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  1. Just happened to me 20 minutes into a survival. What a waste of time! It's been getting waaay worse, I see it daily now and the unstuck command doesn't even help
  2. For a few months now getting out of water with a archwing has been worse than ever! Atleast once a week me myself get stuck, atleast every other day I see someone else getting stuck. This wouldn't be a problem since there is a / unstuck command. But here's where the big problem is. I've never seen that command work with this bug, it says " you have been unstuck" but lo and behold your still in the exact same spot, stuck. No abilities nothing to do other than abandon mission or get your party to exfil for you . Now if your in a endless mission, like Ophelia farming tellurium you have to abandon and lose everything. A 30 minute survival totally wasted because of one bug that should have been fixed years ago. But is somehow getting worse! DE, either get rid of these tile sets or make it so you can flawlessly transition into and out of water wherever you want (not just the silly platforms you have to use to get out, which in my opinion are probably the cause of this bug).... But yea these are my two cents I've been playing Warframe since it came out (2013-2014) I absolutely love your game, but this is a hindrance that is to the point me and some others are thinking about finding a new game.
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