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Posts posted by Yezzik

  1. If Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime, and Skana Prime were never available in the Founders Packs, but were available in the Void since day one when Latron/Reaper/Frost Prime were still new, would you actually want them nearly as much as you do now?

    Of course. I took full advantage of Prime trading to get all the stuff I could for Mastery purposes that I hadn't managed to trick the RNG into giving me, and if the current Founders' stuff were in there, I would have done the same with them as well.

  2. If one mastery rank is going to make that much difference to end game then the end game needs serious changes.


    It might, or it might not. We don't know enough about Focus--such as if it will still end up playing off your Mastery rank when it goes live--to tell for sure. If it provides an imbalance in either PvP or competitive PvE in any way, however...


    Founders- Are selfish players


    Don't tar all Founders with the same brush. I've talked with a few in similar topics who actively encouraged Excal Prime, etc, being made available to everyone, and had sensible discussions with those folk as to what the best way of reintroducing those items could be.

  3. It doesn't devalue the playing, it devalues the RNG, which is not the same thing, nor is RNG content.

    I bought almost all my Prime parts because I knew that throwing myself into Void run after Void run would turn me away from this game quickly, given the massive oversaturation of "rewards" and unequal drop rates.

    If, say, each mission on the starmap gave a different component, I would have run every level into the ground if that's what it took to get everything.

    As for non-Prime trading, I'm sure throwing my now-worthless Credits at Casual Steve wouldn't hurt his playing experience one bit.

  4. I'm against   they are buyable from the store ( even if the price is ridiculously high)


    Nothing buyable from the store should be tradable 


    I don't see why not.

    Nobody's going to sell Stalker weapons they bought off the Market; they're going to sell ones they either bought off another player (in an attempt to turn a profit) or farmed themselves.


    Besides, you don't buy the weapon blueprint from the Market, you buy the weapon itself. I'm only technically correct, but it's the best kind of correct. ;)

  5. Whether you agree or disagree with it, Prime trading has taken off in a big way, and has helped the community work around the issue of Void drop over-saturation and imbalanced drop rates. We've got another means for Platinum to move throughout the economy, and duplicate items can be dealt with without resorting to turning them into worthless Credits.


    Which is why I'm here to ask for an expansion of this system, to allow more things to be traded.


    Looking at my inventory, I've got a lot of things I don't think I'll ever have a use for any more. I've got a spare Detron Barrel and Blueprint I don't have any use for, unless we get a Dual Detron added to the game, both of which someone else could be crying out for right now. I myself am after the Brakk Barrel, and there's no logical reason why Prime parts should be tradeable but these not.


    Hell, the number of people trying to get their hands on individual Stalker drops alone would make this a worthwhile change, and I'm sure many people would love to take advantage of being able to trade their Snipetron blueprints if they still have them...

  6. I'd like to be able to trade the Stalker, Harvester and Grustrag Three gear. It doesn't seem right that you can't just because the items don't have "Prime" in the name, as you still acquire them in the same RNG-centric manner.

  7. I'm pretty sure after you do an invasion you wouldn't be stupid enough to use a level 1 Tenno with that deathmark.
    How many times do I have to repeat myself?
    Here, let me bold it for you if that helps.
    The issue was that they were LEVEL TWENTY, in a LEVEL ONE mission, with LEVEL ONE frames.
  8. Yeah you can't join new players on mercury anymore, it's based on your conclave rating and mastery. THis was to stop speedrunners killing everyone before the new guys had a chance to.


    Doesn't matter if they were new or not.

    We were level 1. The content was level 1. The Grustrags were level 20.

    It's unfair to anyone I end up pugging with if my possession of a Mark means they risk getting obliterated and Bolted by mobs far too powerful for the frames they're trying to level.

  9. Also I feel like everyone is missing this, Mercury, Venus, and Earth cannot be invaded so that the Grustrag wont be called down on low lvl players!

    You aren't listening. Okay, order of events here:

    I do an Invasion, side with Corpus, get or already have Deathmark (no mail).

    I polarise Trinity.

    I go to Mercury, run Survival.

    I'm on a level 1 frame. So are the rest of the party.

    The G3 spawn to kill me. They're level 20.

    We die horribly. If I'm wrong and the others didn't actually quit out, they got Bolted too, which is completely unfair due to the overleveled G3 and even more so if they were just starting out.

  10. However, why did you have no good firepower?


    My firepower was all mid-level weapons. At the time, I thought it more than enough to deal with what I was going to face.

    But now it seems like I need to keep my level 30 Soma on at all times until I'm done with the G3 and can safely polarise *that* as well.

    Honestly, though, the problem wasn't firepower--the problem was the whole party exploding as soon as they looked at us.

  11. So you were all newbies?  Including you?  Otherwise, you missed another point I was making.  Also, did the boss spawn rules change? Because i thought minimum for spawn was rank 5 which means minimum rank is 20.


    I mean I was on a just-polarised frame. This happened today. I was the one Deathmarked, and it wasn't fair to the other people in the group that the G3 came in at level 20. They're lucky they ditched me and left the group--that way they hopefully didn't get Bolted.

  12. If they are too strong for you to fight, you are either: solo (don't get me wrong, those bosses are soloable) or in an area above your level or both.  


    I was level 1, in a level 1 mission with other level 1s. In come the level 20 Grustrag Three, and we get annihilated. If the people I pugged with were just starting out, they wouldn't even know where to find Oxium in the first place.

  13. Took about 2 weeks, but they appeared for me today while I was soloing the LiveStream Potato Alert.  L30 Rhino with well over a thousand shields and similar health, a brutal L30 Soma, and I couldn't bring down a single one of them.  No bleed-out, just bolt me baby.




    Yeah, the first time I encountered them, the entire party went down in seconds.

    So I brought out the perma-Blessing Trinity because it was the only way I could think of to reliably do anything about all that damage.

    Seems they wised up to that tactic, though.

  14. 1393 here. I thought we did quite poorly--I think the core was at about 6k when we finished--and I didn't expect that to be good enough for the badge.


    Edit: But yes, I hope this is the trend for future events--where the weapons and stuff are easier to get than the Bragging Rights Rewards such as badges and scarves.

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