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Everything posted by CrypticMonarch

  1. Now that is the mistake DE mad. But it’s not simple to go back and fix the mistake. Especially with all the players commenting on the issue. They already stated in the post that IF they release future heirloom, then they will look into splitting the packs into separate skins.
  2. It still means you don’t have to spend money on plat. Your basically saying that DE is evil for doing this to their free to play game. They should remove the monetization element? Almost no free to play games includes this element. As an expanding team with more insane updates, they are bound to need more money. It doesn’t help the the player base isn’t increasing exponentially.
  3. I hear you but you are forgetting this is meant to be the equivalent of a 10 year founder pack. While it is considered as very expensive, it’s meant to be bought as a pack for those that want to spend the money in support. If you don’t buy the pack, it doesn’t mean you are not a fan. As for the prime vaulting, you can already earn the prime warframes without spending money by just playing, spending money is just a faster alternative?
  4. How else do you expect them to make money then? They already let you trade the in game currency meaning technically, you can make insane fashion frames without spending a dime. From any other free to play game, Warfame has done the most to show they are not at all greedy and they think about the players.
  5. Also my b about the 3rd contradicting 1st, read it wrong lmao.
  6. They are currently working on hotfixes to resolve the issue. Just wait a couple days
  7. Well this collection bundle is basically the exact same concept. It is meant for players that want to throw DE money for some kick ass skins in order to support their future endeavours and updates. You can choose to invest in these skins but you do not have to. Also your third point kinda contradicts your first but honestly, I understand your POV. Just understand that DE isn’t purposely trying to rip everyone off.
  8. Be honest with me, what would have happened if they didn’t even release this pack? No one would ever scream at them for not releasing a 10 year skin line. You don’t have to buy this skin bundle. You can easily get skins like these from Tennogen for a lot cheaper. But similar to Excalibur Prime and the Founders pack, it is priced high and exclusive because it is meant as supporter money for their future updates. It is not suppose to be some regular skin bundle that you spend a little money on. It is a 10 year founder pack.
  9. Don’t worry man. They need to issue hotfixes and change the plat amount that is sent to your account. When they rectify the situation, you will receive your full plat. 😉
  10. To everyone who is saying the collection is overpriced. You are correct. It is expensive af. But I think a majority of the community is forgetting that these skins are meant to be a celebration of 10 years. They are even selling an acolade, similar to the one from the founder packs which, by the way, at the highest tier was 250 US. I don’t see people arguing about it’s high price or time exclusivity. Why aren’t you all screaming at DE to bring back Excalibur Prime because of “FOMO”? Secondly, DE cannot just lower the price or separate the skins into individual packs. Players already bought the skin bundles and everyone can’t simply be refunded some money back into their accounts. It would be extremely be unfair for those who have already spent the money, only to learn that they could have spent less. DE was more than generous to even increase the platinum reward. And again, this pack is meant for those who want to support DE through paying for expensive cosmetics that YOU don’t have to. It doesn’t make you any less of a supporter if you didn’t buy it. Did DE make a mistake with the pricing of this pack? 100%. But it cannot be resolved as easily as you all think. That’s why this posts also includes “LESSONS” in the title. They made a mistake and they will rectify it the next time a collection is released. For now, let’s be thankful DE tried to make a compromise for our requests.
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