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Posts posted by CephalonCarnage

  1. On 2024-04-29 at 3:04 PM, Drachnyn said:

    Yep, the game mode was advertised as a group adventure. Which will not stop me from trying to solo it anyway.

    Considering DE tries hard to remove group play modes to make them solo-friendly, I think this is just their excuse to try to nerf the power creep they let take hold.

    If they wanted group play, they'd bring back Railjack as it was - which was such a thing of beauty watching 4 players work together without trying to killsteal simultaneously.

    • Like 3
  2. This is a subtle problem but one I've really noticed since Protea arrived and I went back to farming relics.

    The problem is that new disruption have been trivialised. Seriously, what was before a fun mission type that lasted long enough but not too long has now become something that gets completed in less than 2 minutes. All 4 conduits can be complete so easily.

    To get relics for new frames I tend, like most, to jump into Olympus, Ur and Apollo. These modes had a lot to offer, plenty of enemies and a little excitement rush as the demolishers were found and dispatched. All good.


    But the changes to disruption mean that not only do keys drop much more regularly (this is possibly a good thing) but the demolishers are marked on the map much, much quicker. That means they die quick, there's no need to hunt them down or find them, they practically come to you, and with the OP weaponry they die quickly. They died quickly anyway, that's not the problem, but the fact that they are now located quicker means they die quicker. Add the drop rate of keys and the whole thing can be over in a minute or two.

    I've been playing a few to farm relics and its insane compared to the old gameplay.


    I think ultimately the problem is entirely the demolisher location, which should be changed to something less obvious. Maybe the range of detection need nerfing, or the red marker locating it changed to a directional indicator as before (the sound increased, if this is changed to make it more visual then add a stronger border or filter to the player's screen). Maybe I'm wrong and I'm playing with players who are nuking the map (it happened before but never to this extent, and never so regularly).


    Just ran one, with lower level players, and aside from the overwhelming particles at times and the running back and forth that somewhat bad luck in key drops, we ran 7 rounds in 21 minutes. Apollo, 5 rounds in just over 10 minutes.

    • Like 3
  3. People want lore (though this is no different to Dagath - build the room, get the warframe).

    I am more concerned about the story aspects, through the storytelling, we're told that Dante, a warframe, did this and that like its a person. Everywhere we see more and more warframes being discussed like they're not semi-mythical killing robots but companions and friends and generally people. Now if this was the case of describing them pre-warframing then fine, but the story explicitly refers to them as warframes.

    I'm not sure I see how this isn't just general story for the sake of story and nowhere near the established lore. It makes me wonder if these addons are nothinbg more than "content island" filler and there is no longer a coherent story that has somewhere to go, or some story to tell. It really does seem like each update is just something put together and released so players will come back and engage more.

    • Like 5
  4. 1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Hi Tenno!

    With Dante Unbound’s release this week on March 27th quickly approaching, we have made the decision to launch without the Deep Archimedea game mode and instead ship it in a Hotfix on all platforms next week.

    The team assessed where Deep Archimedea was at and determined some additional time was needed to iron out the last wrinkles and make those final polish checks. Given the complexity of the game mode and all the careful design considerations required in its development, we want to ensure that when it gets to you in its best state!

    As an additional reminder, Deep Archimedea requires 2 Netracell Search Pulses in order to play. With that in mind, we wanted to reassure you that we will be adding a one-time bonus of 5 Netracell Search Pulses with the Deep Archimedea Hotfix next week, which will last until the following weekly reset (Monday, April 8th @ 0:00 UTC). This should ensure everyone who meets the requirements can attempt Deep Archimedea, even if the weekly five Netracells have been completed!

    We’re excited to have Dante Unbound finally in your hands on March 27th and look forward to seeing you put your loadouts to the test next week with Deep Archimedea! 

    Thanks for your patience, Tenno.

    This should be the way for all updates - release the basic stuff and then release the next bits over the following weeks to flesh it out. Less bugs, less strain on the devs, more gameplay interest kept current for longer.

