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Posts posted by ValhaHazred

  1. 15 minutes ago, Legacy_STALKER said:

    i like the idea but think something better then Grineer helmet for moss :D 

    It's just an example. I'm not sure if I made it clear enough but the idea is you'd just use plant extracts on an empty pot to grow whatever you want.

    Edited OP for clarity.

  2. I had an idea for a new ship cosmetic while scanning plants today.

    There could be a variety of planters and vases available to put all those extracts to use with! 

    First you'd get the pot of your choice and place it just like any other ship cosmetic. Once placed you could interact with it and use your plant extracts to grow whatever you would like.

    Here's a few quick illustrations.


    1. Tenno wall planter growing a Ruk's Claw. If possible Tenno themed planters should match the Orbiter's colour scheme.

    2. A Grineer helmet full of Vestan moss. I could see the Steel Meridian offering these as syndicate rewards.

    3. A Lotus themed large floor planter with Moonlight Dragonlillies. Large planters like this could also be offered as Dojo decorations.

    4. A small Orokin flower dish with a pair of Dusklight Serracenia.

    5. A vase containing a single Lunar Pitcher. Vases would only accept extracts from plants with flowers.

    And finally, for those who prefer the simpler things:


    A Threshcone in a clay pot.


  3. Waitttt if they were to release Wukong after Atlas wouldn't that break the MFMF flow?


    Maybe, maybe not. The 30 day exclusivity limit isn't a guarantee so they might hold off until another feminine Frame comes out. Otherwise I could see putting out two FemFrames afterwards before going back to a normal flow.



    So it is two different frames?


    Did you not read OP? They made it pretty clear it was different frames.

  4. If Void enemies dropped parts for their own Corrupted weapon at a rate similar to Oberon parts it wouldn't be too bad.


    Maybe just two parts per gun. You need a Corrupted BP and Core, then combine it with a built normal version and an Argon crystal.


    I know people aren't huge fans of using built weapons in crafting but it makes total sense in this case.

  5. I still feel like the best way to handle the star chart would just be each tileset having a single mission of each type.

    Edit: and a better match making system. Maybe a botton you can hit that drops down a menu of the current most populated missions?


    I do see where DE is coming from with environmental/faction tedium after doing the 10-500th run of the same mission though. Guess I'll wait and see what they do before making up my mind. If making missions is relatively easy I don't think there will be a problem.

  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nunchaku


    The origin of the word nunchaku (ヌンチャク) is not known. One theory indicates it was derived from pronunciation of the Chinese characters 兩節棍 (a type of traditional Chinese two section staff) in a Southern Fujian dialect of Chinese language (兩節棍 nng-chat-kun, pair(of)-linked-sticks).


    That may be true but they are much more commonly depicted being used by Japanese characters and like it says right there, that's one possible theory for the origin of the word.


    The origin of the weapon itself is repurposed rice threshing tools commonly used throughout all of Southeast asia.

  7. Getting a Valkyr Prime would be awkward, the whole hysteria/Berserker skill set was a result of Alad Vs dissection. Not saying that DE would never do a Valkyr Prime but it would be awkward.


    I would just give it different powers if I where them.

  8. Claws gunblade and now nunchucks, and they tell us they don't have enough time for the weapon that is a year and a half over due


    They didn't say they didn't have time, they said the animation was proving incredibly difficult. They have more than one animator, I'm assuming one or two work on each weapon so one team is cranking out relatively simple weapons while another is stuck on the biting sword with wip hook.


    I can understand the difficulty, it's not like there is a lot of reference to work off of with a weapon like Mios.

  9. it isn't really since it's about the utility and play styles of frames. The sexes is just a trend that is observed alongside it, but that is the norm with games that do gender locked classes as its a pretty easy for it to introduce gender stereoptying. 


    I think they where referring to the immediate digression into booty-town, which does come across as a little sexist imo.


    Edit: or they where baiting people. One of the two.

  10. Of course she is. Grenades make her turbulence and jet streams obsolete. We all played Zephyr only for Tailwind anyway. /sarcasm


    Even if that was the case, the trailer didn't make it look like it boosted Proto Nyx as much as Tailwind can.

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