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Posts posted by (PSN)Stealth_Cobra

  1. C'mon guys, I didn't complain last patch when it started to crash after pretty much every mission, since I figured I had other things to do in real life and it would be hotfixed soon, but downloading a 11 GB new update only to find out the problem has worsened and it now litterally crashes after every single single mission, heck to be honest it often crashes before even getting into a single mission, Like I go into the Arsenal, navigate a few of the Liset features , then when I finally try to choose a mission, the game simply shuts down... That's clearly innaceptable. It doesn't even trigger a crash prompt or crash log, the application litterally just shuts down.


    Fix this ASAP or you're losing a customer for good.... I can't get anything done in this game anymore, as I'm constantly forced to restart the app. It's a PS4 game, we all have exactly the same console, it's not like PC where this is an isolated case that might be caused by our specific hardware... So cmon, put more testers on the job and fix this guys !!!


    Could this be related to an unknown socket error I had in the past with warframe though ? Whenever I would try to get into the chat tabs, I would get this message at first, then the chat text would appear. This seems fixed now, but as a result, maybe it is now crashes the game instead of attempting a successful chat connection... In any case... GRRRRRRR !!!!!

  2. Yeah it's really broken and it needs to be hotfixed ASAP.


    It Occured to me at least 5 times today in about two hours of playing interception on earth, basically the enemy spawns and somehow stays stuck in an asteroid outside of map bounds, then after the tennos intercept the message and once they are tasked with destroying the last few enemies to finish the round, you try to approach the enemy to kill him, then you get a warning from the lotus and before you can turn back, you get extracted out, it's mission failed and you lost every single thing you acquired in the previous waves... Bye by all mods, archwing parts and everything. What's worse is that in most cases there's simply no way to complete the round when this occurs, the enemy is too far and cannot be shot, as he's usually on the other side of the asteroid anyway... As as the guy said, if the guy tha leaves the battlefield is the host, the whole team is screwed anyway...


    This makes it extremely hard to farm rare mods and archwing parts, and basically warrants leaving as soon as possible.


    Honestly, it's a really bad design to even allow extraction from the battlefield, who would want to forfeit all of his stuff right at the end of a mission anyway ... Just do an invisible wall that forces you back in bounds... And perhaps mape a visible frontier appear at the extremity of the playable zone too while we're at it... Cause there's no way to tell you're getting out of bounds anyway. Besides ,to be honest, hunting for all the stupid robots that got stuck in asteroids after every round is not my idea of fun anyway, breaks the momentum.


    I also got a few hard freezes during archwing, forcing me to chose the application from the XMB and also losing all my stuff... Case being, It hurts my enjoyment of this new feature trememdously.

  3. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.


    Still, I forgot to mention the two worse things about Loki in regards to his invisibility... It makes you basically deaf and covers your visibility in yellow motion blurry visual effects. As a long time ASH fan, whenever I try to give Loki Prime some love, I just can't because of those two factors... The sound is my biggest pet peeve, it feels like Loki's head is submerged in an aquarium, and it removes the situational awareness of being able to pinpoint where the sounds are coming from. I'm playing with high quality headphones for just that, and I rely on situational awareness to find and hunt my targets efficiently while cloaked... I though DE was supposed to fix this a long time ago... Guess they didn't.


    And the yellow visual filter is rather annoying too, particularly because it blurs peripheral vision and turns everything yellow. Since Loki is pretty much required to be invisible all time, that means you're constantly playing with the sound muted and with a yellow filter with blurry peripheral vision... I don't get how you guys love it so much. I'll gladly recast my invisibility spell once more time per minute over this assault to the senses. Ash's invisibility has neither of those drawbacks... Making it less grating on the senses.


    I mean, I'm like everyone , I'm trying to love my Loki Prime cause I worked my &#! making him. But when I lose my 4 daily revives in a single Solo Nightmare Run on Pluto with the no shield condition due to him not having a big enough HP pool to take a couple of shots from Grineer, or when I get one shotted by meleeing a single high level poison ancient, I miss my Ash's ability to tank and actually be pretty much invincible

  4. People keep saying Loki is so much better at Stealth, but that's not really the case when you factor in all the factors that make a good frame.


    Yes, Ash's invisibility is 20 seconds versus Loki's 30 seconds. But 20 seconds is quite a lot of time already. Casting an ability two times per minute versus casting it three times is not such a big deal, honestly. You're still invisible all the time, you only have to stop for a split second once more per minute with ASH to recast it... And you get a cool smoke screen stun bonus in the process of doing so, which ensures you don't get killed while recasting it... It will stun people attacking cryo pods and will help you get into tough, crowded spaces if you need passage too.


