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Posts posted by Kyronz

  1. 21 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    lol what? i see plenty people still playing Railjack. you want to talk about abandoned game modes, Lunaro and Conclave would like a word.

    DE   has refused to put neither time nor effort into it since it's release.   That is the definition of abandoned.

  2. railjack just seems to be trying to copycat the failed spaceship sims that were around a couple of years ago.    So far nothing really new or original about the system, or even interesting for that matter.

  3. 12 hours ago, (XB1)Saint Nasim said:


    Very revealing, it was. A 0.21 kd is almost impressive in a way. I can see why you think weapons are useless in conclave. Although, I do think that you are misguided in your belief that all weapons and frames are useless. All of them have value and can kill in a flash, except maybe the embolist. You are welcome to join the conclave discord and ask for advice, they are really friendly and welcoming there.

    conclave has always been busted.    i only play when forced to for events, the mode is crap, not even lunaro could save it.     frame abilities do not matter nor mods or weapons, it is useless.

    Even DE has stopped forcing conclave events on  us, it is a failed mode where being host picks the winner.

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