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Posts posted by Yezzik

  1. While I was glad to hear during the livestream that the "Disney Vault" would reopen to dispense currently-unavailable goodness upon my bar-filling experience, I was disappointed to learn that there were no plans to bring the Founder-exclusive items out of retirement.


    It's a pity, because I only just found Warframe and I'd be willing to pay as much as the Founders did to get the stuff they have.

  2. Then the Void's going to continue to get stuffed with so much stuff it's going to get even more unreasonable to expect anyone to complete anything, while the Starmap will remain a barren wasteland save for people scanning the Invasions for Orokin Cell rewards.

    Lore's important, true--it helps differentiate one franchise from another--but enough factions have been plundering the Void you could argue the Tenno are reclaiming stolen Orokin blueprints from across the galaxy.

  3. At present, there's no point rerunning old missions unless you either need a drop from a boss or need to farm the materials to let you run something else.

    Even levelling Formaed weapons is a matter of running specific missions to the exclusion of all others.

    I propose giving people a reason to rerun damn near all the old missions, and at the same time cleaning up the Void loot tables for new stuff.

    The solution: One mission, one blueprint. Spread what's currently in the Void across every mission in the game, and give the current Market blueprints and other credit-bought items the same treatment.

    This gives players a reason to run each mission in the game, which not only gives them different tilesets to look at and mission types to run, but also fills the Starmap with players who can get matched with others instead of everyone trying to run the same five levels until their eyes bleed.

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