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  1. No kidding. I can't use a gold, silver, or another metal in the accent category or else I'll have my Rhino going that color entirely when Iron Skin is up. Makes fashion framing Rhino annoying that way.
  2. To be fair, I do think Nourish needs a nerf and was expecting it. It is way too powerful as it currently is in it's Helminth form. Hopefully DE doesn't nerf it too hard.
  3. I do use all Umbra warframe mods on my Rhino, Chroma, Inaros (the Umbral Intensify mod helps with the slow on the Gloom ability subsumed onto him), and Lavos. But outside of that, I really don't need them all that much to the point I need to use Umbra forma nowadays. Especially on warframes that rely on their 4th ability, which is replacing Umbral Intensify with Precision Intensify now. I use the Sacrificial Steel mod on my crit melee weapons but I don't really use my umbra forma for that.
  4. It's only fair if you want the extra stuff. What if you just want to buy just the skins and don't want the extra stuff? That extra stuff is just artificially increasing the price for no reason since you can't buy the skins by themselves. I would be more interested in buying the Frost skin alone if I could as I don't need any platinum or regal aya really.
  5. That or make it so the incarnon mode doesn't change the weapon to it's default skin but keeps the incarnon mode liquid metal added onto the weapon. It's something to add on the customization list, like the ability to disable the iron skin appearance on Rhino, (completely ruins fashion frame for him).
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