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Posts posted by (PSN)Stealth_Cobra

  1. I think there's an opportunity to do something good with all this... Like for example, dramatically lower the efficiency of armor at high levels for enemies, but remove corrosive projection as a tradeoff.

    If this was to happen, frames with armor debuffing would become very desirable, as they would increase kill speed of enemy units. They would not be mandatory, since sufficient damage would be attainable due to armor having more balanced values at higher level. (Let's say armor absorbs 50% of damage and gradually decays, it becomes desirable to have armor stripping abilities or weapons that excel at it while not mandatory. as you'll still be able to kill them, only with twice the amount of hits and bullets, for example).

    For  frames with no innate abilities to strip armor, you could still mod for Puncture / Corrosive / Viral... And they could introduce an armor decay mechanic where if you hit an armored enemy for long enough , their armor is gradually destroyed and it no longer mitigates damage as well as it did before... Once again, as I said earlyer, armor stripping would not be mandatory, in the sense where high levels enemies would not be impervious to damage, only less suceptible to it due to armor.



  2. I mostly agree. Abilties have been gotten more and more situational and requiring synergies with other skills. Organic synergies i'm fine with ... as in synergy that occurs naturally by having a skill set that's coherent and that meshes well together, but lately, it feels like more and more frames are introduced with very oddball mechanics and requiring complex combinations of abilities to do stuff frames used to be able to do at the press of a single button... Again, I'm all for frame diversity and having skills that open up new tactics, but when 3/4 of your kit has to be used to deal the optimal amount of damage, it gets kinda tedious.

    I get the whole "Press 4 to win" complain... But honestly, isn't the whole problem of "Press 4 to win" caused strictly by DE giving players too many means to generate or acquire insane amount of energy in a short time span anyways ? Nobody would be spamming their ult continuously if the game did not allow it trough Fleeting Expertise / Zenurik Passive / Energy Syphon / Energy Vampire to basically have unlimited energy. Instead of nerfing every frame and their ult to the ground, shoudn't they simply adjust energy management so that ultimates cannot be constantly spammed during a mission... You know, like it was for like 75% of Warframe's life cycle before they introduced the Zenurik Passive ? I guess people would riot or something, but imho, that should have been the solution all along. Drop Zenurik Passive to 1 or 2 energy per second instead of 4 and you get back to pre second dreams ability casting, a time where people actually had to use energy pizzas or a dedicated energy trinity to be able to constantly spam their ult...



  3. I'm all for a system that award void tokens instead of RNG drops.

    Personally, I would make it so that Void parts can be purchased using Ducats from a prime vendor... This would allow a player who is unlucky with Void Drops to actually purchase his missing prime parts using an existing resources, and would guarantee time spent in the void would not be wasted, so to speak. Items would have a ducat price based on rarity. This would also fix the need to retire primes, so to speak, as one could spend a high ducat price to get stuff that's no longer in void drop tables anymore at said vendor.

    As for sortie rewards, the sortie token idea would work, but personally, I think a reward list rework also needs to happen. Personally, I would move Nezha out of sortie drops put him in Orokin Derelict or somewhere else in the star chart instead, which would remove 4 potential rewards that most people don't care about anymore... Maybe move lenses out of sorties too... I feel a reliable way to farm these should exist somewhere, considering you need plenty of these to fit on all your frames and weapons.

    I would also remove stuff like the 25/50 Core packagages... Just give player 25 Cores for finishing sortie 3 every time. Further helping with the sortie reward dillution.

    Finally, for the Sortie Weapons rewards, I think the game should scan for which part of a weapon you own first, then award a different part based on what the player already has... Like if I got the blueprint yesterday, instead of trying to give me another blueprint, then converting my reward to a core pack since I already own the blueprint, the game would intelligently check my inventory, see that I do not have the reciever and give me that... To make things more exciting that continually offering wrath gear, they could, every now and then, bring back retired primes as sortie rewards too...

    That particular system should also be implemented on warframe parts when killing boss. Like, If I aready have the chassis, the helmet, give me the systems !!!

  4. The problem is it requires from 5 to 8 hours of constant farming to  acquire that much cryotic, which is no fun.... Especially for a mastery fodder weapon...

    When I first complained about this, it was before Vauban Prime and his 20 Nitain, 7000 Oxium and 9000 Cryotic inflated cost...My point being, it doesn't seem DE got the message that huge grind walls on new stuff is a bad idea, since they did even worse with Vauban. So please, make your voice heard so we aren't stuck farming resources for days every update.

    And for those that go "I have a huge stockpile of most resources , it doesn't affect me".... Well, let's see how you feel in a couple of months when it's gone due to the new trend and you're back to farming stuff that you had acquired naturally through play over years of warframe activity.