  5. On 2024-03-17 at 6:16 PM, Circle_of_Psi said:

    That's cuz they don't allow powers that are not unique to the frame or their theme, that's why.

    Gloom is pretty unique, and themed to the original frame and yet can be used on others. Fire walker is pretty unique and themed too. 2 off the top of my head for you.

  6. 18 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    The red Conduit is now yellow to better prompt visual clarity between the icons and Demolysts.

    If its not too late, can I request the cyan or white conduits also get a colour change - sometimes its difficult to see which of these two is the key you've picked up. If the yellow is also very pale, then it will be more annoying. Changing cyan to purple, brown or hot pink, say, would be welcome.

    • Like 4
  7. I'll go with the Mars defence tile. Its where I used to go with a new gun to level it up, back in the days when the appearance of the Hyekka master was a "oh no, this guy is tough" days. That's where I spent a lot of time experimenting with stuff, and have fond memories of shooting those grineer.

    Tileset though, the void everytime.

  8. I have a rattleguts/gibber/splat which works beautifully. The reason is the firerate, along with the usual extra mods and Arcane Pistoleer. 60% chance of ammo efficiency on headshots means you always get headshots as there's so many bullets flying, and that means infinite ammo on a gun that does a ton of damage in aggregate. It is the crazy room clear once you get going

    Now admittedly I have a +cc riven, but TBH kitgun rivens are almost worthless, so go get one. You will also want Secondary Merciless for the extra damage. I also like Pax Charge on it for QoL reasons but YMMV.

    Get Galvanised Diffusion to replace Barrel Diffusion. Creeping Bullseye works better for that extra CC.

    • Like 2
  9. if you're at the level of game where you have done the war within and unlocked these things then you should be at the level where you can kill them. If you focus a little you can take them out in less than an hour, getting as many murmers as possible and unlocking the known requiems and then running missions until it spawns and taking your chances you've got the parazon mods in the right order.

    the trick really is to know what the mods you need are. Do not stab the lich randomly because it will level up and a level 5 lich can be quite annoyingly hard. And will lurk on the Kuva fortress which can be equally annoying.

  10. 8 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

    I've been playing it A LOT and I have to agree, it's a fantastic game, but it's not without bugs.. and I'm not just talking about the ones that get mowed down by the hundreds, like, the Devs are workign 12 hours shifts because there's server-side issues and the actual number of people playing dwarfs the number they expected... Arrowhead could genuinely "make it outta the hood with this one", maybe even get some awards, but only once the game is fixed. personally I intend to keep playing for the foreseeable and spend my time between warframe updates there. 

    all that said, it's a VERY different game from warframe:

    - ammo limits are already in place on the worst AoE offender weapons, for other weapons this would basically be a straight nerf. ammo doesn't really limit time per se, it just limits the time you spend fighting instead of running around waiting to get more ammo. it's not everyone's idea of fun to dump a couple mags then have to run for your life every 5 minutes, and it works in Helldivers because there's actual danger of being killed: even when we're out of ammo, why would our heavily shielded/armored warframes with powerful melee weapons ever need to run away? it wouldn't work in warframe at all.

    - we have open worlds, and if you've ever played on them in public matchmaking, you've probably encountered one or two people who go fishing or mining while everyone esle is trying to get the bounty done; in Helldivers it's hella risky to strike out on your own because again, you are squish as hell and ammo is limited, so safety is in numbers. you still get people doing this in warframe, especially since there's no risk to being caught alone by enemies.

    - we already have powers, we don't need air support, though it does remind me how Vauban's 3 is an awesome looking power that should be buffed.

    and it's not coming to console. there are other platforms around after all! I'd play that too if I could.

    WRT open worlds, the difference is that an open world tries to be everything all at once. A HD2 mission wouldn't be that, there wouldn't be any fishing or mining to do. It would be all mission (like say, survival) but over a larger area with more points of battle and areas to locate and manage as part of the mission. Not much different from regular missions except ot be a lot less linear.

