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Posts posted by Savire510

  1. 5 minutes ago, (XB1)FadelessTable said:

    guys im having a lot of trouble with the new weapon shedu , about doing the missions and getting the parts along with a friend of mine , our railjacks are a S#&$ and the drop rates of it sucks so , all im asking is if anyone can help us farm it or have the parts to spare and give it to us if you wouldnt mind plz if anyone is interested plz reply me.

    You dont need a railjack to get Shedu parts. They drop on Earth too. Play in ground teams in Scarlet Spear and you will get it.

    • Like 1
  2. Jebus, reading this was painful.

    Vauban needed help 1-2 years ago, when he was a laughing stock of every warframe, now he can lock down an entire map, strip armor in less than 5 seconds, use flashete orb to deal insane dmg and use orbital strike to kill god.

    He is fine.

    • Like 4
  3. 1 hour ago, FadeToNull said:

    Why do Warframe players love to say stuff like this? Item x is "worthless," "garbage," "dogsht," Usually, it's merely not the best.

    Umbra is basically the same as Excalibur, but better in every way. More armor, more energy, infinietly better polarities, improved 2nd skill. When you have BOTH Excal and Umbra there is no real reason to go back to Excal. Why? What for? To be weaker?  Im not saying that Excal himself is worthless, im saying that when you have umbra in your inventory Excal becomes subpar. Like an old Terminator meeting a new version.

    1 hour ago, FadeToNull said:

    Someday, DE may rework Excel and you'll be glad you have him.

    If Excal gets reworked then he takes Excal Prime and Excal Umbra with him which just ends up with the same result. (but i doubt DE will touch Excal anymore, he is in a perfect place)

  4. 3 minutes ago, kermerk said:

    I have Excalibur and I've maxed him out, and I'm about to get Umbra, but I have no open slots, because I don't have enough platinum. Would Umbra make a maxed Excalibur useless?

    Umbra is better than Excal in every way.

    You may keep Excal if you dont like Umbra's sentience, but usually Excal is worthless after Umbra.

    I usually sell warframes if i get the prime version of them. (umbra is not really prime but he kinda is)


  5. Maybe something like that too:

    You are doing relics.

    Your friend is doing relics

    And both of you get a notification (like a notification of a new alert or invasion) that: "X friend is doing this, want to join?"

  6. 3 minutes ago, Dhrekr said:

    Look! A thread that predicts doom and destruction!

    I hadn't seen one of these in... days.


    Yeah, I haven't been looking very hard. But after years of "DE IS MURDERING THE GAME" threads, my vision does get a bit blurry when I'm subjected to a new one of these unhelpful, quickly-blocked pieces of opinion-making.

    I think i seen something like this before. 2016-17 i think. It too was about DE and some chinese company.

    • Like 3
  7. 16 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

    We know from the Lancer synthesis imprint that Grineer soldiers were a later addition in response to the sentients. Likely replacing the 'traditional' soldiers we see in the Mag Prime codex entry and Ordis's backstory since they're easier to replace.

    That shows Orokin desperation. Obviously they werent meant to defeat the sentients but to slow them down.

    I have read Guardsmen imprint too and it shows that during the Collapse Grineer rebelled against Orokin, stole their ships, took over cloning facilities and amassed armies of clones.

    But that tennocon trailer took place during the Collapse.

    How much time was between ending the Old War, pushing sentients out of Origin System and Tenno deciding to murder every high ranking orokin? Didnt it happen during celebrations? It looks like Grineer as a whole had a short millitary career in Orokin Empire.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

    Below even that were the Grineer. The Grineer were initially just a slave race - a human sub-species created explicitly for cheap labour. This might also explain why so many lower class people were in poverty - the role they may once have played in that society (i.e. building, transport, so on) was played by slaves grown into that role.

    From the Tennocon trailer we can see Grineer as soldiers fightning alongside Dax. It looks like Grineer were Orokin main slave battle force and Dax were the elite.

    I wonder, could orokin use Corpus and their proxies as mercenaries? Or maybe in the time of Orokin Empire Corpus werent as militaristic as today?

  9. 15 minutes ago, RiceHat_ said:

    After the hotfix, I entered the simulacrum but gets returned to the hangar or entrance, I tried to to do again but same result. Closed the game but still the same.

    Can you enter the simulacrum right now? Will report later if its a bug.

