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Everything posted by (PSN)Warhammer002

  1. Hope nice indeed works for ya but everything else is flat busted so 1 arcane is going ta carry u through the steel path not likely indeed
  2. Whats next they going make us put primed flow on a hildryn for no good reason other than someone didnt think and just implemented a change with out proper testing
  3. All the posts ive read say the same thing de butchered 3 of the best frames for what they need to patch things back to the way it was the majority of us are extremey dissatisfied with warframe in general now due to ether there lack of proper testing or they simply could careless im not intresded in playing frames that can be laid low bye an enemy breaking wind!
  4. No i like the truth my dude dont be a sheep say something intelligent About the topic???! About the topic K moving on
  5. I dont even wann to take the mr 30 witch i qualifie for but not sure if i even wanna spend the time or the real world money on platinum time testing builds and arcane s on the warframe and operater the weapons testing in simra all this went downhill with "the drifter" by the way we ARE TENNO! Always have been. So stop with were gonna make u stuff and get back to the vetran fan base or any of us with good sense will just stop buying prime access and everything else for that matter so in short digital extreme i am sorry but i can't nor will i endorse this as a good thing or tell anyone that this is a positve thing what it truly is a blatant slap in the face to rhino Frost and atlas mains that needs looked at again by "your team" because we have been there for years for you dont scrap all our work because you "think" this is better for the new fan base and its just easyer to make them.
  6. This thing on de i know you can respond privately email something we vetran playersdeserve a real answer period!
  7. I main rhino 1245 armor 410 power i used ta cast ironskin 157k + because of arcane gaurdian growing power and power drift 3 umbra forma i was the warframe version of the Juggernaut now a kitten can scrap me in 1 shot come on digital extreme Help a rhino out for more than .5 seconds after iron clad charge and everything else WE Rhino MAINS HAVE COME TO EXPECT OUR BUILTDS TO WORK YOU HAVE cheated us out of OUR hard work time and effort for what to fix somthing that worked fine for YEARS!!!!!!! WAY TA GO DE
  8. It messed everything up my ironskin was in the million now im getting 1shoted by a level 80 after iron clad charge and all my buffs so it is an all around down grade in my eyes
  9. I will have ta find something else ta sad ive been playing warframe for years know it seems more annoying than fun when you have ta re work your playstyle to fix there so called buff its time ta hang it up !
  10. I main rhino 1245 armor 410 power got 1shoted by a level 80 after iron clad charge and all my buffs so my ironskin was in the millions after growing power and arcane gaurdine and iron clad charge now i get worked by a level 80 heavygunner but they Didn't change anything ya right ya ruined ironskin
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