    Ammo, I thought it'd be a cool feature to have to manage your ammo to provide a way to regulate the mission length that wasn't just kill everything until you're bored. Getting rid of drops also stops the loot farming attitudes we have, instead you go get the loot from locations. It mixes things up a little and WF needs some of that.

    Air support adds some interest ideas, as we alreayd have similar flavour of mechanics in things like Zariman tower defence where you build the turrets, This could add a lot more features to that I think.

    11 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    Taking inspiration from a game that installs malware on your system is not the great take you think it is.

    HD2 production team are obviously stoopids. WF production team are awesome. What was your point?


    Overall, I think as games go for DE to take inspiration from (and there are a lot showing in WF development over the years), this one wouldn't be a bad concept to take on. It obviously woulnd't be anything really like HD2, but the basis of it would give DE something other than another linear exterminate run, or a mobile defence. The only thing they've really added that's "new" is the collect-the-mushrooms parkour challenge missions. I would be very happy if we got an open-area assault mission that also incoporated railjack in some way, but I won't hold my breath on that,

    • Like 1
  11. I've been watching the lastest greatest game out there (no, not Palworld) and it strikes me that if DE likes to take inspiration from games to put into WF, as we saw with the Elden Ring inspired Duviri combat stuff, then De could do a lot worse than go back to the operator timeline and give us the new war, inspired by slightly open world missions fighting sentients on varous planets. HD2 looks awesome, everyone seems to really like it, there's great mechanics that make interesting gameplay decisions and its a great fun co-op shooting the hell out of things.

    Gameplay: eg limited ammo that aren't loot drops but resupply and location crates meaning you have a time limit based on ammo. Missions are open, no linear maps where players can just run off and kill everything leaving you behind. Extra features come from air support as does resupply with cooldowns. These are all great ideas that solve some of the most awkward parts of warframe gameplay now without requiring nerfs to speed or damage or capabilities.


    • Like 1
  12. All the Warframe boys do the same old meta builds. Try highlighting some of the lesser stuff and don't worry so much about the top tier new content, though I understand that's where your audience will be interested in, there's alot of players coming up and wanting builds that are relevant to them getting stuck on Uranus, say.

    So explain mechanics like armour stripping or synergies, and then do it all with frames like Zeyphr or Nova.

    If you do a 4-man squad, I think "all the same" is a bit pointless. A squad of synergistic frames however: a tank, a dps, a healer, and a support frame walked into a void tower... combinations of those might be more interesting to friends who will have different styles of play.

    Youtube channels are strange - you'll need to keep putting out content until it gets to a certain point, then YT will start to recommend you, then you'll start to see a takeup. Its a slow process at first. Years sometimes, but you need the content for YT to see you, it won't rec you unless there's more of your stuff to them show viewers to also watch.

    • Like 2
  13. If you wanted to "fix" rivens without going crazy like removing them altogether then there are other options.

    Start new weapons at a dispo of max of either 2 or whetever its non-prime version is. Then make those weapons with 1 dispo get such bad stats they are unusable. Make them even roll 0% every time. This means the rivens for the super meta weapons that are trading for hundreds of plat become worthless. This means the riven market starts to become something to help A-tier weapons and below. You can even increase the stats on them, maybe offer additive bonuxes instead of the trash multiplicitive ones, or even give a bonus stat per dispo (ie dispo 5 gets you 5 stat buffs, 4 gives you 4 etc).

    Right now, all rivens are "trash tier" or "god tier" depending on the weapon. You can easily see which ones just by looking at trade chat and there are only a handful in that meta category. Losing them would benefit rivens as a whole, and would make the large number of good-but-not-god weapons more prevalent.

  14. 3 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

    I'm curious what kind of boss you would like to fight that isn't "dull"?

    Exploiter. But she avoids the warframe problems by requiring you to use other features to get her. And a lot of warframe pewpew as well. that means you don't feel like you're in a puzzle simulator or fighting an invulnerable boss. (both of which are kinda true), so said boss is pretty much the pinacle of warframe boss fights. Lots of exposition and voice acting as well, and a 2 stage fight that makes it more interesting.


