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Posts posted by (PSN)IdoThea

  1. 1 hour ago, Merkranire said:

    And this is to… force players out of corners or something?

    All I’m seeing here is someone locking down the area in a not-so-different-to-hiding-in-a-room way. And we wouldn’t have the chance to duck away from the group when the grindheads get overbearing

    I’m all for more incentive to leave the room, since we’ve got the fundamental system of capsules and if players didn’t overbuild for the content they’d be pushed out eventually (as well as goodies scattered across the map and in general sometimes the fight shifts in a way where moving around is encouraged), but I’m not sure if forcing us to stick to the one area is the answer

    I think it's more about keeping players together. I kind of dislike doing survival with other players because usually everyone goes their own way and that affects enemy spawns.

    Defense is better because players will stick around defense target. 

    • Like 2
  2. 14 hours ago, KopfJaeger said:

    Sounds like a great idea to use a currency that's already in the game.

    I don't mind railjack, but playing railjack solo is cancerous and it's incredibly hard to get a squad to play with you. It's very rare to encounter pubs running railjack missions and the vast majority of people in recruiting chat are only interested in the latest content.

    I actually like playing it solo. It's actually better because you have more control. Nobody steals the helm for example. 

    But it can be annoying when AI of crewmates breaks like happened with this update but they fixed it pretty quick. I usually switch AI pilot when I'm inside enemy facilities so they'll shoot outside things and I don't have to go outside.

    Harder RJ missions can be annoying especially with the amount of enemy crewships you have to destroy. I wish AI pilot would come to halt when I'm charging front artillery thing whatever it's called. They usually like to troll by moving ship just when I'm about to shoot crewships.


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  3. 7 hours ago, Packetdancer said:

    OH! Hey! I forgot to post this earlier, but I have good news for you: the damaged necramech weapon parts you're referencing already have a pity system.

    I don't know why it's not documented on the wiki, but you can buy the damaged Necramech weapon pieces from the Necraloid syndicate shop, at 2500 rep each. (The damaged Necramech parts -- the casing/engine/capsule/weapon pod -- are also available from the syndicate for 2500 rep each.) And if you've run the bounties a dozen times, you probably have plenty of Orokin matrices to turn in to Loid for standing.

    To wit:

      Hide contents



    did they add this on recent update?! Well finally I can build me a Morgha!


    I have max syndicate standing with necraloid and dozen of those different matrixes so standing is not issue. 

  4. 2 hours ago, KIREEK said:

    In some cases if the rewards are logged in the server (a key aspect) and the server detects that you didn't get the reward, you will receive a message from ordis containing the missing reward.


    This doesn't always happen btw and i doubt DE will change anything regarding the inclusing of random missfortune with some squads that dc / host migrate / crash

    This is only with relic rewards and you only get reward from your own relic regardless which one of you actually chose.

    So if someone else relic gave rare part and you chose it and something goes wrong you won't get to keep.

  5. 2 hours ago, Pakaku said:

    I mean, that's how pretty much every mission type works asides from Sanctuary Onslaught. If you fail, you forfeit the rewards

    Arbitrations also let's you keep rotation rewards and vitus essence if you fail mission. You only lose resources you gathered.

    • Like 4
  6. one way to combat FOMO is to ask yourself Do I need this?

    New weapon is just another way to do same stuff we always do in game. It might look different and play different sound or shoot little bit different, but still it's same stuff you kill enemies and collect stuff.

    I don't get excited about new weapons or frames because I have once that I like to use and are good. usually it takes a lot of investment anyway to fully mod weapon or frame because you need reactor, catalyst, forma, adapters.


    • Like 2
  7. 5 hours ago, (PSN)haphazardlynamed said:

    Maybe have it do something like

    every 5 waves, the mission pauses and you get a screen asking if you want to Extract or Double Down?

    Choosing to Extract, Saves your progress and lets you leave.

    While choosing to Double Down, lets you Gamble All previous rewards on the possibility of More rewards should you survive.

    To make the double down gamble attractive as opposed to just playing safe and saving then leaving, have the rarest rewards appear at later rotations.


    I think that would work really well. Players have the option of safety, vs risky/reward at each 5 wave checkpoint.




    I see what you did there. 😏

  8. 16 hours ago, Chewarette said:

    Something that was proposed (I think) years ago was to allow for overpowering the excavators by feeding them additional power cells. As one Power Cell is 20% energy, using another one on it should make the extractor extract 20 more cryotics over 20 seconds.

    It would both increase the cryotics drops and potentially increase the difficulty of excavation if you're too greedy (fewer cells laying around to refill the shields), so at one point you might need to balance the difficulty / benefit.

    that would be good update. Other idea would be make it so additional power cells just speed up digging, it would be kind of same outcome as you'll get cryotic faster anyway.

    not sure how everyone would feel about this, but I've been also thinking that survival mode could also use some sort of speed up mechanic. Since in defense you can complete waves faster if you just kill enemies fast enough, but in survival you are stuck with timer. 

    Went little off topic there.

    • Like 1
  9. In other hand if you do excavation fissure in group everyone adds power cells too fast and two digs complete too fast so everyone doesn't have enough reactant. 

    I wish they'd make it so that even if 200 cryotic was collected round wouldn't end unless everyone has 10 reactant.

    Also they should fix power cell spawns on solo.

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