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Posts posted by beol

  1. There's nothing inherently wrong with the pump action reload mechanic. It would even make perfect sense applied to a high damage per shot weapon as a balancing factor.


    Instead they gave other shotguns an enormous damage boost and kept the magazine reload mechanic, and the struns a tiny damage boost and saddled them with the pump action reload. That's backwards.

  2. "Required mods"

    As people have been saying, if you balance the mods, you have to balance the weapons, and if you balance the weapons, you have to balance the enemies .. and to balance the enemies, you have to balance the scaling.

    So start by doing what damage 2.0 should have done, and remove exponential armor scaling.


    Exilis slot

    It's fine other than that it's tied to Cephalon Tedium faction. The only thing in warframe less fun than farming scanning faction is camping trade chat.



    Give Atlas head.


    Faster endless scaling

    Survival seems ok now. Faster scaling sounds  promising.

  3. At this point, I would go with


    1. This:

    Prisma Twin Grakata.


    dakka dakka.


    2. Prisma Hek

    No reason to get a clue now, might as well just keep making more.


    What, the hek, I was only going to do 2, but

    3. Prisma Simulol

    The 10 guys who liked the first two will be really happy.

  4. Destiny appears to be a console-only FPS.


    I watched some video to see if it had any kind of parkour system, but it didn't seem to.


    So, I'm not clear what the starting point for this comparison is. Is it because you shoot things on other planets and grind for upgrades in both games? There really doesn't appear to be much similarity in the gameplay.


    This seems kind of like asking if Tomb Raider is a better version of Battletoads.

  5. I like to think someday the Flux Rifle will be good again.


    Also, power creep has gone so far (so very far ..) that they could rollback the gorgon accuracy nerfs and none of the variants would even be good. So they should. Supra could get the same treatment and still not quite be top tier .. good, though.


    Also, every burst fire weapon.

  6. I realized recently that I dislike everything about warframe except the gameplay, art and level design.


    So .. I wouldn't recommend anyone buy in for a lot or make this their primary game at the moment, but I still recommend it to everyone who hasn't tried it yet, because however silly the grind, power creep, release-to-nerf cycle, and economy become, it's still a lot of fun to play.

  7. I am writing this after watching the last devstream, in which one of the devs said something about players being just lazy, that just casual players pick carrier and that veteran players will see the power of other companions. So i wondered, is that the reason? Are we Lazy? And i started to pay more attention at the uses i personally give to Vacuum.

    And the answer is: No, its not lazyness, its necessity.


    I think it's more that we don't really need any companion for their combat ability, and carrier is the only one that's any good at a quality-of-life feature at all. So why not use it?


    Helios should be good at QOL, but he's always been pretty bad at scanning things, and regular scanning has been superseded by synthesis scanning, which he doesn't do at all .. so now he's bad and obsolete.

    The fetching dog is worse at what he does than carrier .. so .. yay.

    The closest thing carrier has to a competitor is the dog that digs stuff up. That's sort of interesting.


    It's nice to hear that the people at DE have a healthy contempt for their customers, though.

  8. Yes ..


    It's kind of comical that the initially announced three are statistically clear upgrades and generated plenty of excitement, and the new three are both disappointing from a variety standpoint and a statistical standpoint (aside from the simulor .. I assume anyone who liked the original will be happy with the upgrades)


    Bad choices AND badly done? Was there an office bet to see how half-arsed they could make it at the last minute?

    Because .. that would be kind of awesome.

    I'm not even kidding.

  9. More weapons built out of weapons I've already sold.

    Exponential armor scaling.

    Cephalon Simaris

    Using augments to fix underpowered frame powers (and by extension, the frames themselves)

    Using power creep as content.


     .. oh, wait ..


    A raid that requires having maxed archwings.

    Nullifier Rollers.


    Tonkor Prime, Vaykor Tonkor, Telos AkTonkor or Synoid Tonkor.


    Keywalls behind keywalls.

    Answering pleas to have Baro stop moving by making the Orcus Relay move randomly between systems.

    Perrin Sequence death squad upgraded to Eximus Nullifiers.

    Cephalon Simaris death squad for players who don't scan enough.

    Equinox Prime with both halves having a part only found in T3/4 forma rotations .. er, I mean C rotations.

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