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Posts posted by Tyroki

  1. You fools. Obviously, if damage mods were removed from the game, then enemy levels would be nerfed accordingly to create balance.


    This is not about difficulty. This is about how damage mods create a lack of variety and customization by forcing players to equip them.




    Why was this not voiced earlier in the thread?

    Reading that drivel of morons (and illiterates), and decent posters going back and forth was painful.


    Isn't it obvious, people, that if damage mods were removed, the rest of the game would have to follow suit?

  2. Sound Quake is incredible CC that CCs yourself leaving you vulnerable. *Rhino laughs in the background*

    Sonic Boom is ok-ish, but significantly worse than Mags pull (on paper).  


    Im just saying it doesn't sound worth 225 plat  to me. 



    Go grind it out.


    Also, with overextended + Stretch, being CC'd yourself isn't a problem. The radius catches everything.

    It's especially better if you move behind some form of cover. Keep in mind, the radius is a sphere. Everything gets caught.


    Sonic Boom is better than Mags pull for the Banshee, as you'd prefer enemies being away from you, not next to you. Damage-wise is a non-factor. The point is the CC.


    But y'know, if you don't want a Banshee, that's fine. One less person who knows it's true value is fine by us =D

  3. Synergy between frames make the game more co-op. Good example is Blessing + m-prime, Radial Disarm + Bastille, Shield Polarize + Renewal 

    If synergy existed between individual frame's abilities, it's not bad. But with Synergies between frames in high level missions, frames will need other type of frames in order to last long. 

    Also, Synergy for weapons and frames are nice as well, for example we have volt and synapse. 


    Don't forget Radial Disarm + Vortex <3


    I didn't consider Shield Polarize + Renewal. That's actually kind of cool, as a duo variant to someone playing Trinity, if they didn't happen to want invulnerability (which can make things rather dull)

  4. o0o0o0o That never occured to me before. I'll have to try that next time I get a group going. Not sure if that falls under synergy so much as tactics though. It's a very good form of indirect synergy. 


    Hey, calling it now. Synergy is synergy, indirect or not =P

  5.  Things to remember though, Trinity doesn't have crowd control ability, can't stop enemies movement, can't slow them down, can't dps them, she can get knock down, can get surround. 

    So basically if she can't kill all the mobs, her abilities only help her get out of situations. And her casting time make her vulnerable against enemies. 




    Without her team, she has many possible issues. If they aren't looking out for her, their invulnerability dies with her.

    Likewise, if the Trinity is putting herself in to bad situations where she can be CC'd by the enemy, just because "Doh ho ho, I'm invul!", then she will die, and the whole thing is useless.


    Another thing is, the Trinity player has to either time their duration, or keep an active eye on the buff around her. It's fairly easy to miss blessing's duration wearing off when in the thick of combat.

  6. Actually, there is another example of an already existing synergy.


    Loki + Vauban. This is actually two-fold.


    Radial Disarm forces all ranged enemies to use melee. This causes them to run in to either Bastille's range, thus making them easier to deal with, or in to Vortex.


    Radial Disarm + Bastille
    Radial Disarm + Vortex.


    In fact, Vortex is the better combo, as they will actually move in to it's suction range =D


    Edit: As an added synergy that exists, and this one is just funny.


    Banshee Sonar + Trinity Blessing = New players are gods =P

  7. The other guy is correct. It's not what you see that matters; it's what it really is that counts. Accelerant + Ignis isn't synergy, since Ignis doesn't make accelerant better. That is a debuff because it makes enemies more vulnerable. Synergy is basically when 2 effects become better when used together than when used individually. A good example of synergy is Radial Disarm + Decoy. Radial Disarm alone saves you from guns, but not melee, and not all mobs focus on decoy. When used together, you're safer than when used these abilities individually.


    ... Accelerant is making the Ignis better.

    Therefore, Accelerant synergises well with the Ignis.


    They don't necessarily have to work off each other, so long as one works off the other.


