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Posts posted by beol

  1. That...that made me rofl. I had to post because I was reading this and almost fell out of my chair. "This ability is doing what it's supposed to do, so now I hate it." lmfao.


    This is a rather common sentiment in gaming. Hence the popularity of the phrase "broken as designed"

  2. That is not the punishment you want, DE. You want players to get burnt out even more then ever? Especially with that new gun needing 4 neurodes, you'd make it twice as hard? Players will simply say "Screw That" and play another game. I've done it before...


    This, as they say.


    If nothing else, the punishment, assuming failure is a reasonable possibility (which, to be fair, I doubt. I expect we'll clear it easily, and further expect they'd fudge it if we don't), is foolish from a business perspective. It is precisely the sort of thing that would drive customers away.

  3. I like how most everyone thinks DE is sitting around saying "how are we going to **** up the operation?" and then another person says "LETS MAKE THEM ALL CRASH"


    .. what makes you imagine anyone at all thinks this?


    Also, of course they are aware of it, SOP for any live software deployment is to monitor its behavior for awhile after deploying to production. It's just, like, one step more common knowledge than "never deploy to production on a Friday evening"


    .. oh, wait ..

  4. Except that you are wrong.


    The Fusion MOA event was only held in the Europa sector. I wasn't high enough level or could get through locked planets at the time to participate.


    The Grineer Spy Drone event was only on maps with level 15 or above enemies.



    The point is that there was one bar, and it was consistent. The difficulty of Europa did not change over the weekend (arguably, slightly when they increased fusion MOA frequency, although this also made satisfying the condition easier)


    The difficulty of this event varies substantially over time. If you only play while a ship is in the vicinity of Pluto, the bar is enormously higher than if you play while a ship is in the vicinity of Venus. Never mind people who only play while no ships are active .. although, hopefully, that will not be the case most of the weekend.


    Also, Europa used to be 15-25. There are only a few planets a ship can be in that do not make this event substantially harder than either of previous ones.

  5. I have a small concern.


    In the fusion MOA event, if one logged in at any point during the weekend and could kill a fusion MOA, one was rewarded.

    In the Grineer hot air balloon event, if one logged in at any point during the weekend and could pop 20 balloons, one was rewarded.


    What happens for the lowbie who only logs on this weekend when the active ships are in the outer planets? Unlike the previous events, this one has a variable minimum difficulty. 


    That said, I've done one Fomorian run so far, and this is looking to be much more exciting then the hot air balloon incident.

  6. Alot of people have been saying that I shouldn't be buying warframes or weapons with Platinum, but JUST slots/colours/customization items.


    Of course, you don't have to listen to such people. On the other hand, if you're only going to use your favorite frame and set of weapons, it would be pointless to buy anything else anyway.

  7. Half the problem is the rarity of focus. I've capped two double-V frames and still never seen one. I've gotten a few continuities. If everyone actually had the mods, at least we wouldn't be penalized. 


    If I had a focus, I'ld be ok with Ash's polarities .. although with his speed, I think he'd be better off with one V, and one other polarity, so you could go either damage or long stealth (and both if you liked, its not hard to find something you want in the other two polarities), without being strong-armed into both.


    ExPrime .. well .. I've always regarded it as a penalty for the gold trim :P


    Nova sounds like a mistake. Don't know Banshee well enough to comment.

    Ember and Mag can have a similar problem, you can be stuck with no - you would actually want to equip but rush for awhile.


    I like the new rifle amp enough that I'm not bothered much by V aura slots.

  8. Lightsaber-chucks



    Circular Saws




    Biological kusarigama consisting of a scorpion tail with a scorpion claw mounted on the end for the flexible part, and a hooked scorpion stinger for the kama part.

  9. I don't understand how people can find loki boring. I can see how people would dislike him, but "boring"?

    I wonder if people are misusing "boring" as "generic word with negative connotations that I can slap on anything I dislike"


    In other news ..

    .. just made all trinity parts, will start the frame soon. Didn't really want to, but the RNG has not been kind with frames I would have preferred, and I had all the BPs lying around, and her funny halo too .. so .. . Her popularity in this poll worries me.

    Plus, lobster tail.

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