    What really matters is ability cost and what happens to the frame when invisibly runs out. In terms of ability cost, Ash's smoke screen costs very little energy, especially when you add a Streamline mod... To put it simply, it costs less than a single energy orb. If you add an Energy Siphon to your ASH, this makes the actual cost of ASH's stealth attack pretty much negligible, as you'll restore about as much Energy during the 20 second duration from the aura that you used to trigger the abilities. This allows Ash to turn invisible using a single energy globe in Nightmare missions, and it also plays very well into the synergy with the Rage mod, which i'll get into later. In contrasts, Loki's ability might last a little longer, but it costs more, meaning a single energy orb is not enough to recharge the meter and trigger it in most cases. This can be really bad in nightmare missions and in tough spots, as it's one thing to grab a single orb in a tough spot, but the odds of finding two are not always so good . Also, since Loki is so frail without his invisibility, once his invisibility falls down, he's exposed and will die from most high level enemies. Meanwhile, without his invisibility, Ash is as durable as most other frames and can withstand a beating like everyone else in the map. You can also factor specific conditions like getting all your energy drained by ancients disruption. Ash will simply have to survive for a few seconds dodging and trying to acquire a single energy orb while Loki will be left with his pants down trying to salvage two energy orbs as fast as possible before getting killed. Then there's the Rage Mod, which synergies perfectly with ASH. See that gigantic 1000 HP pool of health. Put a Rage mode and the minute your shield goes down, your energy gets back up immediately, allowing an immediate recharge of your Energy Pool and to recast the very cheap invisibility with even minimal damage taken to your health. Heck, this can be used to bypass the "no energy" condition in Nightmare maps too, as you get hit once and generate enough Energy to run your invisibility. Your shield heals up after being turned invisible, and a single charged attack from a high damage melee weapon with the life steal mode will fully recharge your HP, making Ash pretty much immortal. I mean, to kill him, you have to deplete his energy, deplete his 600 and plus shield, then deplete his 1000 and above HP pool, which triggers the return of his energy and allows him to shield himself of further attacks since , guess what, he has a smoke screen stun attack allowing him to cast even when surrounded.


    Meanwhile Loki's invisibility runs out, he's left pretty much defenseless, especially when surrounded by enemies. He has very low HP and Shields, meaning he'll get maimed and killed by high level enemies in a few seconds. Even with Rage, due to his minuscule shield and hp pool, plus the higher cost of his ability, he probably will get killed before he can regenerate enough Energy to trigger his invisibility, making him dead.


    In the end, this is why Ash beats him. I can stand surrounded by hard hitting enemies and melee them to death at 3X the damage while being pretty much immortal and knowing that when my invisibility gets out, I can stun them back up with my smokescreen and continue the cycle. Loki has neither the buffer to take the damage, nor the utility to stunlock while casting his invisibility... Plus all the details mentioned above... I can even do so in Nightmare with some of the worse conditions. No Shield.. I have my health. No energy... I can get hit and restore my energy pool, or just tank it out like any other frame. Add the Sentinel's ability to restore your shield and you got yourself a character that will hardy die and be constantly reviving your teammates.


    I'll be the first one to admit I only use Smoke Screen on my ASH. Blade Storm is not worth it even with the current fix , Teleport is pretty useless and I'd rather a gun to shoot something than use Shuriken and waste energy from my Smoke Screen Pool. One would think a frame with 3 kinda useless abilities would be bad, but with ASH, you're getting a Tanky frame that can deal 3X the damage while impervious to most attacks and that won't get one shotted by random mods once his invisibility runs off like Loki does . The only weakness he has is in regards to crowd control (basically defense missions against ranged foes)... But still ,being able to one shot everything while cloaked using the Dragon Ninkana or Dakra Prime and Clear whole rooms of enemies makes up for any alt you can throw. Melee 2.0 has been kind to Ash... And while I can understand why one would prefer a high-risk glass canon like Loki, overall as a stealth frame / melee powerhouse, ASH beats Loki by a mile imho... You just need a couple formas to make him tailored for stealth.


    In the end, no matter how much you mod your Loki, he will always one of the frailest frame in the game , while Ash can be turned into the tankiest frame in the game. Heck, when even Rhino's Iron Skin starts to fall apart, Ash is still invisible and kicking @$$, reviving teammates in map hotspots while being totally impervious to damage. And while I can see the utility of radial disarm, I don't really get the point of getting a stealth frame that cannot really survive in melee range due to being a glass canon only because of an utility that is outclassed by stuff from Nix and other frames.

  5. It's a coop third person shooter, not a MMO. It already has more than enough grinding as it it imho, and any effort in streamlining the game and making it less of a chore at times is welcome.


