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Posts posted by random__noob

  1. Its a Beta. Bend any system, see if it breaks. Yes, it probably will. It's a Beta. They are supposed to fiddle with everything (including the player base) and learn from the experience.


    Also, yes, the trade channel will not be the same ever again. Truth be told, thats probably good for me. I have 2 rank 6 SC's, so I get 4 cores, if all goes as planned. I will use 2 for something, but rank up my Hornet Strike rank 8 and Serration rank 8 manually. I will buy rare 5s cheaper. I will try to make profit out of the remaining 2 legendary cores.


    I should be able to afford all slots, skins and potatoes I'd ever want to get, and still dont have to grind as much in the future to make some progress and afford high-level mods. I am happy, and I only have 2 SC's.


    Don't get greedy. Enjoy. If the market doesn't work reasonably well for high rank items anymore, then it doesn't. Heavy caliber unranked will still have the same price. Since people can now easily rank it up to 10, it may even rise, as demand should spike for mods with 10 level capacities, simply because all of a sudden, you CAN level them up. Everybody can. There was the odd seller of some mod that was rank 10, but its not like this was the vast majority of the trade channel. It was present. But most trades revovled about cores, keys and unranked mods.


    So, what now? End of the game?



    Useful gift?



    Better reward for being at the right place at the right time than Twin Wraith Vipers?



    Consider it to be an event. And don't follow the hype. This game is about grinding. If you take out the grind, you are left with nothing.

  2. You shouldnt get those mods from the drop tables. As it is, you get the stuff when you build or buy the helmet. That should simply remain the case.

    These mods are intended to look like Coolant leak, in that they cannot gain levels. So having multiples of them would be pointless. And dropping them somewhere would feel cheap.


    Toggle would work, but wouldn't allow me to use Helmet A with modifier B... And that would be awesome.


    I kinda dislike all Mag helmets, including Prime, except the basic Mag one. But the advantages are tempting. So I run around ugly, and end up not playing Mag at all.

  3. Just throwing in my opinion on the matter: Keep the keys in. Definitely.


    In the past we had a real rough time to collect T3 keys. It was a slow grind, and they where expended quickly. Now? Simple, go to recruiting, join the mission type you want, get your own key. Everybody gets them by the truckload, and a boatload of credits as well. And credits equals high-level mods.


    To all people who are complaining about the current drop system: All WANTED components are statistically more available. Yet we kinda dont get multiples of the so-called common components anymore, and I think thats brilliant. Instead, we get stuff we can use. This is an upgrade for everybody. Stop being pissed. Embrace your keys as what they are: Missions you do for credits, fun and rare components. The Void missions provide all that: You play with friends or with the recruiting channel people, no randoms, in a sense. You use 1 key, and sometimes it just gives the whole team a key. But overall, you get your stuff faster, promise. Each prime equipment you intended to build had something common, and something rare. It was simple to get the common part, but the grind for the rare stuff meant you end up with a boatload of common components.


    Cores, however, should probably show up less often as rewards. Only rare cores feel like we are being rewarded.


    Cells feel odd, but I already know they are a filler for when new prime components are released, so I can live with that, NP.

    DE can't just stop giving us all rare components in 3 runs. You'd lose motivation. So they decided to give us not as much as we wanted, but defenitely more than we had with the last drop table. It took me ages to get 1 Orthos Prime blade, before U12. And after U12, I was doing 2 runs and was done with Orthos. We are getting more than before. And we are also getting free keys, sometimes. Yes, RNG is gonna screw you. Live with it, or leave the game. Extreme cases will always exist when RNG is a basic principle. Feel special about it, you are nowhere near the statistical average.

  4. The timing counter may not be visible enough in a situation where you respond to other player's descision. As such, not extremely intuitive. People might also assume the timing extension should be applied when 2 players are left in the defense. The Concept certainly works fine, however the mechanic isn't immediately tied to the cause: Unless somebody explains it to you, you will have a rough time to grasp what's really going on. Thus, for simplicities sake, I'd prefer a confirmation prompt when you are the last one in the mission when time runs out. Some players would understand it as a challenge, making them feel proud if they manage to win another set of rounds. And it would be an obvious mechanic to solve an annoying occurance.

