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Posts posted by ValhaHazred

  1. What about giving warframe a new faction? sentients? story doesn't really tell if they all really died..

    plus grineer and corpus are getting a bit boring :P


    They've confirmed this already.



    *Ignores troller*


    It's not really a troll if it's true. If you watched the livestreams you'd know already.

  2. It doesn't feel powerful, I don't see big numbers, and therefore I don't feel that it's powerful. Even multiplying health, shield, and damage values x5 would be a viable solution, since it scales the same way, but it gives the illusion of big defenses and big damage.


    It's interesting how much the damage numbers seem to impact your experience. Since I turned the damage numbers off ages ago Archwings feel powerful simply from the giant guns and massive blades. I also use the Demolition wing a lot and unleashing nukes on the enemy is automatic power fantasy fuel.


    To get the power disparity across it might help if they include moments where we can shoot at the enemies we fight in normal levels and they all have 1 effective hp against archwings.


    Treat it like those Pen and Paper RPGs with scale mechanics.

    A trooper and a tank might both have 10 armour and attack with a d8, but the tank multiplies it by 10 when interacting with the trooper.

  3. Will there be further updates on the actual design of the Pyra Prime?

    I know there is a sizable crowd who's holding off their purchases due to the dissatisfaction of the current design.



    There's also plenty who are very happy with it. The only thing I'd do is go through every Frame and make sure it actually connects to them properly. It floats way off on quite a few.

  4. But in the end, the weapon isn't worth the costs.


    It's more of a sidegrade than other special weapons but I'm cool with that. Deal with Harvester RNG or shell out. It's nice for players to have alternatives.

  5. We have blood and spines at least. The mutability of our bodies is still in question.


    Also, far from the first "what is a Tenno" thread. Faaaaar from first.



    maybe different skeleton, more organs (4 hearts, because i can revive 4 times hehe)


    The rejuvination device is under Lotus control, not an internal organ thing. Hence why we float into the air and radiate energy. She mentions trying to overcharge it when the original Mirage was killed by the Sentients.

  6. I had figured you were gone because of that fact that you did not update me on the Venus picture. Glad to see you're still around. :)


    To be honest I just got distracted and forgot. Your return jogged my memory!


    In any case I look forward to what you come up with, I was hoping the asteroid belts would be mission location from back when they teased U14.

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