    Grinding is not really a fun gameplay mechanic anyway. Grinding exists solely because it's actually easier to program minimal content and force you to repeat it over and over than to provide new, exciting content that's always fresh. Grinding in games is basically a way to make you come back to the same content over and over without spending the man hours to provide exciting new content . Warframe is often guilty of this excess grinding and padding, as there are only like 10 tilesets and three factions, meaning you're essentialy playing the same gameplay over and over already.. So any decrease in grind is imho a good thing ,whereas having you repeat the same mission 5 times in a row like in current PS4 invasions accounts basically to wasting everyone's time with useless grinding that's neither fun nor rewarding.


    I know most people disagree with such a view. People think grinding makes a game and that grinding is what's great, but it's not. People love getting good stuff, but honestly, any game that provides said stuff without having you repeat the same thing over and over is superior in that regards to a game with less content, but forcing you to redo the same thing over and over again for the same result. MMOS hook you for months because they are rooted in the obsessive compulsive addiction to grind and getting better loot, but that does not make them better games because of it.

  6. You gotta realize the new drop tables for Void and OD seem much more balanced than before. I mean, before, you had specific percentages for each drop in each Void mission, but now, it's a fixed percentage per piece. Like if there are 4 drops in a specific T3 mission, you're getting pretty much a 25% chance of getting said part, at least that's what i'm understanding. This will make parts that are currently hard to get much less tedious. In the end, those "rare" parts took days , if not months of farming if you had bad RNG luck, now should be obtained easy on your own. The addition of trading makes it even less tedious, as you can now trade your duplicate parts with other people to get parts you need. Since there are no longer "Rare" void drops, parts will essentially have very similar values, at least in theory. People will buy stuff with plat, but I have a feeling most people will do a couple runs of each map type, gather their plans and components, then trade the duplicates for stuff they need. In the end it's a less tedious way of doing things, although it will make Prime weapons and frames much more common than before.


    I understand the need for grinding and the concern of some people about losing what essentially accounts to endgame content. But honestly, Warframe has so much grinding already. Grinding for credits , for Neural Sensors and Orokin Cells, leveling your weapons and frames, grinding bosses for frame components, grinding for rare mods and fusion cores, grinding invasion missions for mutagen masses and fieldron, doing alerts for BPs and such, , heck, even doing void for those Forma BPs, which you need in quantity if you want to push your gear to a higher standard. There's already so many weapons and frames and they keep adding more, so you always have something to do. So personally, I look forward not to have to do 400 Capture runs to finally get my Orthos Prime blades, both because it sucks to hunt keys for days and pray for a low % drop chance.


    And for those concerned about having nothing to do anymore, they will keep adding new stuff in the Clan Reaserch dojos, keep adding new frames and new weapons to build, they will probably add a T4 tier of Void in the near future, adding new exclusive primes there that only well geared and forma++++ frames will be able to farm successfully... And they will continue adding events , stuff like Oxium farming, basically, don't expect to have nothing to do anymore. Think of it this way. De tends to give you stuff and make it hard to get, then down the road, they make that stuff easy to get for everyone , then introduce new stuff to compensate this.


    Kinda like with the Mutagen Masses and Fieldron. Before, it was a lot of work to make these... You needed alot of money, core components,  weeks of build time, now you can get them like candy in invasions and infestations... Nobody builds them anymore basically. This renders making clantech weapons like Synapse easy to make (still need the master level to use it though). In a sense, it kinda cheapens them , making them accessible to people with much less effort. But in the long run, as long as they add new stuff for the Hardcore players to seek in compensation, it's not such a big deal. Hardcore players will always see the harder to get gear, and as long as DE can provide gear for the hardcore players, they can make older weapons more accessible to casual players... Eventually, after the HC players have had their fun with their exclusive toys. Personally, I found getting prime parts extremely tedious and time consuming ,and I look forward to getting them in a less tedious way. I've been saving up my keys for next upgrade, where hopefully i'll be able to use the higher % drop to get the missing parts. If not, i'll trade or even pay minimal plat to finish up my prime gear set.

  7. I'm a huge Ash fan, honestly... But he does need some work. What kinda sucks is that imho both Ash and Loki are flawed in their own rights... Heck, I would prefer a frame that combines the best parts of Ash and Loki together than two frames that have varying problems.


    Shuriken is pretty meh, but I saw some builds that focused on it, so I'll give it the benefits of the doubt. Supposedly it's one of the biggest DPS per cast cost skill in the whole game if you mod it right, so I'll say it probably needs less work that other skills. That said, with a Despair or Hikou as a secondary, it kinda renders Shuriken irrelevant to me, as i'd rather keep my energy for other skills. I would actually prefer to have Loki's decoy in place of Shuriken, as it's imho more useful and it fits better with the deception/ninja theme.


