to players once again in order to completely equalise the amount of available Mastery between all players--the Machete, the Snipetron and the Ether Daggers.


    This plays into another suggestion of mine. Make Prime versions... just skins, or 'archetypes.' Remove Mastery Points from re-leveling the exact same frame with pre-installed mastery slots. If Burston Prime shot fully automatic projectiles, instead of 3-round burst hitscan? Sure, relevel mastery. But they're essentially the same weapon/warframe.

  12. 1. There are some prime frames with buffs over their original counterparts


    This is true, currently. Rhino Prime has a tangible, visible difference over Rhino.


    2. All prime frames must be consistent


    This is a fundamental gameplay element. This is something that echos in various other disciplines, including game design. If one thing is one way, similar things must react the same way. If a Prime frame is better than another frame, then, I, as a player, expect all other Primes to be better, in some way.


    (And the inverse, if a Prime is strictly cosmetic, then, I expect them all to be cosmetic. However, this isn't the case, currently, as all Primes give Mastery, which has several gameplay elements as well as a major upcoming one, where Mastery directly plays into a player's power through Focus. A player who has played since the start, been given all the exclusives, and bought all the exclusives as they came out, has a clear advantage over others. Even if, it isn't noticeable right now.)


    3. It would be wrong to make a superior frame exclusive


    If said exclusive frame is locked behind an exclusive, paywall. That's called 'pay to win' or, giving advantages to players who are willing to pay, over those who are unwilling to pay. (This is a bad thing in the eyes of the consumers.) This is also the reason Excalibur cannot be buffed.


    4. We cannot make the exclusive content free to all


    Uh, what? Not sure what you mean here. I'm not really arguing this.


    5. We should make a duplicate of the exclusive content


    In the other person's proposal, (and mine, earlier,) is that to upgrade Excalibur Prime, there must be something out there that we can obtain that fills Excalibur Prime's role. The point is NOT to release Excalibur/Lato/Skana Prime with the exact same graphics. Replace all the gold with black, make an entirely new model, something. But, those who supported can keep their Excalibur Prime, while players who arrived later can have the benefits of an Excalibur Prime, under a different name. This fixes the design issue, and since it's fundamentally the same as Excalibur Prime, Mastery Points are equivalent, (as in, the highest level of Excalibur Prime or Excalibur Beta is taken into account for Mastery calculation.)


    To be 'mad' or 'angry' that people get a gameplay copy of your content is... Not a sane attitude. You retain the Prime skin, you keep the badges, etc. But, to expect a gameplay bonus over those who don't and CANNOT obtain your toys. If you went into supporting DE for the purposes of exclusive OP items, then you bought Founder's Pack for the wrong reason.


    Quick edit, hopefully before anyone's read: I would ASSUME this is all going to come, in time, anyways. Right? A balance pass needs to be done, so, I assume that there is going to be a balance pass over whether or not Prime are superior or not. (Of course, this could simply be a morbid fantasy, and DE thinks it's okay to have Regular Mag Prime and Buff Rhino Prime.)

  13. Yes, and if you create a new excalibur prime to intentionally sidestep DE's promise, you now have two excal primes that are worth mastery points - one of them still can't be obtained. This puts us right back at square one with people complaining that they can't get the pittance of mastery points. The only response is to make it so that you can only get mastery from either prime one time, but we could easily solve that problem by just dropping the excal prime mastery points in the first place and not making another frame.


    And this is assuming that it's even ok to intentionally twist DE's words to make another set of founder items while still claiming they're exclusive.


    Excalibur, Lato and Skana Prime are gameplay elements. They have a place in Lore (Excalibur Prime being the very first Warframe, ever, yes?) as well as a place in the game itself. Rhino Prime is currently a blatant upgrade over Rhino. The Developers have back themselves into a corner over this matter, as, if they wanted to make all Primes alternate/upgrades over their successors, then Excalibur will always be left out.


    This is a BAD thing in game design, all things should have a specific theme/motif/method in determining their abilities. If they went back and improved Mag Prime, Frost Prime, Ember Prime, they'd need to stop short of Excalibur Prime simply because it's hyper-exclusive, and completely limited. This is a BAD thing. This exact same principle applies with the weapons, given that Boltor Prime is CURRENTLY one of the top weapons out there.


    tl;dr? All exclusives that are connected to gameplay in someway are -bad-.


    However, in this case, of an Excalibur Beta or 2.0, or whatever. The Mastery Points can be shared between Excalibur Prime and Beta, so it takes the highest rank of either, and adds it to your Mastery Total. Or, make it so Founders don't get 2.0, as they already have Prime.

  14. Hey, you're right! And people won't really care since it's only a cosmetic variant of excali-





    But... Excalibur Prime isn't a cosmetic variant... It's worth Mastery Points, and since Rhino Prime is an upgrade over Rhino, then there are design elements of whether or not Excalibur Prime can be upgraded.


    Also, replacing an exclusive cosmetic, with another cosmetic isn't a problem to me. It's just that we're hardly through... 4? 5? Warframe Primes, out of... 18? So, we need to wait for ~14ish more Primes before we have the chance to see if Excalibur get's a new alternate skin? Of course this is assuming they won't mix it up, but given what we've gotten thus far...

  15. How do you know whether a feature is going to be "very rarely used"? Do you have a database export file (of player interface interaction) to support this claim?


    It seems like a stop gap, or out of place. I might've jumped the gun when I said it, I still support the OP's idea.


    Thinking about it, if I could sort by Warframe, it'd be a great way check what kind of abilities Warframes have, without owning the specific Warframe, yet.

  16. Create and release alternate Prime versions of Excalibur, Lato, and Skana into the Void. Problem solved. Call them Excalibur/Lato/Skana Prime β or something. Founders still retain exclusivity of their Excalibur, Lato, and Skana Primes, everyone else gets access to a Prime'd version of the aforementioned, although with different art and whatnot.

    Or maybe instead of Lato and Skana Prime alternates, have Aklato and Dual Skana Primes (maybe with different art to further differentiate them from the Founders items) with an alternate Excalibur Prime. Or Lex Prime and Cronus Prime


    Posting my support for this idea. I might've said it in a few more words in the past, but this is an acceptable fix to me.


    Introduce something that acts exactly the same as Excalibur Prime, so players can earn Excalibur 'β', and then Excalibur Prime can be buffed, and people still have access to these buffs.


    Just another reskin for Excalibur is all it will be.

  17. i meant IN THE STORY, as you said there is a mind behind all the cannon fodder but the cannon fodder is just that... i doubt any grineer or corpus with a mind of his own would actually run into a tenno knowing how we can kill them as insects... i think that the ones that we kill are so lost in the collective way of thinking that they have already lost any sign of subjective thinking, and any "master-mind" behind all that it's not a life worth saving imo...


    Do we know how a real Grineer Trooper stands up against a real Tenno in a Warframe? Are the videos anything to go off of? I don't like assume (outside of Gameplay,) Tenno are some end-all bad &#! entity that easily kills anything they come across.


    Obviously some things go wrong for Alad V to capture so many Warframes.

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