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Posts posted by Gahrzerkire

  1. @lord noctus yes I agree, and especially because you are using a one shot weapon like the vectis. So yes in that case less movement and accuracy are neccesary, however this advice is for beginners and moderately experienced players. The point isn't to give a guide on a niche called sniping its supposed to be general advice for all classes of fighter so some parts, yes, need to be read with a grain of salt. All of thus advice remains relevant whether or not you are using a sniper rifle. Of course your not supposed to do a back flip, bullet jump and god knows what before you take your shot with your vectis. But you should know your orientation on the battle field, be aware that the moment you get a kill, deal damage, or fire your position is revealed.

    anyone can nit pick my tips and tricks for there particular playstyle and tweak one tip here and there. And they are all right. But this GENERAL ADVICE for players who are struggling it want to know more about conclave. Sometimes just plying isn't enough and you need things explained to you simply to diversify your game and become a better player.

  2. @lord noctus dude. You moved a ton. I never said jump up and down I said stay mobile. You stayed extremely mobile and slowed down briefly to line up your shots. That is what I talk about in my tips and tricks. Staying mobile. Never stopping and you never stopped moving you were even walking when you fired. (nice shooting by the way, great example of taking advantage of weakened and distracted players along with target prioritization (frost firs then excal)). Also alot of what I said is simply advice on what works. Some strategies just don't work, no matter how good you are at them. Inorder to better play and understand our opponents sometimes we must play like them. The other thing noctus is your standing behind or with cover to your right left and back usually a combination of two, meaning you knew the battlefield and properly oriented yourself as a sniper for fighting while leaving an escape route. You embodied alot of the subtler points here which only reveal themselves when using the tips and tricks I. Conjunction with each other to match your load out and skill set.

    @renocraft @lord noctus please take your argument out of the thread. That is not the point of this. This is supposed to be about helping other players not finding the bigger horse.

  3. Well first off thanks for the comments. This is rad. Should definetly help newer pvp players.

    @feyangol yeah, you are right that some of my strategies when looked at individually can get you killed, which is why I don't just have one tip and trick. Applying all of them will let you know Whether or not chasing a player is worth the effort, whether you should chase then as a guise, etc etc. I guess don't take any one of my statements alone apply them at the same time.

    @double091. Things definitely change as you play a tankier and tankier frame, and as I play a lighter armored frame most of the time lots of this applies to avoiding situations wherein you would get wrecked by iron shrapnel or some other such skill. So basically adapt the rules / concepts as you can take more damage. Bur low health. Tanky or not is low health. Pretty much and frame can be one to two shot with ease below 50% health with no shields.

    @lord noctus erm.... Excuse me? So your saying not to listen when someone tells you what is good and what isn't. And then saying what is good and what isn't. That makes little to no sense. I agree rule two doesn't apply as much for snipers, renos still right though the best sniper can land a shot from a hundred meters away while moving a hundred meters per second perpendicular to there target. But for them I have two pieces of advice. Shoot first. Don't miss.

  4. No pvp has a pretty big player base, but its definitely less reliable in terms of hosts and finding stable matches. It also has a rather sharp learning curve. Personally I never have trouble finding jammed matches. Even at o e to three am. I would suggest double checking your server and making sure that your ping limit isn't weird. There shouldn't be too much trouble finding a full match.

  5. These are just 13 tips and tricks about improving your PvP game and how to approach PvP.
    also I didn't proof read this as I wrote it at 2:00am. But I will tomorrow.


    TL:DR - if your too lazy to read this then your loss.

    disorientation in relation to PvP (for me) occurs when a player dies. When they die they lose track of the fighting, get randomly teleported, and need to reorient themselves before their next fight (I.E. collect energy, find opponents)

    weak is any other player low on health and running.

    1)75% rule, 75% of the time when your shields go down turn and run. Find cover, rethink your strategy. If you have already taken down your opponents shields and some of there health and think you can survive the encounter without being beneath 50% health, stay and fight it out. In PvP you have to think about surviving your next fight, and getting the next kill. Not just the Immediate one. Plan accordingly. When you die you have down time, your KD is lowered, and you lose the pace of the battle and enter disoriented.

    2) Dont. Stop. Get it? Get it? Never stop moving. If you stop moving your dead. End of Story. The only time movement should stop is if your a frost in your bubble, but even then you need to be ready to dodge the MOMENT you take damage. If you take damage you are in the air, rolling, or changing direction and facing your attacker. Never stop moving or your a sitting duck. Even during a dog fight you keep jumping, rolling, and sliding. OUT MANEUVER YOUR OPPONENT.