    Though I don't mind the fragmented one and think its a pretty easy boss TBH, I think the 2 biggest problems with the 60 eyes one is partl'y that, besides the annoying nullifier, its got such damaging attacks, I was one-shot in a middle of particle effects. Someone revived me, I got up and was insta-killed immediately by it again! Its a bad attack thing, and saying "parkour around it" isn't quite as simple as suggested especially when your squad has brought every AoE explosion of particles there is in the game. I would rather have more attacks that dealt 50% damage than 1 attack that does 100%, for example.

  15. 12 hours ago, (NSW)Probably_Asleep said:

    (I mean there's "standing" as well, but what even is that? Gamified reputation? "We like you this much, until you ask for something in return and then we'll like you less by a predefined amount...")

    gameified Goodwill, so yes. Like if your buddy comes round to yours and you drink together but he drinks all your beer, then next time he turns up you make excuses why you don't have time for another party like that. Until he makes good by doing stuff for you again that makes you not mind him drinking all your beer again. Gamified into standing points.

  16. 13 hours ago, Hobie-wan said:

    That's not a bug, it's for security reasons. Also it's a function of the forum software, which isn't made by DE. As explained here:


    No, its not. Its a misconfiguration or some leftover from the upgrade a long while back. I used to be permanently logged in to the forum, then they uipgraded it to a new version and suddenly, I'm logged out every few days (I think I tracked it once, based on cookie timeout values might have been 3 days). But iots a relatively new thing, not security or outside their control. They can also remove that check for different IPs if they so chose although its not the issue as I connect solely to the forums on my PC.

    • Like 2
  17. 4 hours ago, Elisavet said:

     you've responded with making this personal, while continuing to drag me down rather than try to explain why my ideas wouldn't work in Warframe.


    This isn't a Forum discussion, it's rapidly devolving into a Twitter exchange.

    hmm. I said "don't take it personally" and then offered reason why criticism is criticism. If you offer ideas up for discussion, don;t get uppity when people offer their criticism. Also, I did say why your ideas woulnd't work - see my original post. Imagine, trying to stop people going fast but giving them a get-out if they go even faster. lol.

  18. Not sure of the primary as I'd have something that fires more oomph as an alternative to the pistol (eg Fulmin), but the auto-spool rifles seem to have the biggest mag, supra vandal, soma prime or tenora. Trumna or Ignis are the next ones but if they run out too quick for you, you'll have to start modding for mag cap.

    I'd recommend Kuva twin stubbas (sure, recoil is huge but that exilus slot fits a anti-recoil mod that makes it lovely to use).

    However, my pick would always be a kitgun. I built a rattleguts/gibber/splat (you may want to change for the largest magazine). With a few forma it rocks, but you also run Arcane Pistoleer - the gun shoots so many bullets you can always get a headshot even by accident. Headshots give 60% chance of 100% ammo efficiency. Meaning, that I can shoot a stream of bullets that only end when there are no more enemies left to shoot. Its crazy good for some tiles where the baddies keep coming at you, so much that one player demanded the mod config after he saw me standing at a corridor shooting for what felt like 10 minutes flat.

  19. On 2024-01-31 at 11:15 PM, Aevire said:

    I don't think they're doing infested Liches. I don't think the concept works very well since the Infested don't have a lot of named characters. I'd rather see a different type of system, maybe an 8 person two-squad gamemode like was promised with the initial Railjack launch, to acquire the new infested weapon variants, which is I'd imagine most of the reason for the desire for Infested Liches. I'd be much more interested in Murmur/Corrupted Liches - I think Murmurized versions of currently underplayed weapons (Daikyu, Argonak, Jat Kittag, etc) would be very cool and it'd be interesting to maybe have Lich Incarnons - some of which could maybe be pure bonus element in their Incarnon Form.

    True this - infested shouldn't really be another Lich you can have around as a servant. What it should be is a bug hunt. You have to go find the big bug lich and kill it, something akin to silver grove type mechanics to find the thralls and then a big showdown somewhere in the depths of Eris or Deimos, maybe a small infested tunnel tileset to go with it for that Alien vibe.

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