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Posts posted by Yezzik

  1. If you can turn back time to join the closed Beta you may have the weapons... otherwise no and your argument is in my opinion just unfounded nay-saying and therefor invalid.


    Noun1.naysaying - the act of saying no to a request

    denial - the act of refusing to comply (as with a request); "it resulted in a complete denial of his privileges.
    God only knows where you're getting that word from. I certainly haven't said no to your request--I've proposed the possibility of a trade that gets us both what we want. It's called a compromise--you want bling, I want Mastery.
  2. I was trying to get battle pay for invasions. That's how it should happen. 100+ missions is crazy, whether you know about it or not.
    A goal like a hundred victories isn't an insane one when you know you're always making progress.
    Besides, there could be other milestones with rewards of their own. Get a scarf at fifty, a piece of cosmetic Sentinel gear at seventy-five, etc.
  3. STOP GRINDING FOR IT AND PLAY THE FRICKin GAME IT WILL COME FASTER. It was not designed for you to be able to farm or grind for it is supposed to be something you get eventually...Random Number Generation.....


    No it won't, and no it isn't.

    When the people specifically going out of their way to farm something can't get it because there's layer after layer of RNG keeping them from it, then Casual Steve and Puggy McJoe aren't ever going to have a chance.

  4. Every modern economy with IP laws and an entertainment sector says you're wrong. 


    Nice try. However...


    Low supply is low supply--say when the factories creating the product can't churn them out as fast the public are buying them.

    Artificial scarcity is when there isn't a low supply, but you make out that there is in order to make your product seem more valuable.


    Again, the two aren't the same thing. They never have been, and they never will be.

    The latter, however, goes incognito as the former.

  5. Sounds like it worked then but not now. A hundred Invasion victories might be too few to warrant a weapon as a reward, but at least there was always a sense of progression regardless of how long it took you. I can't bring myself to use a frame other than Trinity or do the final polarisation on her I want to do, because I know that if I do either, that'll be when they start spawning and wreck my groups without me capable of countering their insane damage output.

  6. You're farming for something that's not supposed to be farmed. Its more of a trophy for your efforts when they do show up.

    Damn it, accidentally upvoted you.

    Anyway, how are you supposed to not farm it and still get it? If you don't farm it, you'll never see the G3.

  7. The best RNG systems have protection built-in. In DE's case, that'd take the form of a stacking buff guaranteeing the inevitable presence of the G3. You might never get all the Brakk parts, but at least you could ensure that if you chose to farm it, you knew that at worst you would see them every X missions maximum.


    Warframe doesn't have that protection, and that sucks because it means the game loses what could serve as a sense of progression.


    For example, I have the Insane title in World of Warcraft. Of the various reputations that formed that achievement, I liked the Ravenholdt faction the most. I didn't know how many junkboxes I'd get each time I did a run, so I didn't know how many runs I'd need to make, but every time I did a full lap and went back to Stormwind to deposit them in my bank, I knew I was making progress.


    I was always guaranteed something. In WoW, it was the knowledge that each junkbox I snagged was one less I had to farm. In Warframe, it should be the knowledge that each mission I run without the G3 breathing down my neck is one less I have to run before they're certain to show up.

  8. Without RNG any game would died quickly. You will get bored with having all the items all parts quickly.


    Wrong. All RNG does is artificially delay people. There is no gameplay there. There is no point where your developing skill as a player can help you succeed.


    There is only the dice, and they are $&*^s.

  9. Just a tip since you want to send out an extractor:


    You don't need to COMPLETE each node on the planet. You just need to have access to it. So as long as you are able to access every level regardless of whether or not you have completed each one, you will be able to put a titan extractor on the planet.


    Indeed. If clearing Uranus completely is too much hassle, that is.

  10. That's it, its official, I'm calling them the Three Stooges from now on


    To reply to OP's post, it really is just RNG. ITs a load of bull, but it can't be helped. It's that nature of the beast.


    It can definitely be helped.

    For starters, a stacking buff to their spawn chance that inevitably hits 100% if you go for long enough without seeing them would work absolute WONDERS.

  11. atittudes of, "No, I am upset my precious toy will be in the hands of the filthy peasantry! Make them suffer to attain it!" is going to keep Warframe from getting that change. Instead we are going to be doomed to ever more absurd power creep, boring weapon releases, uninspired mission types, and huge gaps in player power potential because some people are too busy whinging that their trials and tribulations will be made meaningless if DE changes mechanics for the better.


    Oh God, this so much.

  12. The counter-argument is always "you're not meant to farm it! You're meant to get it organically!"


    And yet, nobody has an answer to the question "If the people farming it can't get it, what chance do the 'organic' players have?"

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