  5. Well, let's dive into a couple of examples, then. Say you started, it went decent on Mercury, and then you arrive at Venus. You learned a couple of things, so all is well. You face corpus, and think they are quite a bit tougher than Grineer. You read on the internet that you should either use Magnetic or Cold to swiftly kill their shields. You check where you can find Cryo rounds. Hint: It's not on Mercury. You get it from Fusion Moas, or on Earth.


    Oops... Aren't Corpus the ones you have a hard time to kill? So now you are supposed to farm Fusion Moas?


    Allright, maybe Serration then?

    Drops from:

    Grineer Scorpion
    Infested Nauseous Crawler
    Infested Electric Crawler
    Tier 2 Def Reward
    Tier 1/2/3 Survival Reward

    Well, in theory you can get one in Surv. Good luck. It can drop at 20 minutes and 40 minutes, with a 6.67% chance.


    I got my first Serration on Jupiter. It was quite a journey to there, let me tell you that... I wouldn't call that rushed. Sure, you get by until you find your own significant stuff. But it's not like most of the players make that development as solo players. Many will just enter online games. And let's be honest: If your stuff sucks, and you deal about 5% of the teams damage, and you have a hard time to even run as fast as the other players with their copter weapons and fancy mobility abilities, you aren't really in a learning experience. You aren't developing a plethora of skills. You are dead weight until you acutally find stuff that will make your presence on the map matter. If you are significant when you are doing the correct actions, or killing the correct enemy, or using the right abilities, then you learn the difference between good and bad plays. If it doesn't matter one way or the other what you are currently doing, then you learn very little. Or at least that's the way I experienced it.


    Why is that stuff relevant? Well, so far new players aren't provied with the most basic mods. So they kinda need a way to get around.


    If DE gave the new players something along the lines of a Serration or Hornet Strike for starters, then I'd agree with the OP. As it is now, though, the ability to taxi into an area where you can gather resources for crafting and mods to exploit weaknesses of the enemies on your current planet is really a welcome help.

  6. When fusing, I just sort by polarity, as mods of matching polarity as the card I want to fuse, regardles of time I obtained them, are more efficient. I select "All mods" for that purpose. I kinda get it to work. But as has been said already: The current system is targeted at people wanting to max a mod in one go. That's not credit-efficient. Its better to have a serration at 8 and a different mod at a decent level than to have a serration at 10 and norhing else left, in terms of cores and credits. So its a delicate process. I want to have control over it. The "how much do you want to use" button deperately needs an "up" and "down" from the number you initially choose. I pretty much always leave 1 or 2 copies of each mod, in case I want to create a mod card of a differnt level to squeeze into a build, lateron. That's currently a bit clumsy.


    And if there is anything you should be able to stack, it should be cores. Because THERE the current system would acutally be convenient.


    I understand that this is helping the long-time players a lot that have about 200 ammo drums and the scroll bar on the side just isn't good enough for scrolling through the list to find a specific mod. But the system as it is is really inconvenient.

  7. Latron has higher DPS than Soma on paper, but not in general gameplay. You know what's funny, though? If you are really good with it, you WILL out-DPS the soma. It's niche is found: Very skilled players can use this weapon to make their high skill matter, and out-damage all other players on a large range. No RNG-based bullet spread will determine if their bullet hit where they aimed. They themselves will determine if it is good or if it isn't. I am not one of those good players. I find the soma more convenient.


    The niche for this gun is: You can make it matter more than any other gun if your skill allows it.


    And there should be one gun like that. Not many, but one. So keep it as it is. Reward skilled players.


    Currently, you either aim a Penta in the general direction of the enemie, or you spray the field with Soma shots and you deal QUITE a bit of damage. Both guns suffer at longer range, due to spread and travel time. Skilled players SHOULD be allowed to out-perform these guns. Now they do. What is BAD about that?

  8. You certainly are an attention craving person...


    Suggesting something of a twist on this:

    If you create a warframe or a sentinel, you will get the specific mod cards with it. If you want a sweeper for your Dethcube, you craft both, and attach one part to the other.


