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Posts posted by ValhaHazred

  1. So you want this game to be a co-op, but you don't want to rely on other people's help to beat the game...


    The whole point of having the nervo disable people is to make people work together, or else -gasp- people die.  If the nervo just drains people's shields, all that does is force you to hide behind a wall until it wears off, which only makes the level even more boring because you're just playing the waiting game.  It doesn't encourage teamwork play or even increase difficulty, it just slows you down.  Besides, we already have an ability that does the exact same thing.  The corpus flying robots that shield enemy units shoot them at you.  Those things have never once stopped me from tearing the moa's a new one.

    It's not even remotely the same thing. Nervos took away the ability to do anything at all. And guess what? You had to play waiting game without any shields and without the ability to even run away! From what I heard most people just ignored people stuck with nervos and just waited till they died and revived. They are the opposite of a good idea.

  2. lol, just a box not that much.


    Plus, if copyrights worked as what you said, the word Prime in Excalibur prime would already have been sued.

    Most words cannot be copyrighted, but phrases, original words and concepts can. The hide-in-a-box thing is so specific to Metal Gear, they could absolutely issue a cease and desist.  

  3. That raises the question, what would you do to deepen the system? I had the idea of tempo based combos and air slicing, with the current drop attack being a charge attack. I would like a way to incorporate Stinger attacks and Launchers.

  4. Although Tenno are not human, they need to resemble figures that we can relate to, or that are attractive.


    Why exactly? I've never had an issue relating to non-humanoids, let alone near humans like the Tenno.

  5. I was all ready to disagree, but for once someone actually had decent suggestions for it instead of just demanding it get "harder" in some nebulous way. 


    1. I agree with teamwork puzzles (disabled when soloing of course) Minibosses would be fine, but I'm not sure how the spawning should work. Hell no to Nervos, they're not hard, just annoying. I think increasing the spawnrate of the Heavies would be a better idea, especially Bombards, since defending against their attacks requires situational awareness and some skill.


    2. This is something being worked on already, although nothing concrete has been announced.


    3. This one I do disagree with. I actually think the trash mobs should be exactly that. More elites is good though. A grapple would be a great replacement for the super irritating Grineer teleporter guy.


    4. Drop rates should be only slightly better, but hell yes to more creds.


    All personal opinions of course.

  6. Having no boob cups in cuirasses is actually far more realistic anyway. Molded breasts break the wearers collar bone on a solid hit to anywhere in the chest, and can deflect strikes into the chest instead of off to the side. 

    I'm giving the Warframes a bit of a pass because they look flexible and it wouldn't be a certainty like it is with rigid plates. Still bugs me a bit.

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