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Posts posted by ValhaHazred

  1. One of the main reasons I liked this game was the escape from hiding behind chest high walls so common in modern shooters. I tried to play the fun way and was killed instantly by everything but infected. I was playing within my suggested level so that wasn't it. My group died because none of us could revive anyone, the enemies just ripped you apart if you tried. We blew through all our self revives in about a half hour.

    I think enemies need slightly less health and way worse accuracy. Something like old id games, where the enemy always shot at where you where a moment ago, rather than right at you. This would really help survivability and encourage movement and rapid dodges. Maybe slightly buff grenades too.

  2. The 'frames aren't just suits of armor. Right now, they are archetypes or specific characters. You aren't controlling an avatar, and from what I can tell you may not even be controlling the same person inside each 'frame.

    What if there are different corps of 'frames. Like the Excaliber Corps or Trinity Corps.

    I don't see why gender is an issue. The frames are basically the champions from DotA or LoL. Sure it's nice to see fanart that has a gender-swap (if it's tasteful) but I don't want that in Warframe.

    I don't see any indication the frames are specific characters, unless there is some Dev quote I haven't seen. If you want to compare it to LoL, all those characters have their own unique lore, animations, and voice acting. So far the Frames don't and there is no indication they are going to. I'm fine if they go down that route as long as there are more female front-line combat Frames and they don't get into fanservice (they probably won't, but still).

    Even though I'm on the pick your sex side, I'll propose some fluff I thought of for the specific character folks. Each Warframe type is actually a series of clones lead/parented by a Prime. So Excalibur Prime would be the progenator of all Excaliburs. The Grineer dug up the cloning tech from an old Tenno base and began using it to spread their Empire. Unfortunatly they missed an important part of the puzzle and blame the Tenno for their degredation, thinking it was sabotage. The Tenno could cure them, but won't because they would be a larger, harder to get rid of foreign power.

    There; specific but multiple characters, and some moral greyness for both the Grineer and Tenno.

  3. It's much better to have recognizable chasisis then everyone getting their own special snowflake (you can already color it).

    Whe I'm playing a game with random people I want to just instantly know what they are by looking at them.

    With 2 variants of each Warframe, with unique colors, and some with different helmets, it would become very hard to tell who's who.

    I say get over it, it's just a game. People have to play as a gender that isn't their own already in almost every game, look at DOTA or CoD, there's no gender choice whatsoever in the last one.

    Or simplest solution, have the hud tell you when you hover the reticle on the other player. It can go under the health bar/player name. Then everyone is happy. That's probably a good idea now, I was playing a couple of days ago and someone thought my Mag was an Ecalibur Prime! I also get called Volt alot.

  4. the two remaining ones, likely fireball and world on fire, would need more to differentitate between them, world on fire would need to be worth using four fireballs, but fireball at the same time shouldn't be worthless due to the existence of world on fire.

    The fireball could mildly home in on targets and proximety detonate. I think that would make it very useful as a sniper style power or to flush targets out of hiding.

    I hope Ember gets some support as I've got her in the Foundry right now :P I love burninating my foes.

  5. In this case I sorta realized that it MIGHT be a lore reason? In the end, the male Warframes are mostly combat based (Excalibur, Frost, Rhino, Loki, Ash), whereas the females are more of "caster" type Warframes (Ember, Nyx, Saryn, Mag, Trinity, Banshee), who use less strength and more 'energy' to deal damage (weapons aside). So, I am kinda good with that in the end.

    I don't like that at all. I should be able to mix it up in combat just as well as the boys rather than having to stand back and lob ninja space magic from afar. It's just a tad sexist.

  6. I really like the turret idea, very Predator. I think it should be activated and last for x seconds instead of being sustained however. Being able to hit the power button to mark targets for it would be cool too.

  7. I was playing a capture mission and noticed the capture animation is the same/similar to reviving a friend. This made me think revive should have special effects, to make it more visually interesting. Maybe blue or green particles drifting down from the extended hand and a soothing waterfall or chiming sound.

    I like game mechanics to have fluff, so maybe Tenno Warframes have nanobot dispensors, or for a more mystical bent some form of life energy generation ability. Although that raises the question of why they can't use it themselves.

    Thoughts and opinions?

  8. Hello! I started playing at the start of Easter holiday and now, 28 hours of playing later, here I am. I've even shelled out for the Founder thingy, and I never bother to buy stuff in F2P games! Hope see you all in game :)

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