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Posts posted by Zerrien

  1. It is easier for DE to just remove stats, than to balance them. And that is the biggest issue here. They dont wanna listen about "Essence helmet is ugly, but has great stats" or "Vanguard is to OP, nerf it" stuff, so they are taking easier way.


    But, the stats still exist. IF Vanguard is OP, why the hell is it for sale for money? (Oh, no pay to win, right? Yes, of course.) So, they warn everyone the benefits of being in a beta is getting access to these exclusive items, just to boost sales, even more?


    DE needs to remove ALL stats. A person should not have bought a helmet, unless they liked the way it looked. An item shouldn't have been for sale, if it was overpowered, in the first place.

  2. I have my Vanguard helmet, I play Rhino Prime a lot, with that helmet, but I can't help but feel that the Vanguard helm was a bad decision in the first place.


    If it were me I'd scrap all the stats. It would &!$$ people off (me included) but I think it would be better for the game. I think that letting people keep the stat'd helmets will cause more drama in the long run. I'd recall all the helmets and refund the plat if you paid plat Then re-issue the statless helmets, to those who didn't pay plat. Then I'd reduce the plat price of the helmets.


    But hey, their call


    I'd recall all stat helmets, and replace them with the statless versions. Keep the prices the same, remove them from alerts, make them tradable.


    No reason to refund anyone, as, there is no reason a player should be purchasing a helmet for Stat Bonuses, unless Pay 2 Win exists.

  3. The biggest point, and probably the reason the Helmets are being switched, is that people don't want to be forced to wear a specific cosmetic, to receive a specific bonus.


    Some people like a certain helmet, some don't. Why should they have to wear something they don't like, to get a bonus?

  4. How about you just don't play with the helmets and stop trying to ruin it for others who want them?  Ever considered that option?


    Balance == bullS#&$.


    Seriously? We're about to get an indirect PvP mode, and you want to give Veterans even more of an advantage over new players?


    When a new player asks why their clan can't compete in Badlands, and everyone says, "oh, you don't have stat helmets? lol."

  5. credit takes? I see nothing wrong with that. it's not like they're locking it behind a paywall or a humongous grind.


    A 1000 plat tax to the clan bank per player seems reasonable.


    I fully expect taxes to be in the form of an exclusive resource, for Badlands only. (See, a different type of Oxium,) as well as a global tax rate, on everything.


    So, first clan, best clan to get their tower up, can charge 100% tax, so players can play the content, but get nothing in return.

  6. Lol ok, I can safely sweep anything you have typed under the rug with that I can keep up with other players with Thrakk tripe. Here is a hint. Warframe does not require skill, gain validation elsewhere.


    And yes, Both poisongirl and Frosts speed is at a unfun level. Its bad design, And I would hardly qualify those two frames of being 



    We're talking about the fact that soon, there's going to be a set of exclusive helmets for players who already own them, with stats, that newer players WILL NOT have access to.


    There are much more unfun things out there that need to be covered before the speed of Saryn.

  7. Fact is DE has to pick their poison as to which whine they'd rather deal with, and that's on them, they certainly can't please everyone.


    Exactly, they're going to appeal the spenders. The ones who will be upset they bought Helmets for the Stats, and no longer have access to those stats. They bought it simply to have an advantage over other people, and when that is taken away from them, they no longer have their paid advantage. (Of course, most helmets are available through the alert system, but, have fun waiting for that specific helmet you want for your build.)


    Speed in this game can and does equate to defense at its highest settings (loki, bacon prime.) but to say Frost or Poisongirl players should wallow in a unfun mechanic that doesnt even impact game balance in a significant fashion is, well, bad.


    You are a bad man.


    So, powerful frames shouldn't have any negatives? While poor Poisongirl (Saryn, btw,) isn't much of a powerhouse currently, she was designed a current way, wasn't she? And I have no problem keeping up with anyone using the Thrak helmet on Rhino. Speed is relative, dependent on a player's skill.

  8. This is the best move they can make, to please the whiners and keep the vets happy. I hope they increase Frost movement speed to compensate and make the regualar Rhino a 1.0 base speed. Ember and Poisongirl (forgetting her name, sadly.) are a it slow as well.


    Yes, the proper fix is to buff everything, and make a new baseline.


    Now you're thinking like a DE developer! :^), be sure to warn everyone that anyone with an old Rhino or Poisongirl, that if they don't own it when the upgrade happens, they'll get an account-locked exclusive bundle that provides +2 speed to all characters.

  9. Well I think it's because they want stat boosts limited to mods. Moving the source of the stat boost wouldn't change the fact it's effect is the same as a corrupted mod. Now alternatively they could have added corrupted mods that have the same effect as the helms. That would also give them a chance to balance them better. Bacon Mod!


    Prime/Vandal/Wraith guns effect gameplay, too.

  10. *Facepalms so hard* Good lord man...... GOOD LORD... FULL RENDERED AS A VIDEO GAME CHARACTER... I want his FULL BODY... (also the animated avatars are always slightly above par.)

    "Not a Drawing" "As a videogame character"


    I know, I know, but, look at Darvo. He's pretty close to his little avatar.

  11. Badlands will have better drops, high level enemies and in order to play there, you pay a clan tax to whichever clan controls the tower. Meaning the bigger the clan, the less smaller clans will be able to get taxes for. basically creating a class system within warframe. The small ghost clans with casual players will be the next poor class while Moon clans will be the bill gates of the badlands towers. The effect on unclanned members just seems to be which clan you spend money on. I personally will support any smaller clans battling for control just out of principle.  Smaller clans will be able to form alliances to give them a better chance against Moon clans.


    I missed this part of the stream. How do we know Shadow clans don't have their own 'badlands' tier?

  12. Oh, i didn't know how workshop works because i'm not a steam user. Sorry about that, i just don't like the idea of having the need to go through steam to Get the stuff. If it's just people coming up with it and voting it to be in game, it's totally fine.


    Steam Workshop is one part, while Steam Market is another.


    Players create and submit items into the Workshop, for the community to vote on. After a while, the developer of the game that the workshop is for, (in this case, DE for Warframe,) picks a few that they like, that they feel 'fit' with the design of the game, and implement them, giving the creators a cut of all profits.


    Normally, it also takes part in this, the Steam Market:


    A place where people can sell their in-game items for Steam Wallet money, (similar to Platinum, as in, you buy it, and it's locked to your account, with no way to convert it back to real $$$,) and buy items, too. So, for example, you, as a user would be able to sell a Baset Valkyr helmet on the Steam Market, and someone will buy it. You'd be given 85% of the money (Steam takes 10%, the Game itself receives 5%,) and the player gets the helmet.


    Here is an example: http://steamcommunity.com/market/search?q=appid%3A730+M4A4


    You can go and buy any of those right now, for Steam Wallet $$$. Or, sell your items for Steam Wallet $$$ which can be used to buy more Platinum (if you so choose, as Warframe has built-in Steam Wallet functionality,) or buy a whole new game, or save it up.

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