    3) The law of tank. Say your opponent is a tankier frame, (Frost, Valk, Rhino, Saryn, Ash P)you need an edge, if you have no stun abilities, low energy, or no decent damage abilities, and your approaching him head on, YOUR DOING IT WRONG. to handle a tank when you have low energy is suicide. EVEN IF YOUR A TANK. To kill a tank you need to out DPS them, out smart them or out tank them (The latter is a terrible idea, second one is the best approach). Wait till the tank is weak on health, wait till the tank is low on energy, wait till its distracted. Then attack like the devil, hit em with powers first, then shoot. If its a blade-storm wait till you lower them till all they have is 80% or less health and blade-storm to finish them. If he is tankier then you double your efforts to deal damage and cast debilitating powers, double your efforts to dodge bullets, and if your shields go down, and he is at 90% health or higher. Run. Like. Hell.

    4)The Weak Must Fall. You see someone low on health? Go out of your way to kill them. If someone is low on health slay them immediately. There are two reasons for this: 1) lowers potential enemy damage dealing. 2) removes a factor from the battle field and disorients the slayed. Even if you need to chase them around the map. You kill them. A weak player on low health is a free meal. So you better darn take it.Often times a weak player will run from the majority of the fight, and you following the 75% rule should have more health and shields then them. So killing them wont be a problem. Take your free kill.

    5) Distractions of the weak. When chasing an opponent who is low on health do not get distracted. Distractions are what a good player low on health is waiting for. A smart player when low on health runs past healthy players hoping they will attract the person chasing them. usually they will. Ignore them and chase the weakling. If the weakling stops and turns to fight you (understanding there is a player chasing you too now and senses a tactical advantage) run past him and then turn and shoot at him. Now the weakling will be surrounded by two healthy players and you will have the upper hand as the player chasing you is now most likely distracted.

    6)Be a coward. Only fight when your health is high, only fight when you have the tactical advantage, only fight when your opponent is weaker then you, or less skilled. The only time you fight someone who is as good as you in skill or better, is to get better yourself and learn how they move, and what they do that keeps killing you. If your not trying to learn and want to rack up kills, and end up on top of the list at the end of annihilation, then you better target the weak, disoriented, distracted, or animation-frozen players.

    If you get hit and you don't know by who or from where, run like @(*()$ hell till you do. You cant fight blind so don't @(*()$ try, just immediately go into evasive maneuver mode.

    7)Be a Thief. Steal oro, steal health, steal energy. War is not fought fairly, so don't play fair. Everyone is going to steal the oro you earn, so you better darn steal theirs. In Warframe you don't win by playing fair or honestly, you win through cold, calculated, decisive moves. Stealing oro is part of the PvP in warframe, it is an aspect of the combat and therefore not dishonorable.

    8)Relax. Dont play tense, don't get angry, and if you do, deep breaths. A frustrated player is a dead player. You cannot be tense when fighting in PvP. When your muscles stiffen they fight against each other and your reaction time slows. Stay relaxed, analyze your opponents, and think about WHY you died and how to avoid it. If you fight calm, you'll fight like the devil.

    9) Stealth, timing and speed are key. If you move faster then your opponents they cant catch you, they cant hit you, and they will never kill you. Moreover if they dont know your there, they cant do S#&$ can they? "Stealth is not possible in PvP" WRONG. This is where orientation is important. Perception is everything, if someone is fighting for their life with another player everything else but the jackhole attacking them doesnt exsist. When a player charges into a fray, they dont see the sniper perched hundreds of meters away. Hundreds of yards in the air, crouching behind cover. and That sniper needs to be you. Whether you have a vectis or boltor you can rack in all the kills by staying away and "hidden" from there perception. The best place to hid is in plain sight.

    Never underestimate simply following another player. If you get behind a player, dont immediately attack, wait until they are in a corridor, wait until they are sniping, wait until they get distracted. THEN KILL THEM. If you attack at the wrong time you are dead.

