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Posts posted by Gahrzerkire

  1. PVP is unplayable right now. EVERY match, and I mean, EVERY match, has at least one Equinox spamming sleep. This bug brings out every noob who really wants to overcompensate their small size. 


    DE you really need to fix this. This is P2W in the maximum. It's shameful. 

    Or just enjoys kicking your &#!.... Sorry but insulting people who like using overpowered stuff is kinda stupid (lookin at everyone with more then 3 forma on a weapon). Yes it needs to be balanced. Yes you did use the bugged lex prime didnt you.... No you dont need to insult us.

  2. So, I read this and came to this conclusion; that you have exploited a known cheap and skilless tactic to get your kills, under the guise of "testing"?


    I wasn't under any guise or crap like that. I was going around and using an ability that needs a balance pass and slaughtering people cuase. I. Love. It. Still needs to be balanced though.

    EDIT: Removed some salt.

  3. Literally do what is built into the game. Allow the player who has been put to sleep to hit X to wake up. and remove the HORRIBLE SLOW &#! WAKE UP ANIMATION.

    Literally thats it, and its completely balanced. Player instantly resumes control the moment they hit X. No waking up animation.

    Ive been playing Equinox all day today in PvP, and i have used the miter, sybaris, braton prime, burston prime, grinlok, vectis, latron, latron prime, and several other weapons to test time to kill. I have also tested the various aspects of the ability with other willing players. And can say that all that needs to be done is allow the player to revive themself using X. WHILE REMOVING THE HORRIBLY SLOW WAKE UP ANIMATION.

    I have made everyone i have played with excluding one player rage quit. And though i love using equinox and her (her in night form) second she needs to be balanced properly.


    I can say from how long it takes me to kill players who i have put to sleep, that allowing the affect top player to hit X to wake up, and removal of the slow wake up animation, would be more then enough to completely balance the night aspects second power; Rest (Sleep). 

  4. Equinox is extremely balanced and very very fun to run. DE Congratulations on making an amazing frame.

    I adore light. Light is immensely satisfying to use.

    *high five*


  5. The twin grakata has the same fire rate and mag size as a single grakata?


    I may need to check in-game description.


    Yeah not freakin okay. it should have a firerate of 40.

    Mag should be 120.


  6. I use all the sentinels.

    Carrier, when I am running a frame that relys on tons of energy, and i dont wnat too many kill steals. 

    Dijnn for high end content where i need to kill everything before it gets to me and the crowd control of the sweeper is perfect on dijnn.

    Deathcube when i am bored and like how he looks.


    wyrm when i feel like having some radial crowd control or am going up agasint infested.

  7. Nekros seems to have been silently nerfed. There was a time when taking Nekros out to farm was mandatory. He was in demand for any survival. Now he cannot even spawn life supports. What happened to his Desecrate? First the Fusion Cores he used to generated were taken back from us upon completion but now he generates nothing. Why are you making this game harder for newcomers. Who decides to remove the exploits? This doesn't affect me being rank 19 but your new players will never see the benefits we enjoyed. Going to delete Nekros because he is useless now.


    Nerkos isn't your freaking desecrate *@##$. He is s crowd control beast, and can dish out some serious tank when properly utilizing his fourth as well  as buff damage like crazy. Moreover if you ever used soul punch you would realize the true value of its rag doll and stop whining. Nekros is AMAZING and its ridiculous of you to say otherwise because they might have (and probably didn't) Nerf his desecrate.


    Learn how to play Nekros and stop both being used as a Nekros *@##$ and using him as such.

  8. They will probably give cores based on the same principle for Warframe Ability mod removal... so... this probably wasn't the brightest of ideas.



    No, a Steel Charge above R5 was exchanged for a legendary core. 

    1 core per mod, if R6 or higher.

    Regardless would you rather be prepared? or unprepared? afterall i am sure most of us older players have an excess of cores and mods.

  9. Soma:




    Boltor Prime:




    Braton Prime:




    You were saying?

    I could kiss you. Thats exactly right. Also the gorgon doesnt need to be as powerful as the soma or the boltor prime. WHY THE HELL IS EVERYONE CONSIDERING THEM AS A F$%^IN BASE LINE????????? THEY ARE EEENNNNNDDDDDDDDDD GGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEE


  10. no recoil change

    no status change

    no crit change

    no spread or accuracy change


    damage "tweaked" (not "buffed")


    the ammo and reload stuff is GREAT and I'm happy about it, but I would've preferred they change some of the above stuff before messing with flight speed.

    Supra will never be a crit gun. Hate to break it to you.

    Status is probubly going to be part of the slight damage buff as status plays a major role in terms of extended DPS. Its accuracy and spread were never a problem. Its main probelm was the 4 second reload coupled with a tiny clip. They fixed the major problems. and Damage was not one of them but its very nice that it is getting buffed. Personally if they make is a status beast i will be happy.

    They may actually be changing it to an elemental gun. Say give it electrical base. That would be a very good and welcomed buff. And be a damage tweak.

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