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Posts posted by AnonCat

  1. What if you're a new player who can't handle those planets? Saying "Just go to higher level areas to have fun" is not always the answer. You shouldn't have to do that, and it's not fair to expect players to change their play-styles just to suit rushers. I honestly think it was a mistake ever giving volt speed or putting rush in the game as it promoted this whole attitude of "Well I only need the part off the boss so i'll run off and kill him solo while leaving these newbies to fend for themselves." It does need to be fixed. Luckily DE does seem to be doing something about it so here's hoping that ends soon.


    They have already begun separating really high level loadouts from low level loadouts.

  2. No. I do not care about exp gains if I am not enjoying myself, and there are many others who share that mind set.


    Yeah, and that's kind of the bottom line isn't it? Fun. But why not go to higher level planets or Void or survival or defence? I mean, the issue you mentioned can be solved. If anything, Armour/DMG 2.0 is coming.

  3. The title is a little flamey, please read thread if you comment. =3 Love you guys.


    Progression throws a wrench in balanced gameplay, and vise versa. A designer chooses one to act as the heart and soul of gameplay; and the choice is made early in pre-production. It cannot change mid to late production, unless the project is overhauled.

    After a designer selects balance or progression as the fabric gameplay, you stretch threads of the opposite. These threads will make the overall experience feel polished and well rounded, satisfying players from both camps. Two polar examples are leagues in e-sports or heroic raids in classic MMOs.

    Balance is the bread and butter of e-sports, you must master carefully crafted mechanics to recieve positive feedback. Adding a progressive league causes players to feel their invested time goes acknowledged, even if they do not excel at handling the mechanics.

    Progression is the staple for most MMOs. Every fundamental aspect of these games are accessible if you dedicate enough time or money. Offering extra skill based challenges sates the "hardcore" audience, rounding out your player base.

    A good game has both elements of balance and progression, but one will be overwhelming dominant. If a designer fights this, they are fighting themselves and their design plan. Progression will have a slender thread of balance holding it together, making it coherent. Balance will contain slender threads of progression, keeping players motivated.


    Warframe is a progression based game. Balancing mechanics, while important, is secondary to ensuring players have fresh goals and achievements they can be proud of.

    My two pence. I just feel bad when I see DE devs stressing and players screaming bloody hell. At least we know everyone cares. Anon out!

  4. Could we please have multiple recipients for personal messages on the forums? I send a lot of mail to a lot of people, copy/paste and double check the list and check it twice to make sure everyone got it.


    It's a small thing, but would make organizing events/projects easier.


    Edit: for typo

  5. YES or NO questions


    Q. Enemies should regularly get new, interesting mob types?


    Q. Will we ever see greedy milk again?


    Q. Did you know a fan-made game called Lost Sector is in development? Give us your blessing!


    Q. Can you please expand the meta-game?


    Much love, unknown kitty.

  6. ive got an idea, why dont you save this project after completing it, and try to make an MMO version of it! example of online 8 bit games: dino run


    Those are big ambitions my friend. We will see. ;P




    Good luck, and if you need a game designer (who needs that?), let me know. Also if you are hurting for animators, I can make a sprite or two. Hit me up via PM if you need something. (Also don't forget VFX. A lot of animators dislike doing VFX, so if you need explosions, hit sparks, fire, etc, I can help.)


    I'll send you a PM mate.


    Shut up and take my money


    How does free sound? This is a passion project, we will not squeeze a penny from it.


    I know it's far from finished but, have thought about including story into this piece of fine art?


    I'm a writer first and foremost. The story is under construction, expect a promo image soon, courtesy of Mirbersc. His wonderful paintings can be found here.

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