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Posts posted by BloodKitten

  1. hmm, maybe have enemies get a random mod drop chance, for example, let's say a lancer drop 4 commons, 3 uncommons, and 2 rares, why not add another mod drop chance that only revealed at the end of the match, and that mod could be something you get from other enemies and factions in the game, so, if a lancer drop it, it will randomly generate a mod that is not in that lancer pool but everyone else pool, with the exclusion of alcolytes or arbitration drones or stalker.

    so that way, enemies still have thier loot pools, but will sometime drop another completely random mod on death, i would picture it to work out decently.

  2. i have a kuva nukor with element i want to keep, and accsidental kuva nukor from a lich with element i dont want to keep (lich had ephemera so i wanted to just get it) now, how would i fuse the nukors in a way to keep the element i want without loosing the formas? my current have rediation bonus while the new one have impact bonus.

    if i pick the impact nukor, and fuse it with rediation nukor, will it turn to higher bonus damage rediation? and if so, would the 3 formas i have will stay?

  3. 2 hours ago, (XB1)ALTBOULI said:

    Yeah I did a rebind a few years back as I wasnt a fan of the default controls. I guess I will have to temporarily revert back to default (less than ideal) because I do seem to be getting attacked a lot, its not really any threat but it is a nuisance when trying to fish, I guess I could play as Loki or Ivara...

    Just seems like a fairly big oversight from DE. If were allowed to change our controls for the majority of the game we should also be able to modify fishing controls

    if you get attacked alot, grab wukong, with only ranged weapon and no melee, and just, let the clone deal with everyone while you mine or fish, alternatly, use ivara with a dog that can dig energy and stay invisible the whole time.

  4. thought to mention it, sure its a bit harder to do, but i had a few self damage cases with it either jumping or detonating weirdly close for so aperrent reason (can enemies shoot the projectiles?)

    thought you shoud take a look at it and possible fix it.

    • Like 1
  5. there is an issue i have, the shield grenade also take pickups for companions, would it be possible to make it so if a player walk over a shield grenade, thier companion get it as well without taking another grenade? and vice versa as well, if pet pick the grenade then owner get the shield applied to as well.

    • Like 3
  6. warframe is a good game to fall back into, even with how things are recently, its still better then paying 60$ on game that likely going to dissapoint you (seeing alot of last of us 2 people not happy with it, ignoring the mainstream like IGN wich just take bribes and other stuff up thir butt and give anything a good review)

    personally i hope warframe will stay relevent in the years to come, but then again, i also want the games industry to stop publishing crap and name it AAA games. (if cyberpunk flop i will oficially loose any faith in developers, atleast i can count on DE being consistant with little content and delays)

  7. 10 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:


    have you listened to his backstory audio via the fragments? that gives you a vivid idea of who he was, and what Cephalons are as a whole. 


    well, i just want him to develop past what he is currently, wich is currently just *hey, here is ship support* or *generic filler dialouge for things in the orbiter..... this warframe suits you....*

    granted, i also want more cy development as currently he is just situational awareness (but only when you on the railjack, he wont tell you about the railjack about to die or boarding parties when you are not in it.....)

  8. i wont go into details cause of the console guys, but i just hope, the new character will not have the frohd behk ending, where he is basicly underused and just have a very anti climatic resolution to him.

    also, would it be too much to hope for ordis character expension, that will happen when you get all the chephalon fragments? would be nice if he end up developed after glassmaker.


    i am sure i am not forgetting anything else......


    if i cant remember it then it's not important i guess.

    • Like 4
  9. i did it, i took trinity (wich i hate) traded for magnetic resist arcane, and spammed 4, cause noone else wanted to keep the lures alive >.<

    now if only i could win random built amp parts from the fight......... and x10,x20,x30 wisps on eidolons.

  10. 43 minutes ago, Zahnny said:

    What's your build? I'm unsure of how to build mine currently.

    tips i can give, dont use punchtrough since it will no expload on impact, radiation viral is always good since it can hit a few enemies and have them fight eachother for a bit if it dosent kill them after 2 shots, fire rate works, multishot is not really needed but splitchamber might be usefull.

  11. dont find the new moa as a letdown as i only built the head and used security ovveride and the overshield precepts, (moa will still endlessly hump a nearby console when you go in operator mode....... DE pls......) you dont have to use the new parts, other then the head, you can use parts that work better for you, since melee was not listed in the equipment i just stuck with helstrum and this moa with overshield and AoE attack with radiation and viral is an absolute blast.

  12. 1 hour ago, crimsonspartan1 said:

    Multishot, fire-rate, reload and ammo mods don’t affect the melee. I’d say pure damage maybe, but i’m not 100% sure what kind of stats a melee moa has other than 90 impact damage base. Apparently it has decent status chance and low / no crit, according to the wiki, but i don’t think there’s any accurate confirmation on the stats yet? The type of sentinel weapon doesn’t matter. It’s just about the mods you equip on it

    i guess pistol for now since it have the highest base damage boost mods compared to rifle, meaning the moa will be more or less useless at range with that weapon, might use it for some infested missions.

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