    Time your attacks so they make the most difference. For example know your damage type. If your playing ash, and your opponent has shields dont open with blade-storm. Slash is weak against health. Lower their shields and then attack with blade-storm. With Zephyr, open with tornado as magnetic will lower there shields then kill em with your weps. Frost, hit them with your first the first thing, the slow gives you an advantage, the cold lowers shields, and the fact its a power startles inexperience and even moderately experience players into "oh S#&$ im being attacked mode"

    10)Most important advice. Understand your opponent and counter accordingly. you need to know what every power in the game sounds like. So you know when to run. For example if you hear an ember casting World On Fire, GET THE F*** OUT OF THERE. If its an equinox approach so they cant cast sleep. (Behind) if its a ash understand that ash moves faster then you and plan a quicker TTK then normal or attempt to stagger. If your enemy has a gorgon, understand its inaccurate at long range but hella beast upclose. If they have a vectis or lex prime get good and close and beat em to death with something that has a faster fire rate as it will do better in close quarters. If they are a melee spammer (a completely dishonorable art form in my mind but whatever its a thing) simply run away and shoot backwards, or roll under there melee and turn and fire. Basically think about what your opponent has at their disposal and fight them like its the worst case scenario from shot #1.

    11)Understand your equipment inside and out + KEY-BINDS. Know your key-binds. If you have your powers on 1,2,3,4 your not doing it right. All your powers need to be easily accessed. I suggest binding a power to mouse 3, q, c, alt, or ideally have everything off of your mouse. You need to be able to attack with your powers with out debilitating your movement. IF YOU CANT MOVE YOUR DEAD. IF YOU STOP MOVING OR MOVE WRONG YOUR DEAD.

    Know your gear, know when its outclassed, understand when you need to compensate for it, how to compensate for it, and what gear you perform best with. Always use gear you are good with, if you are bad with your gear, then you better be playing for fun or a new experience. The best PvPers have mastered there gear, and understand why its good. Research and play your gear till you hear it shooting, slashing, and grinding your opponents to dust in your dreams.

    12)Crossfires, Not going to say much here other then STAY OUT. And be the guy on the edge. The people in the middle of the crossfire will die. The people who charge into or toward it will die. The man who waits and attacks from a moderate distance and angle will not. Learn how to lure opponents into a crossfire, how to get them to start one, and how to get everyone else fighting each other, so they can die and you can live bathing in there blood and oro.

    13)Modding only a few words on this as i dont want to give away all my strategy and trade secrets. All your weapons need to be able to handle every frame. Mod accordingly. *cough* damage types.

    Parting shot: Don't rely on any one thing, use all your gear. Dont fight only channeling melee, its annoying and cheap. Understand when its a good idea to use melee, but remember you have the advantage when your opponent comes to you. Never go to your opponent to melee kill, your handing them an easy kill strategy and its overall a bad idea. (In my opinion, i also have a pet peeve against melee spamming so there is that bias)


    If you wish to contact me about joining my Clan Gearhart, PM me in game. I am usually on around 8:00-12:00PM PST. (You can also message Renocraft) We are open to accept anyone who wants to be or is a PvP player looking for a group of Tenno to PvP with. PvE is welcome as well. (All research is completed, Complete dojo.)

    EDIT: Added Contact Info


  6. or yall could aim... you know? prioritize your targets... not charge head on... approach from behind... you know you are ninjas, stealth kill the mag. I was in a round with 5 mags. Only suffered from bullet attractor once becuase i was being careful about how i approached. And I won the annihilation first place. (I was running, Ash P, Burston p, AkVasto, Fang p)

  7. way too many bo spammers. Been in thirty rounds and every round there is someone spamming the bo with a valk. yeah. you can kill em using a first and then shooting. or shooting as fast as possible, but you get within one meter and the bo kills you almost instantly and i have been running frost. DPS needs to be toned down sometime.

    They could kill me inside my bubble while i was shooting them with a braton prime during approach and contact.

  8. Need a timer on it, or a decay effect like Rhino's Iron Skin. It's pretty much 360 degree invulnerability. And Frost P is already tankier than Rhino.

    yeah cuase you can go inside rhinos skin and shoot him. Honestly. Grab some akmangus and akvasto and watch frosts die in their globe. I can't count the number of times both I have been and have wrekt frosts inside there globe with those guns. Hell I've even done it with the soma prime and with the bleedin dera. Learn how to aim. You ain't goin to be moving land some head shots.oreover hit him with an excal ability or with rhino charge, or any other god darned ability. Its not god mode unless you just throw yourself at it. Approach it intelligently and its not a problem. Besides if everyone shoots it the globe will go down almost instantly it doesn't have nearly as much health as you think.

  9. I go straight to the point.

    I've played a match with a really good team against me and some others, they were basically immortal due to the frost guy.

