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Posts posted by DEATHLOK

  1. Puncture damage does not seem to impress anything but Grineer.

    Would you even mod for it?

    The question could expand to the other Puncture mods, those for shotgun, rifle, and melee.

    Myself, I'm looking at a Lex and wondering if Bore would help it, if I'd be better off with Sharpened Bullets or Hydraulic Crosshairs.

    Thanks for looking!

  2. Yay....More farming....

    Anyway, I've been running the Jupiter sabotage for the Cryptographic ALUs, but it's common to get just one from a mission.

    And then there's the boredom of running the same mission over and over.

    Where else might I try to acquire these components?

    Thanks for your time!

  3. 10 hours ago, MystMan said:

    Once somebody reached the skill/knowledge level where they can practically solo any sortie mission, that means they "beat" warframe. That's all there is to it. But reaching this point took us all a long time, so that is not a bad thing. That's the main goal of the game, any videogame really.

    This breaks my heart. I want a game that demands team play at the highest level and can always grow more difficult.

  4. Used to be, with Windows XP and before, we could effect priority for key applications.

    These days, we have to contend with badly-written programs stealing focus from whatever is running in the foreground.

    While playing Warframe, I am regularly having programs (video encoders and burning applications) I want running in the background stealing focus from Warframe, and pulling Warframe into the background. I could be running a mission and have Warframe minimize, or have the keyboard suddenly stop working in game (because another program has taken focus while leaving Warframe running full screen).

    Any tricks to stopping this nonsense. It wasn't so bad in the early days of Windows 7, but definitely grew out of control following a recent re-installation of the OS.

  5. Doesn't mean that it's not crap.

    The only Sortie missions I've ever enjoyed were the ones that wiped out squads who did not work together or bring the right builds. Otherwise, it's the same kind of crap you get in other star chart missions.

    Sorties need to be harder, with little opportunity for rushers or hallway heroes.

  6. Aside from the piddling rewards, most Sortie missions are nothing more than a mad race from start to finish, devoid of everything that makes this game worthwhile.

    I, for one, am sick and tired of racing twitch monkeys to a hostage, to a capture target, and to the end of a map. I am disgusted by hallway heroes who abandon squads and want no one around while they solo Survival missions.

    Enemy reaction times have been turned down to allow solo play of Sorties, which in turn has spawned "solo" players ignoring their squads.

    I remember when Sorties were hard enough that you could not solo them. This was a large part of their charm.

    It is time to turn the difficulty back up.

    Players who rush ahead of their squads and hallway heroes should be getting stomped by enemies. Let's please return to a difficulty that demands respect and team play.

  7. There are things everyone should know about Steam.

    One thing is that it is operated like a police state—ESPECIALLY THE HELP & TIPS SECTION. You have to be very careful, or your account will be banned in whole or in part.

    There are Smurf moderators. These are moderators parading as regular Steam community members, and they will attempt to bait people into arguments and then ban them.

    Steam moderators employ their friends and clan mates to troll the forums. These are not moderators, but by extension have all the power of moderators and will get you banned in an instant.

    This is why you will find some members who are able to attack anyone, anytime, without repercussion.

    If you ever post anything critical of Steam, or post notice of any problem with the Steam service, you will be targeted. Moderators and friends of moderators will look to ban you. Expect to be baited.

    I have even seen a troll's comments edited after the fact, in order to create the impression that the target created a situation entirely on his own, and without cause.

    Big problem with the Steam community: No one moderates the moderators.


  8. I don't understand. I am talking about the naming of a Clan, the creation of a new Clan. I am not talking about normal chat. The game is telling us that common, acceptable words aren't allowed in Clan names, because they are "obscene." The word "Basement" isn't being allowed! It's ridiculous!

    Are you saying there is a filter that effects Clan creation in particular, or are you guys talking about the in-game chat?

    Can we submit a support ticket to get help from an actual, thinking human being, rather than a hastily-coded script?


    The word "basement" is considered obscene, because a "dirty word" is spelled if you remove three letters.

    But we aren't removing any letters. We are trying to use the word "basement," and it is not obscene.

    I imagine this filter has given many players fits.

    Is there any mechanism to bypass false alarms? Can we submit a support trouble ticket and get help from a human being, instead of remaining subject to the unreasonable limitations of sloppy programming?

  10. It's been a month or so with this bug. Random sections of the forums report users as not being logged in. You may log in, return to the forum, and find you are not considered logged in. Or, you may try to log in, find the servers consider you as as already logged in, but remain unable to use some parts of the forums—because the forums think you are not logged in.

    The forums are a complete mess.

    This is beyond our ability to clear cookies or force reloads to fix. Something is wrong on your end, or every major browser just happened to develop the same bug at the same time.

  11. The issue raises yet another ugly problem:

    Some people want to be able to troll. They don't want their "fun" taken away. They will rally against plans to do otherwise.

    Clearly, relative anonymity is the free pass some need to act like fools. Trolling is a problem, not a right. Warframe allows trolling where ever some designer was disinterested or short-sighted. Syndicate missions, host migration, Limbo, and other key portions of the game present opportunities for designers to advance social aspects of the game, rather than perpetuate the negative behaviors holding it back.


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