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Posts posted by (PSN)IdoThea

  1. 12 hours ago, Haleks said:

    But maybe there's a middle ground to aim for ? Yeah, we all want to open relics fast, for sure, but if players had a chance to actually compete in how fast and how much they can contribute, it would be a lot more rewarding for everyone - which doesn't seem like an impossible task for the devs, given how wild and over-performant some abilities are compared to the rest.

    Well one thing I've been thinking as solution, which I think many would hate.

    Exterminate kill quotas for every squad member. Bassically mission won't complete until everyone has filled their quota.

    This would make it so racing to extraction and nuking everything isn't fast anymore since then you had to wait until others kill enemies.

    Also they could make it so enemies also spawn around players who are at the rear.

  2. While I somewhat agree with your points about other players killing everything while you run behind. I've come to accept it on public fissures since players want to open relics fast.

    Like said above there's options you can't really control public or how others play. 

    I usually play solo if I want to go slower and just shoot enemies.

  3. well they might seem like they appear all the time for you but for me saturn six syandana and Protosomid shoulder guard were first time.

    If they make emissary suit for drifters you won't need to get it again it will be same suit.

    If you want Kuva ephemera why not just farm for it?

    • Like 3
  4. 18 hours ago, Zakkhar said:

    If he changes phases too much that is a game subtle way of saying that your damage is below average. You will kill him eventually because he doesnt heal, but may want to look at the weapons used/modding.

    I can take down health pretty fast with Prisma Dual Decurions with riven. It was just spamming all these phases for me so I could barely get window to do damage I was solo.

    Eventually I killed him but it was frustrating.


  5. Boreal feels like he is just stalling that inevitable defeat.

    First turns into invincible energy ball

    then brings two enemies that are kind of invincible but take damage when they feel like it.

    then turns into invincible pyramid which go awaay when all red dots have been shot.

    then again energy ball -> two enemies -> pyramid.

    It's not hard just frustrating. Give him some restrictions like cooldowns.

  6. 3 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:


    Its one of those things thats way better done with an actual team, especially if its your first time. If you can. 

    It is doable solo, but if I hadn't grinded out the mission from back when it was a Clan Event, and Operation, I wouldn't have an idea of where the Orphix would appear, what rooms, and other little tricks, which may not even be meta/applicable anymore (Hildryn use to be a popular choice back then, because weren't many ways to generate Energy for Necramechs). 

    Archguns are a little stronger now via the Primed Multishot Mod, as well as the Rad Mod, so at least should be a bit easier since you last tried. Good luck either way! 

    well I was able to destroy 2 orphix but then was about to destroy third when control got at 100% and I failed. 

    I used fluctus and voidrig, both fully modded.

    I was solo on Pluto.

    edit: Ok I was able to complete it now. Somehow this time control didn't rise that fast. 

    • Like 1
  7. I'm not sure if this bug or intentional, but it's kind of bothering me. I dont think it used to be there but now when charging throw there's this disturbing high pitch sound.

    Haven't tested this with other glaives.

    edit: happens with others too.

  8. 20 hours ago, 4thBro said:

    There's no reason WF can't dip into both markets. But casual players seem to want to gatekeep the addition of things just because THEY might not play it.


    Hopefully they don't actually have a voice in DE's ear.

    It depends on which is majority. If players who enjoy power fantasy are majority then it would be fool to distance those fans from the game and try to garner another audience that might be minority of players.

  9. Because way WF is built iin it's core it doesn't really support any good way to create "challenging" boss fights.

    It's build to be horde power fantasy shooter thing where you kill hordes of enemies with guns and abilities.

    You are meant to take damage and cannot dodge everything only some of the damage.

    You have different builds etc.

    Usually either boss fight is a bulletsponge which takes forever to kill or stupid invincibility modes or both.


    • Like 2
  10. On 2024-09-03 at 1:53 AM, JKOLAKFUG said:

    Fair but still would appreciate this feature because basically literally no FOMO at that point and hey you finished this night wave season? Keep getting credits or go ahead and get the previous stuff so you dont need to wait for the possibility lol.

    I wasn't arguing against your point rather supporting it, as we already get older stuff in new NWs back so FOMO isn't really argument to be have against bringing older seasons back.

  11. 2 hours ago, Stormandreas said:

    I can't imagine they'd be overjoyed in the thought of letting us re-visit and re-obtain past Nightwave things when they use Nightwave to FOMO these same items to get people to play each week.
    If we could access them whenever, they lose that FOMO leverage.

    We already get older rewards in new NW seasons so it's not really that much FOMO. I missed Nightwave landingcraft when it was first available, but were able to get it on later NW.

    • Like 2
  12. 19 hours ago, Zakkhar said:

    Abusable for AFK gameplay

    Of cpurse it should have mechanics like you couldn't shoot enemies neither nor pick anything via vacuum. 

    They could also make it so it disables current mission like in RJ survival if you enter airlock timer disappears and wjen you enter back into level it won't continue mission has ended basically.

    Solo is of course option and I tend to play solo if I have dinner in oven etc. But some missions are more one or faster with squad.

    This is just minor suggestion I have had in mind everytime I'm at extraction for endless missions.

  13. I have had this idea for a long time actually, but only now thought to post it here. What if extraction had force field shield thing thst prevented enemies reaching it or shooting through it. So you could just leave your warframe there safely while waiting timer.

    It's kind of anmoying if I want to leave mission and have to go do something because enemies can kill me etc.


  14. 17 hours ago, Loza03 said:

    How exactly does this relate to Protoframes?

    And even to 1999 in general, nothing we've seen of it so far suggests this. Most of the difference thus far has been aesthetic, so 'under the hood' it'll be working the same. You only get the bad bugs and the like with updates that feature new tech.

    It's the spaghetti code. Every new update breaks something in the game. currently skybox in open worlds is.bugging.

    Remember Zariman and it's glitchiness? 

    Circuit Jackal bugging after fight not proceeding into next mission and Jackal has been in game for a long time before.

    I would go on. But having played WF long time these bugs are something you get used to and just laugh them off annoyingly.

  15. Seems like coildrives count as dropship. I got riven with "Kill 12 enemies that are on dropship". So I went to Vallis to do bounties in hopes I get that one mission where you free solaris people and need to collect those datakey or whatever that mission brings enemies in dropships so its best place to do it, but of course I didn't get it so I did bounties and destroyed coildrives with enemies in them and that counted towards challenge.

  16. Well like I said before in similar thread this is why I usually don't forma normal variants except Protea as she is my main and favorite.

    She didn't thankfully need that many forma and I didn't install any shards on regular, but did on prime as it's hopefully final variant.

    I'm lucky to have primes already out for my favorites anyway. New frames don't even interest me that much, so I usually just mastered them and fed helminth hungry boi.


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