    Smoke Screen is great. Sure, even fully modded it's 10 seconds shorter than Loki's , but it costs way less. With 30% efficiency equipped, the casting costs drops to 25 energy, that's basically one single energy globe, and those drop all the time. In nightmare mode, even with the energy degeneration condition, Ash is viable due to that. Heck, I personally equip Rage on Ash and the minute my shield goes down in nightmare solo runs, I get my energy back and i'm back to being invisible all the time. Add Equilbrium and you'll be restoring your HP pool off energy drops too. No contest, Ash is a god when it comes to solo play basically. The 20 seconds of invisibility is more than enough , and you get the very useful smoke bomb effect that interrupts enemies and makes you immune to knockdowns and interrupts when casting, making it a great panic button. What's especially great about Ash is that he's a pretty tanky frame even without his invisibility. He has a huge HP pool and somewhat decent shield... And he's basically invisible all of the time with a small window every 20 seconds when he can get hit before he casts again. Add Energy Syphon to the equation and you'll be restoring 12 Energy per cast, bringing down the ability to cost to like nothing. What's great with Ash's stealth is that he doesn't need to wear an ugly hat for efficiency, plus he doesn't even have to have flow equipped, as the cost of his core abilities is low enough that you're fine without it...


    Ash's teleport is imho better than Loki's, although you can do less advanced tactics. Still, i'd rather be able to teleport to objects and to other players for a revive than switching with an enemy... That said, after you get a taste of Nova's teleport, both seem crude and they imho need to make it a "teleport to objects/enemies/area skill. Retain the existing functions, but also give you a teleport to the cursor feature akin to Nova. Teleporting to enemies can get you killed, at least add a smoke bomb effect once you teleport of alleviate that issue.


    Finally , Bladestorm, the one skill most people find problematic. Yes, it looks cool , but it's so slow and it doesn't even kill medium level enemies in one cast... Plus my chain always gets broken as other players kill my highlighted targets, leaving me with an empty energy pool and nothing to show for it. I pretty much never use it, especially when I can use smoke screen and kill 20 enemies in a couple seconds with Galatine/Dual Ichors anyway. Why pay huge energy for scattered , slow kills that barely work most of the time ? Hence why it needs a rework. This is especially true because as of now, Ash simply lacks a crowd control skill. Pretty much all other classes have one that works to a varying degree... But with Ash, once the cryopod gets stormed , you're stuck going invisible and running in circles killing as many people using melee, not exactly efficient. In contrast, Radial Disarm isn't a damage dealing powerhouse, but it can turn a situation where a pod or player is surrounded into a bunch of enemies flailing around. Basically, I would make it so that instead of killing each enemies one by one, all enemies die simultaneously, with numerous ashes appearing on other player's screen... And buff the dmg so it can kill or at least stun high level enemies.


    Basically, to me the best frame would have Ash's looks and helmets, Ash's durability, Ash's Smoke Screen, but with Loki's Duration, Loki's Decoy, Nova's Teleport and either Radial Disarm or a Reworked Blade Storm that can be used as crowd control.


    But in the meanwhile, i'll continue to use Ash, even though I admit i'm running it with only Smoke Screen equipped most of the time. I Especially love the Embolist on him, as it alleviates alot of problems melee characters have , as you retain full mobility, the ability to hit multiple targets, to hit flyers , enemies behind cover and cameras, it can also act as a crowd control. Overall,it might be strange to use a pistol essentially as a crowd control/melee weapon, but at least it's not restricted by animation times, it's spammable on the run and you'll be hitting and killing enemies much faster than even with Fang Prime or Dual Ichors... You need pistol ammo mutation for it to last you a whole level , but if you combine it with a nice melee weapon , it should do you fine. And in the end, it's a great way to make up for Ash's lack of crowd control. Just go invisible and bug spray everyone as you slide and jump all over the place basically... And any frame that can solo for 40 minutes easy in most conditions deserves a mention, it's by far my goto frame for solo Void and NM runs. I know Loki purists will go all "Loki Master Race" on me on that one, but he's way too squishy and in the long run, I'd rather cast my Smoke Screen three times every minute vs two times, not wear an ugly hammerhead hat for efficiency , not have energy problems due to higher ability cost but mostly, I want to be able to take some shots from high-end enemies once my invisibility runs out...


    And really , I love the fact Ash doesn't rely on crowd control cheapshots like most other classes. He actually has to work for his kills, not press a button to instantly clear 40 enemies from the map like Rhino, Nova, Mag , Saryn, and so on do. It's more satifying to master clearing a whole map using only guns and melee while invisible than rely on a "win" button that clears rooms, but it does give him a bad rep as being a bad class for team play and such. That said, nobody complains in the end when everyone is down but me and I clear the cryopod and revive everyone while invisible... Sure, he's not the best fit for Defense, but for other modes, even survival, he's more than capable to hold his own and contribute tremendously, especially if you gear him up with the proper gear that takes advantage of his mobility and invisibility.

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