    Your system should work similarly: Each head has a slot (even the basic one), but if you want a mod card for it, craft or buy the helmet. If you want the looks of helmet A and the card of B, you should be able to do so. After all, visual customization leads to immersion.


    Just don't make the cards drop during regular missions. We are getting all skin blueprints as alert rewards anyway.

  9. Resources aren't that bad. It's a good idea to be able to get cells in the mission that gives you blueprints you need a high amount of cells FOR. It's just... ONE cell? In survival it isn't as bad, as you are stacking rewards. You will get SOMETHING. Maybe even several cells, which I wouldn't mind at the moment. In defense, trading your T3 def key for one cell will "encourage emotional responses from players"...


    Maybe just make it one rare resource of any kind? That would feel like a reward, and would still make people grind a lot if they just needed cells.

  10. If there is a delay when somebody switches, people would troll with their switches by delaying extraction or next wave.

    If there is a delay, make it work only if somebody is left alone in defense. Or a confirm button asking "UR ALONE NOW! R U S3RI0US!??!!!11"


    Also, what I tend to do is ask people how long they want to keep playing, while the wave is still ongoing. Other players get encouraged to stay if you announce that you will certainly stay, and another teammate agrees. Just encourage communication.

  11. As it is, it's hard enough for new players to access useful rewards. If the Taxi-option is taken away from them, they'll have an even longer grind before they acquire something useful. I remember my first level-up experience. I had a rough time to find the required resources to build new weapons (I was playing mostly solo) because I could not clear the starmap out with my crappy weapon. And also, I didn't have the credits or mods or fusion cores to make higher level weapons meaningful. And I didn't have good teammates to play long defense or survival missions with, so leveling my Braton was a pain and took quite a while.


    New players SHOULD be able to hop onto taxies to get that juicy alert or to gain these sweet 50 k for leveling something up.


    I sure hate the fact that you sometimes enter a team with 2 leechers that don't move at all, and one new player. I hate it even more if I have my own leveling equip with me. And I REALLY hate facing the Stalker in a situation like that and dying after a 3 minute fight against the stalker (my rhino could only take so many hits, and the other present player wasn't exactly good).


    But I blame and curse the players for it. Not the system. And not DE.


    We do however need a way to get rid of leechers. Seriously.

  12. Concept is flawed, and should either be reworked or dismissed. This is a shoot-and-loot. If you pass up on much of the loot in higher difficulties, because you cannot leave your flag, and you pass up on quite a bit of experience when enemies die outside of exp range, which would be more common if the requested point-increase is implemented, then you are missing the point of this game. Also, it reduces the diversity of teams, each member must be a stand-alone like rhino. Hardly any room for support players. And the weakest link of the team is brutally exposed to all, if people cannot rely on others. This leads to insults, ultimatively. If one player constantly has to leave his own post and revive a teammate, the team isn't exactly thrilled about that.


    If more points, then make the points depending on players in the party (difficult to implement what with players joining or leaving after the mission starts, I know). That way solo players wouldn't be as overwhelmed as they are now.

  13. Agreed. I was online, just checking occasionally if a good alert or invasion is up. Saw reactor just now, but it dwindled so fast I managed to go for 4 runs. That's mean. That's teasing. That's ridiculous. And above all: no fun. You feel like somebody is mocking you. And the endless steam of leachers (4 runs, 4 minutes lost to having 3/4 in the endgame zone) doesn't exactly help.


    If the reward is rare, make the invasion more stable.

  14. Playing invasions versus Evis very much feels like playing a Nightmare mission with the no-shield debuff. Occasionally, somebody of the team just randomly falls over. It happens to most players, at some point, since you are kinda trying to speed it up. Result: Some people aren't even trying to counteract it with mods or equipment. They just side with the Grineer for invasions. Because fighting the Corpus is much more pleasant. Easy-to-see armor colors, not as much knockdown, and only techies deal significant damage.


    Problem: At some point, all of the map is Grineer. Which kinda blows. Me and my clanmates tried to defend Xini. But there's no way to counteract the overwhelming desire of players to have an easy time/ get the detron/ side with the moral high ground (very debateable as it might be).