    Devs know about this, expect a hotfix soon

  10. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)Hopper_Orouk said:

    So i tried vauban after rework (normal vauban because the primed ain't worth it at all) 

    And oh my god the gameplay difficulty got raised by a considerable amount 

    It felt so fun counting on my guts and tactics and what gadgets i have to survive, instead of relying on set it and forget it damage reduction abilities 

    Every single power in his kit is useful in some way...even vector pad..YES vector pad is really useful mobility/CC tool...i wonder if i can beat volt with it in a straight line race lol

    Additionally...he is now 10x times more fun because DE still maintained his difficult playstyle...and that you have a set of abilities and it's up to you to figure out what to do with them

    Instead of your traditional delivery of "here's your OP ultimate power, here's yout staple damage reduction ability...and here's your timed buff"


    Another thing i love about this warframe is that his abilities do not activate some special synergies or buffs when used together, instead they are each separate...and it's up to you to mix and combine between different offensive and defensive maneuvers 

    I always love when you manage to come up with synergies on your own...instead of a built in synergies...built in synergies are nice..but they get boring 

    All in all...i think i'm going to play vauban for a good amount of time 

    And i'm really content with how he plays right now 🙂

    I still havent even touched vauban since his rework, but i may give him a try now and make a build with his orbital lazor.

  11. 12 minutes ago, Tangociss said:

    I run a 10 man ghost clan and I would rather keep us that way. While our dojo decorator does an excellent job of decorating and building things, I would like an option for us to blacklist the barracks from being built, or at least allow them to be built but have a console or something in it that only a warlord can use if they wanted to increase clan tier rather than have it be done when the room is built. Unless that feature has  been added in already, then I'm sure many other ghost clans would certainly appreciate this option. Thank you. 

    There is no such function. You dont trust your architects? Either take away their architect privileges or just say that you dont want barracks being build because it will increase your research costs.

  12. 9 minutes ago, Vit0Corleone said:

    Never seen this before, is there anything to it or it's just a prop?

    It looks pretty much like the shuttle ships we see dropping troops in the plains.



    Either its unreleased content (you could see 2 new railjack major location on the map few weeks ago, so maybe then something slipped) or simply its just a decoration or a bug

  13. 8 minutes ago, Nehra96 said:


    You could have simply ignored my topic, or said I was in the wrong. But asking me to stop posting is not in your lane. So kindly stay in your lane plz. 


    I dont want to ignore topics, why would i?

    I didn't say that you are in the wrong, because i agree with it. But the way you put it in the words grinds my gears.


    Also stop policing the forums or get a job as a moderator. Let's see if you have what it takes to make decisions about what is allowed to be posted. 

    I could say that asking me to stop policing the forums is not in your lane 😆


    "So it's my fault" as a topic name tells everyone nothing and from afar smells like a monologue with dangerously high ammount of self-pity.

    And the text:


    How low can you stoop? Is there a limit? 


    Like, what does it even mean? Oh no, DE you have gone too far this time, you showed your true colors by giving every flottila 3 hours!

    Im not some DE bootlicker and i agree with the fact that Scarlet Spear could be thought out better by for example disabling the 10k bonus limit, allowing players higher credit multipliers for getting high scores and increasing the ammount of murex in a wave. And thats just what i thought out in the last 20 seconds.

    • Like 3
  14. 24 minutes ago, Nehra96 said:

    When you have nothing to contribute, make an apologist comment to farm reactions. Bravo! 

    You are the one making useless topics with emotional background

    "So it's my fault"


    How low can you stoop? Is there a limit? 

    C'mon. Really?

    Make a normal topic or no topic at all, because right now its just whining with nothing to contribute.


    • Like 8
  15. The whole point of these changes was to erase that galactic size power gap between a status shotgun with 99.99%status and the one with 100% status.

    And these changes basicaly just erased that 100% point for a lot of shotguns and buffed normal status per projectile. Idunno if thats the right way, i still want shotguns that proc 50 statuses per one shot.

    shotgun status should work like normal rifle status, but with "before revised" stat changes, so Tigris prime with 30% status but that status is 30% for every single projectile, boom, done.

    there is no power gap between 99% and 100% and even 50% status would be respectable

    • Like 4
  16. 1. Kuva Bramma is the most emergent meta weapon. Shedu, sentient cannon is great too, but bramma packs a greater punch (without rivens)

    2. Depending on the weapon, but its safe to say no. I always go for hybrid tho. Condition overload works differently now, its no longer x0,6x0,6x0,6 but +120%melee dmg per every status.

    3. Something with huge AoE like Kuva Bramma or Kuva Nukor.


    Recent Warframe Revised changes reduced enemy armor scalling and changed how some statuses work (status can go beyond 100% now), so you may find some of your weapons weaker and some of them OP. Also everyone has shield gating (1.2sec) and shields take -25% dmg

  17. 14 minutes ago, (PS4)Viveeeh said:

    Sure, because only the meta is good, and if you don't do meta, or worse, think for yourself instead of copying builds from the internet, you're a loser... Christ, just let people enjoy things.

    Well, honestly the best thing for space missions right now, even solo, is definetly not meta, which is nice for a change.

    Baruuk can make space missions a breeze and i saw him like once in scarlet spear relay.

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