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Posts posted by Kyronz

  1. 12 hours ago, Xenox_Ilz-ot said:

    Well Wukong is so much better now, why would Vauban be worse than he is now?

    As far as I know you don't know what the rework is, so you can't really judge it

    wukong never had CC  DE has a hard on atm for destroying CC frames.    to DE rework means destroying a frame, wukong has no use after rework, star map monkey.  of course he was a low level star map monkey to begin with of little use, so little change there.

  2. 4 hours ago, (NSW)Kaizer said:

    I haven't seen anyone sell any sets though aside one Odanata prime at the trade bazaar. No one is selling even Loki or Volt Prime sets, I saw a Wyrm once but thats it no Bo Prime either. If anything this has caused too big a dry spell. Besides its not entirely fair to some players cause some might not have full access to all the void levels and the bounties on cetus and fortuna let it be open to anyone. If you make it too exclusive you alienate the consumers.

    guarantee me that people will only pay in good plat and i not mind selling a few sets of either.

  3. used to be dark sectors for clan action, but they shut that down quick,made the usual vague promises and here we are 4 years later with nothing....well dojo points for not using the item to initiate a dark sector challenge.

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