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Posts posted by AnonCat

  1. With that said, if AnonCat and others (including myself) contribute more time to the project, and we see relatively consistent updates, TLS could still be made successfully to some degree. But if you're asking me based on past events, no.


    What we can achieve is based on what we do moving forward, but what we expect is based on what has been done in the past.

    ~ Quote from me, in this post.


    Good luck to all involved.


    Well said mate, if actual dev time is put towards LS it will succeed. If nothing is invested moving onwards, nothing will come to fruition.

  2. i just read this as someone in my sprite thread notified me about this little project, and i was wondering if you needed any sprite models..?

    I would like nothing more than your help ropefish, all community aid is invaluable! If you truly would like to do some sprites, shoot me a pm!


    Much love, AnonCat =3

  3. I will be pick up the dev work in due time. Currently doing a lot of studio-side and personal work that should be cleared by the end of the year. Using the Unity engine, Lost Sector should only take about a month to complete, polish, and end up in your hands.


    It's just a matter of clearing my own schedule. I'll create a shiny, new LS thread when we begin work, so keep an eye out for it around December.


    Good hunting Tenno. AnonCat out. =3

  4. Kind of cool factoid on arsTechnica. Warframe is the 18th most played and owned game on Steam in it's brief history. Above this are legendary and old titles like the Half-Life series, Portal, DOTA, Elder Scrolls, and so on. Considering that Warframe is in Beta and a newcomer, this is quite impressive.

    Edit: Oh yeah, here's a link to the article discussing Steam metrics. Remember this is how Warframe compares to other games since the launch of Steam. For example, WF doesn't have a lot total hours played because it literally has not existed long enough to compare to titles that have been around for many many years.


  5. Fun, huh? :P


    I can only assume that things will take a big tweak in sources of mastery, how much whatever source giving however more amount in mastery, mastery ranks and restictions bring changed/added/subtracted/multiplied/divided... whatever. We get the jist if what I'm trying to say; its either mastery and rank tweaks are SOON, or we are gonna wind up hospitalized from playing this great game, mastering SO... MUCH... STUFF!!!


    Game be just too beautiful and grand, yo!!!



    I love the numbers and mechanics more than the game. =3

  6. I really wish they would slow waaaay down on weapon releases and focus on making the current weapons feel varied and awesome. I see Factions as the most likely future source of mastery.

  7. Currently we have 139 obtainable weapons, 23 warframes (soon 24), 6 sentinels and their weapons, and 239 nodes that award mastery.


    Weapons:       417k 67%

    Warframes:     138k 22%

    Sentinels:         36k 6%

    Sentinel Weps: 18k 3%

    Nodes:             14k 2%


    Total: 623k Mastery


    Roughly 67% of our current mastery comes from weapons alone. With the maximum Mastery lvl 30 requiring 2.2 million mastery points, and assuming they stay in the vicinity of current ratios, we will have just over 500 unique weapons by then.


    Is this too many guns and blades to pick from? Will they release additional sources of mastery?


    Fast fact: We have roughly 6 weapons for each warframe. Two for each equip slot!

  8. It has marginally more dmg per second when calculating the doubled fire rate. It also has substantially higher proc chances. The only drawback is you will burn ammo 50% faster. Remember, the clip size is increased slightly.

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