  15. Warframe is, and should be, some sort of dynamic system. It would fit the lore quite well to have Lotus task the Tenno with pushing the Grineer back. Intentional invasions, with no Backup from the Corpus. Sounds nice.


    Also, I want to throw in a small comment on supremancy: Gaining more ground doesn't immediately mean you gain more resources. That's a mid-to-long-term effect. In the short term, it means you spread your forces thinner. So actually, having DE correct the power level of Grineer in the invasions DOWN sounds reasonable, to a point. That's just a little bit of history repeating, really.


    I personally support Grineer when rewards are equal, since fighting Grineer is annoying. Pretty much all units stagger you, knock you back, make you bleed or otherwise annoy you. With Corpus, it is basically "Don't get shot by the Tech", and the rest is relaxed gameplay.

  16. Honestly? They are tough, annoying, and challenging to beat. Which is exactly what we needed. Most other bosses are simply meaty, maybe deadly with one or two attacks. The Pack seemed to be way more diverse. If this turns out to be the most efficient way to gather Cells (if you play well), I'd be pleased.

  17. I can't see if the enemy or teammate is above or below me, at least not at a glance. I CAN figure it out if I look at the minimap for a second (two so far, because I am not used to it yet). I want that info at a glance, not when I stare at it.The arrow is thus not big enough for me. People are different. If you think its good enough as it is, then surprise, we need to adjust this element of the HUD, because statistically, no matter what you decide, its wrong for somebody. Actually a lot of somebodies. It's that simple.


    Also, why are abilities in a different corner than health. Ammo I can live with in the lower right corner. Energy I can't. I have to swiftly (emphasis on swiftly) decide if I got all I need to stay in the fray or if I need to fall back and let my teammates take the heat. In serious matches, I don't have the time to check 2 differnt spots. That means my response time just doubled. Which is bad news. Slice it any way you want it, no matter how fast you respond, if you got to check 2 different locations, you are taking twice as long. You wanted to make this information more available. What made you think spreading it out would achieve that goal?


    And finally: Shoot whoever developed the mod "cleanup", or the one that decided it should already be implemented when it clearly isn't yet ready. If you are looking for exactly the number of mods it takes to get your fuse target to the next level, you are constantly trying out different numbers. Honestly, you got to be kidding me. I actually was looking forward to this option. Now I find out that fusing takes longer. I mean, you didn't include cores, which are the one single thing where it would have made sense to have a stack of them, with a number, and the fuse option to just ask us for the number I want to use.


    You didn't add an "up" or "down" button for fusion. (Thats basically all it takes, for all mid-level fusions to be convenient.). And I was able to fuse more cards into my target than I actually would need. There was no signal what was the necessary amount. So I tried 12, and Avalanche was full. I tried 11, still full, I tried 8, too low, I tried 9, too low, I tried 10, which was right. That cannot be what you intended to do.

  18. The problem I experienced with the Gorgon is that it is kinda specialized, but since I just now arrived at Mastery rank 6, I didn't have the necessary amount of loot to make it stand out, there is just too much credits you need to GET to mastery rank 6... For the Gorgon, you'd need a high level Serration (costs many mods and many credits to level up high), and some other rather spiffy things like a Catalyst or a Split Chamber mod. Putting that much effort into a rather specialized gun to take out Corpus troops at medium distance is not really what you'll want. You'd put so many resources into it that you'll weaken your overall power and stability.


    I am not sure you are looking in the right direction... If you feel you want to have a good rifle until you find all the uber-stuff and to have time to find sufficient credits, you might just want to try something else for a start. There is a promotion going on (afaik still active) by a website called iahgames. If you register there and create a new warframe account (use a spam-mail-adress) you'll get sent a code which you can redeem for a Braton (regular, not MK1) that already has a catalyst. You can redeem this code at your already-existing account, just let go of the account you registered at iahgames, no harm done. It also comes with its own weapon slot for free. I guess right now you don't have that many catalysts at your disposal, so I guess you can safe one and use that Promo-Braton for a start. That potato'ed Braton will be better than an unpotato'ed Gorgon, and it costs you exactly nothing. Also, it comes with a pretty nice weapon skin ^^

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