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Posts posted by StarGeezerTim

  1. The first time my buddy and I tried the mission this afternoon, he was insta-gibbed.  I was watching his health-bar and it literally went from full to dead in one hit. No downed state at all. At the time were were running Rhino and Frost, which are our go-to defense frames.

    Second time, he ran Gara and I ran Hildryn. He kept his defense shield on the "escortee" and I kept Aegis Storm up to float anyone who came close. The dude kept wanting to run away and attack the manics, but we found if we put up a Mass Vitrify that was just big enough to cover the central area, he couldn't get out and they couldn't get in, yet I could float anyone who came close.

    This worked out well until Round #14. One of the manics got "stuck" in an invulnerable state. Apparently they do a sort of "warp" maneuver, and just before they start the animation to warp they go invulnerable (health bar turns gray.) I tried re-floating and slamming him a number of times to shake him loose, but nothing. We couldn't fire on him, and he refused to move. We were close to aborting the mission, but on a lark my buddy decided to Mass Vitrify one last time and glassed the manic. This apparently was enough to rouse him out of his stuck state, and we killed him and were able to finish the final round.

    Little buggy, but it was otherwise fun.


  2. OK, I think I figured out how/why he bugged. The manics do an animation where they "warp" out, and just prior to the beginning of the animation they go into an invulnerable state. Since I was on Hildryn and floating folks, he must have gotten stuck just as he was starting to warp out. Eventually after futzing with it for about 15-20 minutes, we managed to kill him and continue with the match. My buddy was on Gara and just for kicks he glassed him, and that seems to have snapped him out of his lethargy. All's well that ends well and all that jazz.

    Still, might be worth looking into.

  3. One of the manics during round 13 of 15 decided he as done playing and insisted on just standing there with a grayed-out health bar. We tried talking him into just leaving, but he refused. I chalk it up to bad parenting cloning. 🤔



    • Like 1
  4. So much this!!! I sincerely do not need that "poster" screen after every. single. catch. Once I catch a fish, I want to target and shoot at the next one. That screen popping up (and having to click EXIT to close it) is a tremendous waste of time. It also arguably leaves you vulnerable by taking away your situational awareness. Some of the best fishing spots are located near hostile territory and you may, at a moments notice, have to drop your spear and pick up arms to defend yourself. Fumbling with the mouse looking for the exit button while you're getting your keister shot off is quite unpleasant.

    • Like 2
  5. Just to clarify: if you see an unbroken resource container, shoot it from a distance with a gun (outside the range of Vacuum or Fetch.) You'll see it on the ground next to the broken container. Put your cross-hair over the object and press your waypoint key ("G") by default on PC.) You will see a symbol of the resource you just highlighted along with text next to it, that's how you know it has been successfully marked. This also works on unclaimed mods, and quite possibly the little gold affinity lumps that occasionally drop (haven't personally checked the latter, but I think that's the case.) It does not work on ammo, credits, or endo/energy/health balls.

    I just did a quickie solo 5-round defense and was able to easily get all the items I needed. Sinai/Jupiter is great for this BTW. It's infested, and if you perch up on one of the barrels of the big guns behind and overlooking the cryopod the infested basically ignore you and you can kill them and mark your stuff with impunity. Hop down between waves to pick up your ammo and other items (make sure you mark the stuff before jumping down however.)

  6. Since the latest hot fix last night, I've experienced two instances where forward progression of the mission has been effectively thwarted by a non-opening "green light" door. The only alternative in both cases has been to abort the mission.

    The first was during a void fissure, cannot recall the location/planet or relic level although I believe it to have been an exterminate mission. In this case I was with one other person, and we both could not proceed. 

    The second was during a routine exterminate mission on Jupiter/Carpo, which I was running solo. Refer to image below:


    You'll note by the mini-map in the upper left that it's the intended path, and that the door's condition is green (there was not a lock-down status.) Also note I'm standing close enough to trigger the automatic opening.

    Thanks for your time.

  7. Really enjoying Hildryn a lot, played her exclusively over the weekend and forma'd her several times. I've skimmed over much of this thread and find much to agree with. She could definitely use a quality pass, and since she's new would benefit from one sooner rather than later.

