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Posts posted by Gahrzerkire

  1. Soma:




    Boltor Prime:




    Braton Prime:




    You were saying?

    I could kiss you. Thats exactly right. Also the gorgon doesnt need to be as powerful as the soma or the boltor prime. WHY THE HELL IS EVERYONE CONSIDERING THEM AS A F$%^IN BASE LINE????????? THEY ARE EEENNNNNDDDDDDDDDD GGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEE


  2. no recoil change

    no status change

    no crit change

    no spread or accuracy change


    damage "tweaked" (not "buffed")


    the ammo and reload stuff is GREAT and I'm happy about it, but I would've preferred they change some of the above stuff before messing with flight speed.

    Supra will never be a crit gun. Hate to break it to you.

    Status is probubly going to be part of the slight damage buff as status plays a major role in terms of extended DPS. Its accuracy and spread were never a problem. Its main probelm was the 4 second reload coupled with a tiny clip. They fixed the major problems. and Damage was not one of them but its very nice that it is getting buffed. Personally if they make is a status beast i will be happy.

    They may actually be changing it to an elemental gun. Say give it electrical base. That would be a very good and welcomed buff. And be a damage tweak.

  3. No offense, but I think it's the latter. Like... it's pretty obvious that players are experienced with previous mods changes/removal.




    That's true. But you guys should also remember the ability mods removal. Anyone felt rewarded?

    I did actually. I had around 4000 fusion cores afterwards and still havent run out. Even after maxing all those mods, and i have almost every mod in the game. Two of quite a few and they are all maxed. I thought it was great. 

  4. hm i dont think they are going to giving something differente amount because they are maxed

    Well no harm in maxing them. And no harm in praying. Also i have credits and cores out the @#$ so whatever. I could have maxed more but i ran out of mods. I would have maxed more. Then of course there is the issue of me selling some of my quick rest mods (Was short on credits back then) a while back (I had about 400, sold all but 100 of em). Oh well. 

    Remeber the Stealcharge nerf ;) Every maxed Steal charge gave you a Legendary Core, If it was not maxed you didn't got one.

    I remember that some dude got like 30 legendary cores. #morecoresthen10rankmods

    Of course the presence of this thread may cuase them to nerf the exchange rate. Which would suck.

  5. Ohkay there is one reason rhino has no CC. "Ability In Use" on his fourth. Get rid of this and suddenly.. rhino is endgame, and way more viable as he will have great crowd control. Suddenly he isn't all about power strength.

    Please remove the Ability In Use on rhinos fourth. It is annoying and unneccesary. Or you could put it on excal for his radial blind, and loki for radial disarm. His fourth is an amazing power being hindered by this painful mechanic please remove. :)

  6. And still it takes 2 clips from marelok to the head to kill lvl 70+ bombard.


    enemies are balanced to level 50. what we need to do is get a smarter AI. However I say no. pistols are powerful enough. if anything needs a buff its snipers andshotguns.

  7. what are you all on? am I the only one who thinks melee is perfectly viable and runs around shredding everything? melee is perfect at the moment. it has the right amont of damage. it needs no more and no less. seriously.

    Melee is currently more balanced then any other form of fighting in Warframe.


  8. I'd love this. But I would rather the player in trouble sends out an s.o.s and people who sign up for the 'sos' program are selected at random to receive a message and invite. But only if we are not in the dojo and not in a mission as the op stated.


    Computers would do a very bad job getting people help through a node as it would assume everyone is having trouble with Draco.

  9. So why does this skin have to be so darn beautiful?

    And of course... it cant be used on the prime... which actually looks really really really ugly and has needed a graphical update since the time it came out. But thats irrelevent.

    Basically i am now in the process of putting 5 forma on my paris, becuase i think it deserves to be awesome looking and awesomely powerful. But there is another bow that definetly deserves a prisma skin,

    The bleedin dread. Please give the dread a good skin, simply becuase it would look great, and then also feel great too.

    bout it.

    Basically,,, I wish the paris looked better, and think it needs a graphical rework.

    I think the paris looks great, and now even greater. but im sad its weak.

    And wish to god that the dread gets a prisma skin.

    And pray for all reasons that we get a new bow that looks as good as the paris skin and hits as hard as the dread. :D 

    Thats all.

    yeah its shallow.

    But we all feel like this sometimes.

  10. Dude, your practically bleeding plat. Anyways I think the inly question that matters is if they have different code entries. if all the entries are different then okay sure w can have thst many adds some depth. However if they are all the same.... well yeah get rid of em, and just have the maxed ones.

  11. the fact that you nerf the stalker is ridiculous, I think you should just buff the player who is the stalker; remember there are 7 other people... hunting him... so...


    buff running by 50% buff shields by 75% give him valks armor, and buff his damage by 35% and give him dispel, invisibility, slash dash and absorb like the real darn stalker. then it will be a sick fight. and real king of the hill.

  12. the way you present the situation makes me wonder what have you tried to get rid of a kogake full melee player, can you detail that? what is your answer to a kogake player in the match?

    TL:DR: I hate Kogake spammers. They are unbearably frustrating. And boring to fight. Only way to fight em is to spam powers or snipe.

    spam powers.


    Literally thats all you can do. You cant shoot em cuase they come super close to you and knock you down. You cant melee fight em for the same reason.

    Running away doesnt deal with the problem... at all. you just get this fuggin leap frog following you. albeit a very annoying leap frog.

    The kogake need to be nerfed to the floor or lose there knockdown. Other then the knock down they are fine. If the knockdown was affected by say hand spring and consitution i wouldnt actually mind at all. THat or hand spring. BUT ITS NOT. so they are bullS#&$ and OP. 

    I want to grab the feet of the kogake users when they attack me and smash them into wall and ground like this:

    Loki is the kogake user btws.

    I would actually be fine if they let you do something like that. some kind of context action where you grab them by the legs and smash them to dust.

    Or when they do there slide attack they take 600% damage.

    I am tired of people spamming knock down becuase they are incapable of any other form of fighting that involves the revolutionary thing called: aiming.

    I have more issues with kogake users then ult spamming volts.

  13. The power restores your sheild no matter what. Its basically pay 25 energy for 100 sheilds. If you happen to be in the middle... well too bad. The sheilds are only applied after casting is complete too. So you can kill him while he is slash dashing toward you. (Boltor) users love killing people like that. Super annoying.

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