    He just kept on going his snow globe, which is not as hard as one might think. For 75 points energy you can activate a 360° shield that freeze the opponent inside really bad.

    No duration, just hp, quite a lot: by the time you have destroyed it, with a bad team that keep on trying to kill him from the inside and dropping energy in it, he will re-cast it again and again.

    Now, i've had really a bad time whit this guys, not for the mechanic of the game itself but for the team ( there was also a oberon that was casting his black energy carpet in the globe to make things easier for them) which was really hard to fight against.

    We have really powerfull abilities that stagger and knocdown people BUT we have mod to counter those powers, at least a little.

    The first thing that could happen would be a nerf to that hp, making easier and easier to tear apart that little heaven of cheap kills.

    The second thing would be something like giving some mods that can give some immunity at least inside the globe, 5, 3 seconds, not that much: something to prevent the camping of all the team inside.

    This is my"constructive"feedback, I still believe that the probelm ,or if we can call it,was of the team and their team work, which was a really good job, tactically speaking but still, I was feeling that something was in the wrong place. What do you think about it? I hope that somebody has got the same experience as me, to give resonance to this.

    Let me know what do you think about it, peace.

    here are ways to counter snowglobe.

    rhinocharge or slash dash the frost and shoot once. Bing bang boom no more globe.

    ash ult, excals ult, embers ult, oberons ult, oberons second ability, equinox sleep, equinox day ult, nyx absorb, valk ult, valk ripline, valk in general (tanky *@##$), opticor 3 shots, several bow shots, several vasto shots, any high damage weapon. Channeling Bo prime user, rhino ult. The. Lost. Goes. On. Yeah its hard to counter but its completely possible. I have been playing as frost and his globe is no safe haven j less your only form of attack is a bloody frontal assault. It takes strategy to take out a globe or just brute force. Fun fact the slow down only affects movement speed relative to running. Parkour is still fast. Shooting isn't slowed.

    countering bubble is completely possible. You can also just stay away if you don't know how. Personally it sounds like you were fighting a good team and they just wrekt you cuase they are intelligent and let the powers synergize. Its still possible to beat them. Completely possible. Snow globe doesn't need a nerf. You just need to cut out with the frontal assault group up and take down the frost with any of the above mentioned abilities and a whole lot more. Stop begging for an needed nerf.

    oh my god you actually said it yourself and I quote "not for the mechanic of the game but for the team" yeah it was a good team and you were cannon fodder for a round. Live with it this happens to the best of us.

  10. So its prbably gonna get another nerf where the first hit doest do any damage gets translated in a very short invulnerability on wakeup (think iframes short) as its still a free kill w someone using the time to line up a headshot with the sybaris or just nails you with the new grenale launcher (impact makes you vulnerable for the clusterbombs that drop right after).

     nothing can currently one shot any frame. the Sybaris if the second shot lands as a head shot will gurantee a kill, with less tanky frames, if BOTH shots of thenedt trigger pull lands or oneis a head shot.

    However if the resting player takes the time to aim t the equinox well.... equinox is kinda #*($%%@. #noarmor.


  11. Chroma came from roma to rom-a-bout the palace.



    General - solid here. Mabye make him 20% resistant to his current elemental type? Let him counter the other elemental frames. 


    Baby Scream - Seriously double the range increase the damage by 50-70% and this ability will be radical. Currently... its... very underwhelming. Mabye also buff his armor by 200% when he is like this cuase dang he dont move none. #sniperbait


    Elemental Ward/Vex Armor - These are both simple buff the darned duration. They dont last long enough. the buff needs to be more significant. Especially for Vex. Building up vex requires you to sacrfice health and sheilds, the least we can do is make that sacrifice more worthwhile. 


    Effigy - Lower the cast time, Lower the drain rate. It doesnt last long enough. I mean seriously. And Chroma is one of the warframes with a cod piece (Hell hes got two). Seriously though, lower the cast time and lower the drain rate, they both are a little to much.


    *Runs for cover and sprays self with liquid nitrogen and flame retardant.* 


  12. Okay wow. She is completely useless.



    General - Being a caster frame it would be appreciated if she had a bit more movement speed to help with energy collection as she is not as tanky as any of the other slow moving frames. (Wait.... frost is faster then her... and has more armor....)


    Venom - Alrighty can you even cast this thing? I mean the range is tiny tiny tiny. Boost its range and buff its damage its a tad bit week. Mabye give it a stagger. Make it slightly useful, I mean the tenno in question just got a giant oozing zit of poison popped on there back, make em suffer. 