    Radial Disarm synergises more with other CC frames rather than with the Loki's other abilities. For example, Radial Disarm + Bastille draws enemies in to Bastille's range to be caught. Another, still on the Loki+Vauban combo, is Radial Disarm + Vortex.

  8. I was in a game with a Nyx earlier, and watched an absolutely fantastic bug at work.

    Now, while I'm sure most know about it, naming the bug isn't actually the point of the thread. Rather, it's what I'm suggesting because of that bug which is the point.


    Let me explain for those who don't know.


    If a Nyx uses Absorb at the very moment they get 'knocked down', they are capable of moving while using Absorb.

    It is actually quite a surreal thing to watch, and reminds me very much of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Especially during some of Aang's avatar moments.


    The thing is, it wasn't actually that bizarre to watch. Which made me wonder:
    Why isn't this how Absorb works?


    As it is, the Nyx is keeping themselves psionically above ground in a meditative pose. But, why can't they float about like that too?

    Being able to reposition themselves during Absorb would help to gather damage, especially when team mates kill the group she's using to absorb.


    Sitting the Nyx in one place can be useful, but sometimes the fight is over and the ability is completely wasted. It's worse if they've been sitting there for a while, only for a team mate to slaughter everything. That doesn't feel very useful, for the Nyx, and often seems quite frustrating if the intention at the time isn't to just sponge damage for allies.


    As is, I've been using a Valkyr to help reposition the Nyx by using Ripline, but them being able to move, even if at a reduced speed, would be quite useful for both the Nyx and her team.


    Iono. What do you guys think?

  9. Well, the Grineer have disruption grenades that can kill her energy.


    But the main thing is that her team can be easily caught and killed during the cast time.


    Also, the fact that the Trinity can be knocked down during the effect is key to enemy 'counter-play'. All it takes is for the Trinity to be knocked down toward the end of the duration and both she and her team are in deep. If she can't even cast it, it's of no use =P


    It can't be heavily relied on, but is nice to have.


    So I do feel it has it's downsides. But yes, it does make the game rather dull.

    I'd still prefer it to be damage reduction rather than invulnerability, but eh.

  10. Actual power scaling throughout the game for damaging powers would help the Ember, but that just doesn't seem like it's ever going to happen.


    Why DE wants to keep all the damage front-loaded with no way of expanding in to the higher level game, I just don't freaking know.


    Against high level enemies, there is still no reason to use damaging powers over a gun. It's all just CC play.


    Why they changed the Ember, while the game is in this state, I'll never freaking know.

  11. This...


    Is actually an idea that's been floating around for the longest time.


    Power synergy between frames is something that has been wanted for ages.


    Firstly though, they need to better synergise the powers on a single frame before looking at synergies between that frame and other frames.


    I get where you're coming from, and this is the next step in keeping Warframes interesting. I just wonder if DE will ever take that step.


    Personally I'd love to see some kind of Synergy between the Mag's Shield Polarize and Volt's Shock.


    Shield Polarize enemies, causing their shield packs to short out and charge the air. The Volt then shocks one of those enemies, creating a lightning field in the area (DoT), or charging the area further, creating a sizeable slow field.


    Lots of possibilities.

  12. Go the Loki.


    Loki is both a support frame, and if you ever actually try to Solo, one of the best Solo frames in the game.


    Invisibility is more than just a "Keep yourself hidden" ability. The Loki makes for one of the best "CRAP! An Ally is down! TO THE RESCUE!" frames in the game. Radial Disarm is also really quite useful, especially when combined with CC frames. Lure enemies directly in to that Bastille, for example, so that they may be picked off more safely. Melee enemies that aren't made to be annoying as hell in melee (I'm looking at you, Scorpion) are a lot easier to deal with (for example, to avoid) than they are gunning both you and your allies down.


    Decoy also comes in handy a lot of the time.


    The only ability that I don't care for personally is Switch Teleport. But if you're intending to snipe, decoy to a high point, and switch with it. Sniping from relative safety.



    Personally, I didn't enjoy the Nyx. While Chaos was bloody useful, I just think the frame felt... meh.

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