    The short list of things I wouldn't mind seeing addressed ASAP include (but are not limited to):

    • Ensure the Auger mod set works (or at least works properly) for Hildryn. The consensus of folks I've talked with along with my own experience says the benefits are (at best) inconsistent. Same could be said for Taxon's "Molecular Conversion" precept, which either wasn't working/scaling properly or returned such a relatively small benefit as to be virtually indiscernible. 
    • Shield Pillage should work at least somewhat consistently regardless of enemy type. Right now, Hildy is a Corpus hunter, who is weak or useless against other types.
    • The energy drain on Haven seems excessive, particularly in a high-density enemy environment. Reduce drain significantly, or make it a purely beneficial skill for allies.
    • The "arcing" sound effect for Haven is really annoying. Like "gnat in your ear" annoying. That needs to be toned down considerably.
    • Aegis Storm is great in concept, but mobility seems to suffer quite a bit (both laterally and vertically.) Things need to be tightened up by a large margin here.
    • Aegis Storm also should not be limited by the underlying terrain she is flying over. If there's a bottomless gap over which she needs to fly, she should...well...FLY over it. Simple.

    Thanks, DE, for another great frame concept. I'm sure once the wrinkles are worked out, she's going to shine. Lovin' my "thicc bae" bunches! 

  8. 10 hours ago, StratosOmega said:

    Usually there is a preview bug with a lot of energy based items, usually exiting the arsenal and going back into it solves that. Have you already tried that? Otherwise, a screenshot would help a lot!

    It's rather hard to describe...I'm aware that there isn't always a 100% 1-for-1 match on colors, particularly with energy. In this case, it's almost as if it's treating the selection as an alpha mask. For instance, if I choose absolute black from the Smoke palette, it entirely turns it off. If I gradually walk up the gray scale, it reaches a point where it starts displaying artifact colors instead of a contrast, although typically much brighter than the color selected. However, if I take a dark selection with an actual color in it rather than just a gray tone, it attempts to show that color only much, MUCH higher saturation than what is selected.

    So for instance, say I go with a dark purple for the syandana energy color. It comes out a vibrant fuchsia instead. See the screenshot.


    So basically, all subtlety or nuance when trying to select a color is basically gone. You can either run with a non-colored, monochrome syandana, or one that will require welding goggles to behold. Seeming more and more like a bug, but would welcome additional input. Thanks! 

  9. Although I already owned both Ember Prime and Frost Prime, I went ahead and bought the unvaulted pack mostly for the weapons and the syandanas. I've liked the look of the Miso Prime syandana in particular and so tried it out first. I noticed an issue with the way it colors: it seems to actually pick up the main energy color from the warframe and not from the syandana. The syandana's energy will try to "complement" or layer itself as best it can, but it overwhelmingly prefers the energy color from the warframe. 

    Is this a bug or WAI? Just wanted to know before I submitted a report for potentially no reason. Thanks.👍

  10. Yeah it was running fine up until Monday night, and the only reason I noticed is because my friend said over chat "Oh, I got <such-and-such> for today's daily." I went to check mine and nothing. Even logged out and back, and still nothing. Same with last night. So I don't know if I'm getting them and it's just not notifying me, or if I'm just not getting anything. Hoping the devs at least look into it, seems from doing some poking around Google this was a recurring problem going back to around last October or so, and occasionally resurfaces. 

  11. Sorry for the minor necro, just started playing again after about a 1.5 year hiatus. Haven't gotten the daily login reward on the PC for two straight days, although if I log into my XBox account, I'm still getting those. My buddy started playing same day as I did, and he gets his dailies. Not sure I can see a common theme between us, but wanted to report it in case there was a bug that resurfaced with the last PC update. 

  12. Be aware there were some issues with this test a couple months ago.  Not sure if they fixed it or not, but I tried for a solid 2 weeks to do this and kept failing because not all the orbs would actually award the bonus time.  I eventually had to contact Support, and after they researched it I was told that there was indeed a genuine issue with the test, and they manually advanced me to the next Mastery rank.

  13. Don't overlook putting duration mods in.  Range certainly helps, but duration is what keeps them blind longer.  Constitution / Continuity / Narrow Minded* for extra duration.  


    *EDIT: As Narrow Minded decreases range, only use if you're able to really crank up the range otherwise with other mods.

  14. Same here.  It was working, briefly, but one of the recent updates "re-broke" it again.  It's very sporadic...just ran a mission, my kubrow did actually scavenge one locker.  The rest of the mission, I could parade her back and forth by red lockers or just park her there for several minutes, and got bupkis. 

  15. Sorry to hear about your PS3. :(  I have both the 3/4, and an XB1 (which I believe I heard may be getting Warframe at some point soon.)


    Shoot me a FR (PSN: StarGeezerTim), I recently migrated my MR12 PC account to the PS4, so now I have plenty of resources to draw upon.  First step may be to flesh out my dojo a bit, and get the research going.

  16. They drop like candy in DS Defense missions.  My buddy and I run Kadesh (Mars) all the time, and it's not unusual to pick up anywhere from 2 to 5 pieces a night.  I routinely sell off multiples of every piece.  If we could trade them, I'd just give you a set...they're not all that tough to come by.

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