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Posts posted by Tyroki

  1. Selling one for 300p


    Either whisper me here, or if you're on in the next 5 hours I'll be generally available in game (playing, but message me so I know you're interested :D )


    Edit: Updated.

  2. I've tried a few builds on it, and honestly... the Galatine IS weak.




    Up until you run around with it on a Loki. Charged up, mine was pulling 9-10k a hit.

    The weird part though, is that it's jump attack did sweet eff all compared to just spamming E.

  3. I concur.


    DE clearly have no idea as to what they're doing, and refuse to actually pay any attention to the damn community. Everything they say is just utter BS and lies.


    Can you guys stop lying to us? Please?


    Just outright admit it. You're greedy. You want as much of our money as possible, and are very willing to gank our pockets for it, any chance you can get. All of this bs RNG, this stupid, worthless grind, is just to push people to buy the crap you pump out. Well it isn't worth it.


    Screw this.

  4. Hear me out on this.


    Obviously right now they're tweaking the spawns and numbers.
    Interception is brilliant in that it splits up the party, which is great for bringing on a challenge. After all, we're stronger together than we are apart, supposedly.


    However, I find it a little odd that we're being split up completely. Would it not be more interesting/fun to get rid of say... point D, and have only 3 points. This keeps the party split up, but allows for someone to remain mobile, or to snipe at their leisure. The mobile person is also capable of being the main res player, as they can move between the points without having to worry about defending any one point. This fourth player would be best with a mobility frame (Excalibur, Zephyr, Nova, Valkyr, etc) to get around with ease.


    I just think it to be more interesting for all than four points.

  5. I have addressed the Nova issue with facts on numerous occasions, but no logic or rational argument will work with you guys. You love your Nova just the way it is, you don't and never will consider it overpowered. This in spite of the fact that an unhealthy (for the game) majority of player use Nova, because they know it's way overpowered and that's exactly how they like it.

    But, thread after negative thread comes up about Nova, with a strong depth of negative feeling, far more than about every other frame....there has to be some reason for this, but i suppose you can even explain that!


    You want 'facts'?


    The Nova could use a bit of tweaking, but is otherwise not overpowered based on the games current end game.

    Regardless of whether or not DE themselves balance to a base-line of level 40, the players themselves consider late time/wave Survival/Defense to be the end game.


    Where the end-game, considered by Warframes players, is considered to be late Survival/Defense, the Nova is still capable of holding her own.


    Does that not, in truth, show that the other damage frames, while generally holding to DE's balance point of level 40, become useless at the games end-game as seen by the actual players?


    As such, while the Nova may seem overpowered up to DE's balance point of level 40, it is in fact balanced to handle the games end-game content as seen by the actual players.


    Conclusion: DE need to actually consider the end-game as seen by the players (there is nothing ELSE to do if you get this far), and realise that the other damage frames are significantly under-powered.


    Seriously. They either need to look at how abilities, especially damage abilities, work in this game.

  6. Seriously. The only reason Nova is OP, is because the other damage frames just don't scale in to the end game.


    This isn't a problem with Nova. This is a problem with how the system has been set up.


    As it is, the system favours weapons over abilities. Then look at how Nova's drop works. It... um... scales... with weapon damage.


    It's a skill that scales with the games main player focus. Weapons.

  7. It's not that the Nova is OP.

    It's that the current damage system for warframe abilities sucks, and doesn't scale in to the later content.


    Nova is currently the only damage frame that can handle the current 'end-game'. :\


    M-prime is only horrendous in the early to mid game. Late game it's by no means overpowered, and one of the more necessary abilities to allow players to actually damage enemies.


    M-Prime + Sonar = Actual damage.

  8. Consider the current end-game. 

    Survival and Defense.

    These are scaling missions, which require abilities that stay useful at all times.

    Naturally, these abilities start out feeling overpowered.


    The trouble is, they're so desperately needed in their current forms for the current end game.

    More to the point, it just shows that either the abilities system needs to change, or everything else needs to be buffed up to compete.


    Ability scaling is something that's been asked for, but obviously it hasn't happened and likely isn't even on the table.


    M-prime is OP at low levels, sure, but in the end game, is quite useful, especially combined with Drop, a rare scaling damage ability.


    It wouldn't be so bad if all damage abilities scaled. Trouble is, they don't, so Nova just completely out-does them all. This isn't a design flaw in the Nova. This is a design flaw in the way damage abilities work as a whole.

  9. DE, seriously, just revert the continuous weapon changes back to how they were until you can actually work out how to make them work properly.



    And for crying out loud, make a seperate server for testing your new systems before they go live.

    This could have easily been picked up by a small test team, and didn't need to be thrown at the live game.


    Beta or not (enough with that crappy excuse. If you want to charge like wounded bulls, you can't claim it to be beta)

  10. What's that got to do with anything?

    We all know about the continuous damage BS.


    No, my problem is between the info on the wiki (states 125 damage), and the actual in game.

    I'm not even just talking about the arsenal. It's 12 base electrical damage in the codex as well.


    So is the wiki out of date, or what?

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