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Posts posted by AnonCat

  1. Hey, my brother and I run an independent game studio. He's a programmer and I'm a writer. We both work on art to the best of our abilities. We're currently making headway on networked multiplayer. Would you be interested in working together?


    I understand all intellectual property is DE's and this is a fan-made project.


    Edit: PM me later if you want.

  2. Interesting ideas. Warframe needs anything it can get to smooth the beginner's game.


    This discussion (almost identical to this: "Imagine an Aura with no polarity so it would be compatible with all beginner frames, designed specially for beginners to give them mod capacity and an essential trait that they need.") has occurred internally as well - the Aura system lacks explanation from the get-go and we should improve this.


    Bless you Lotus.

  3. Jesus Christ. Why can't the Tutorial be something as simple as an over explained version of each mission type.


    Just make Lotus lay out the mission plan for each mercury node. In greater detail than normal.

  4. Please tell me you guys aren't that new. De have already anounced that the stat giving helmets were just experiments and will not be continued necros alt is the firts in line for the cosmetic helmets. I am sorry if I apear rude but go watch the livestream just after u10 I believe and som answers will be recieved

    And we're asking if we can have statless versions of these "experiments". I watch the livestreams, this changes nothing.

  5. If we are to be completely frank, it's an Ult fest already.


    Anything that encourages the other abilities would make me more interested. Long combo lists or not.

    Like a previous poster said, using the first ability combos instead ult encourages you to diversify your power usage. Would encourage new players to try right away.

  6. I'd prefer if it was the #1 skill that synergied with others. I think the ultimates are strong enough on their own but the #1 is fairly weak for a lot of frames. Combining it with others would mean that it takes some effort and teamwork but you get a nice payoff for an otherwise meh skill.


    Like the overall concept though

    You've got a good point mate, dat powercreep.

  7. To be honest, I don't like it. I'd love nothing else for each warframe to have some synergy between their own abilities(iron skin increase rhino charge damage, for instance), but I don't think this is a good idea. It might make people want only this and that warframe together (though that already happens, but in another way), or people will get annoyed when their ability does something they didn't intend to because someone else fired off their ability at the same time.

     If you make the combos a positive increase in killing things, why complain about unexplained facemelting?

  8. I would like to see elemental warframes working like this. 


    Frost icewaves a group, and then Ember fireballs the slowed in order to create a Blast damage explosion.




    However, i think that the non-elemental abilties would need a synergy that isn't...too broken. 


    Such as a small damage bonus for friendlies who are wormholed/STeleported

    It would be cool to have non-ult abilities interact. But don't you think that's asking a bit much? If we stick to ultimates only, it's easy to synergize. Otherwise we would be forced to memorize long lists of combos.

  9. I'm not sure I agree with all of the interacts you propose here, but I like the core concept. I've been thinking a number of abilities, ults and not, should interact in some level with other frames' abilities. A mechanic like that would fit in perfectly with the cooperative nature of this. 

     Please ignore the examples if you don't like them, just pulled them from my &#!. It's core concept I'm proposing.

  10. Someone made a similar post: separate skins into "systems" (stats), "helmet" (comsetic) and "chassis" (cosmetic skin for the body, currently none exist but why not?)

     This is gold. Honestly, if someone can't find it, I will create a thread for this.

  11. In Armour System 2.0, various elemental mods will interact to create new elements. Ice with fire causes explosion. Ice with electricity might cause stun. Why not extend this further?


    Frost's Avalanche cast within range of Ember's World on Fire will create a massive explosion instead! Or Avalanche cast in range of volt, volt stuns everything for within its duration and range.


    Having ultimate abilities interact creates a teamwork dynamic and adds a layer of team based skill.

    -Ash's Bladestorm, under Trinity's blessing will create clones to bladestorm all enemies at once in ability range.

    -Allow Nova's ultimate to prime Nekros' shadow clones for explosion.

    -Saryn's Miasma, its corrosive time being extended and power increased by Rhino Stomp.

    -Nix's Chaos with Excaliber's Radial Javelin, all enemies impale themselves.


    Not every ultimate needs to interact with every other ultimate. Keep it to one good pairing per two abilities. As more frames are added, start crossing multiple abilities together. If armour gets an in depth reaction system, abilities need to keep up in engagement and customization.


    Edit: Those of you who have played FF: Crystal Chronicles will have an idea of something similar.

    Editt: Several posters have pointed out the game is an ult fest already. Perhaps pairing a single non ult move would be better

  12. I agree that mastery should grant a spendable resource, with a plat option to respect that currency.


    I love that idea.


    EDIT - the resource should NOT affect direct combat stats in any way.


    Build time, drop rates, 'swag', sure.


    Your Harmony system coupled with the Influence system I described would make beautifully efficient meta! Influence while leveling weapons, Harmony while playing with your maxed leveled toys. GAH! Wonderful. Oh yes, and utility mods for weapon specs.


    Edit: Yes, agree no resources affect direct stats. Keep that an exclusive mod functionality.

  13. I disagree with this. Some (most in 3 influence section) are blatant upgrades. So anyone who doesn't have them might feel as if they're at a disadvantage (a notion I disagree with seeing as this is a PvE game).


    I agree with you there, I had been working on mechanics for a game that utilized character upgrades in this way. It works many places, but now that I look back it doesn't suit Warframe. I'll just edit them out. As for the mod slot additions, my defence is that DE has stated they are adding this functionality in the future.


    Other than those, what did you think of it? Honestly, looking back over my post, it would be much better to simply change mastery to a spendable resource and add the same functionality as Influence.

  14. The system I'm proposing utilizes the mod system, it's not a separate means of "stacking on top of the mod system". Yours however, stacks arbitrary weapon bonuses on top of the mod system. I strongly disagree that weapons should gain any non mod bonuses.


    Functionally, you are proposing attaching rewards to mastery,and making forma grant it. Not a bad idea, however. I am more interested in systems that work completely separately from mastery, and complement it instead of attempting to 'replace' or 'fix' it.


    Here is another example of a system that works with mastery and has a similar reward structure to yours. Harmony - Skill-Based Rewards For High Level Frames


    Ah, I see I see. Sorry if my post and critic was muddled. I was sleep deprived and grumpy. Your Harmony system is a nice mechanic to keep Tenno from wasting affinity on max level gear. I still can't shake the feeling that weapon specs would make the meta game feel crowded.


    Edit: Ah I see. Exclusive mods available from forma'ing. I misinterpreted the form that these bonuses would come in.

  15. I like what you're doing here. However, simply stacking on top of the mod system makes the game feel bloated with weapon mechanics. I propose branching the rewards out into the meta game, something that is in dire need of expansion.


    Every time an item reaches level 30, whether it has been forma'ed or not, the player earns 1 influence. Influence increases functionality of the player in the meta game. Here are some examples I pulled from my &#! of bonuses you could claim with influence and the varying costs.


    1 influence:

    -Increase your daily trade cap by 1

    -Increase maximum daily revives by 1 (once per warframe)


    2 influence:

    -Increase credit yields by 1%

    -Increase affinity yields by 1%

    -Increase material yields by 1%


    3 Influence:

    -Decrease foundry build time by 2% (up to 50%)

    -Insert OP's weapon utility here


    5 Influence:

    -Add an additional mod slot to an Arsenal item. (Up to 2 per item)

    -20% off plat purchase coupon

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