    Molt - Seems to work pretty well, draws attention and seems to deal damage overtime within the radius. I would suggest boosting that radius a little bit and making it harder to see as people in conclave know: IF YOU SEE A GIANT GLOWING AREA DONT WALK INTO IT.


    Contagion - Okay cool, this one works well and buffs melee really nice, i would like to see it mabye give like a 10% boost to melee attack speed, as melee dreadfully slow in CC but other then that nice job.


    Miasma - now i cant put it better then someone else did in another thread. I have to hug people for this to catch em. And that's ridiculous. Buff the range. Buff the damage overtime. Neither are enough. Also give it a stagger. I mean come on radial blind has a stagger. When every warframe is trying resist being corroded by the very air they are walking through they better freakin stagger.

    *hides inside of tank*

  13. Alrighty! Heck yes! That was brilliant great job balancing rest, it is no longer completely OP. And it still retains the abilities true purpose, without completely sucking. That was awesome *high five*

    Now onto the other notes i have about Equinox.

    Night Form

    Rest - Perfect.


    Pacify - What on earth does this even do? And why is the range so tiny? It does almost nothing, seriously, i have no clue what this does. Also the range is so small by the time i can see an enemy has entered it, they usually have left via parkour.


    Mend - Okay sure, this is useful... kinda, the cost to drain rate ratio is way too high. Also the time to cast given that it is a draining ability is also way too high. It is pretty much unusable. I have to put an opponent to sleep, cast, then hope i have time to kill them without dying for this power to even be slightly usable. Suggestion: Half if not quarter cast time, and half the amount of energy required to cast. 

    Day Form


    Rage - Damn that is one hell of a buff, tenno are already fast but that rage buff, its freakin crazy. You dont even have time to shoot them before they have shot off into the horizon. I suggest making it increase movement speed by 10-15% and buffing damage done to opponenet by 20-35%.


    Provoke - Okay buff range and this will be fine. Range is too small to be used atm.


    Maime - Definetly needs a range buff. And a big one. Also doesnt apply slash damage continously, which is a problem with its usability. Moreover the cast time is too long blahblahblah same feedback lower the cast time and energy cost buff the damage by like 25% and it should be completely viable blahblahblahmorereasoningandexplainingblahblah.

    *Grabs glass of water and Flame repellent*


  14. Do you even understand the meaning of "hiding"? He freaking HIDES by jumping between walls! 




    Sounds really smart to me. Hiding like a chicken before coming back with a free kill. How's that worked out for your Equinox spam?

    Actually great! :) I wreck everything and love it. But its because the ability is broken, not because of the energy re-gen. Actually I dont hide like a chicken i usually just wait till my energy gets to 25 cuase. the. ability. is. broke. But I always check the closest energy spawn.

    I understand the meaning of hiding up top.  I hunt people down up top all the time. PvP for me is most fun up top as i used to be a PvP 1.0 player and parkour actually takes skill. 

    Also if someone wants to bide there time and wait for the optimal moment to strike... I dont see whats wrong with that. Snipers for instance shouldnt get 0 access to energy because they are mostly stationary. Energy re-gen adds a new layer of strategy to conclave and a sense of urgency as you understand the longer you wait the stronger your enemies become. It levels the playing field by making EVERYONE a tiny bit stronger.

  15. Just wait a few more days when more power spam comes into play. If you hate power spam and melee spam before, you gonna hate Speed melee Volt. 

    Against any knowledgeable player speed volt poses no threat.

    Moreover its the not the frequency of the cast, its the mechanics of the ability, and there are very few if not no other abilities in PvP that have exploitable mechanics other then those.

  16. Running around getting energy, not attaching to a high wall with parkour 2.0 while waiting for energy to recharge. 


    Previously you can counter them by reaching energy spawns. Now you can do jack sh$t while they pull energy from that hamster in their head. 



    If you cant hit a non moving target on a high wall man.... sorry you deserve to get rekt. No one is going to farm energy stationary, and everyone knows that one ability cast isnt a guaranteed kill, so most smart players will get an energy reserve of 50 before trying anything, unless its an emergency.

    Your fighting a one man battle agasint every PvP player who likes having energy, and understands that there should be more to conclave then controlling energy spawns.

    You like hogging the energy spawns so everyone you fight is like a "3-year-old" right? powerless before you ;)

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