  5. I think the main issue here is the fact it seems such outrageous build requirements are becoming the norm, and not the exception.

    When Staticor came out with it's 10 Fieldron requirements, I raised an eyebrow... When Sibear came with it's whopping 30000 Cryotic requirements, I started complaining... And now we have a single frame that requires a whopping 20 Nitain to build, 9000 Cryotiic, 7000 Oxium and 2 Argons, plus ridiculous amonts of common resources like 31000 Alloy Plates, 16000 Salvage.

    DE said they were working on decreasing the grind, yet they seem to be doing everything they can to increase it. Compare Vauban Prime to something like Frost Prime, who required minuscule amount of every resources, compare it to Sarny Prime, the previous prime frame, which required reasonable amount of resources, even with it's 6 Nintain requirements, and you start to see the pattern even more clearly : DE want us to burn our long standing, hard earned resources at an increased rate, forcing us to farm more, to play more... To grind more.

    Only, in a farming intensive game like Warframe, farming even more plain sucks... There's already a significant grind in getting the damn prime parts to even drop, not taking into account the grind for the keys required to access the void.

    Everyone is already complaining about drop dillution in void missions, how pretty much everything is in rotation C and how the void drop tables and RNG system needs a rework, yet all you guys can think about is adding another grind wall in terms of resources. We worked our asses off building decent stockpiles of most resources over years of dedication, and lately, you guys seems intent in burning our stockpiles in days with outrageous build requirements.

    As a pretty active player, I had managed to acquire a stockpile of 22 Nitain, precisely because I wanted to be ready when new stuff came out. In a single frame, that stockpile is now pretty much gone. That should not happen. Everything has a cost, and choosing a reasonable price is your job.

    Failing to do so angers your fanbase, make it almost impossible for newcomers to get something and overall only generates user frustration...

    Sure, you might coax some people to buy a prime access because of this, but in the bigger picture, you're going to lose people like myself, who simply get tired having very little to do in the game besides menial farming. Games live and die by their content, and I feel Warframe is content in giving us a quest every four months, a couple mastery fodder weapons and trying to occupy us with grind, not actually having fun. I know making new , meaningful content is more work that reskinned mastery fodder with outrageous farming and build requirment, but at one point, perhaps it's important to focus your energy where it counts, both fixing the issues everyone keeps complaining about and giving us actual new content...

  6. I think they most need to allow more stuff to be bindable on the touchpad... Like there's no reason where I cannot bind the weapon wheel opening to the touchpad... It sucks and it forces wierd control setups...

  7. Kinda like the current dynamic theme... One gripe though, it seems Excalibur holsters the blade through the sheath most of the time... Granted, it's probably not easy to animate a long polygonal object to slide into a shaft, but it does look kinda meh when it occurs.

  8. Main issue I have with login in general is the fact you don't get your reward if you actually are playing during the login day change period, unless you log out and log in again. There should be a system in place where when the new day starts, the next time you get back into the liset, the daily login thing pops out... Having to close the application and reload stuff makes no sense.

    Another problem is the fact that plat rewards are pretty much only given to inactive players... Basically if you log in almost every day, you have very low odds of getting them... But if you take week long breaks and basically quit Warframe, you have very big chances of getting a plat discount when you decide to come back to warframe. It makes no sense that my MR 21 account that logs in any day pretty much only get silver cores and tellurium while my inactive PC account gets a 50/75% discount pretty much every time I log in after weeks of inactivity.

    I think this goes against the very concept of daily login reward, and it should be fixed.

  9. I think there's a few problems that could be fixed quite easily by DE.

    One - Proper host migration in the void. No reason why a host aborting should screw the rest of the people, especially if the other people have void keys of the same type. Heck the game could even ask "Host left, do you want to use one of your keys to continue the run ?".

    Two - Rewards earned should be saved every five minutes... Or at least every 10/20 minutes. Right now it's an all or nothing gamble when you can litterally waste hours of your life for absolutely no reward in a split second due to a disconnection or a tough situation.

    Three - Players should have to choice to stay even if the rest of the team decides to leave. Just give the player the option to refuse giving up... Let people that want to stay longer... Stay longer basically.

    Four - This one boggles the mind. On controllers, the game uses the same key (O button) to revive downed teammates and to abort mission when you die. This creates a situation where you storm into a firefight to revive your ally, press the O button, but die during the revival process, you have a pretty big chance of activating the mission abort by mistake.This occured to me at least 5 times in the last few months, and It occured to numerous of my friends in tense situations due to badly mapped controls and no delays in between menus apearing. This is especially worse when said player is host... As you basically screwed all three other players who potentially lost 60+ minutes or their lives on a bad button press.

    At the very least... The do you really want to abort box should use different, less used keys... Not the same key you was pressing to rez a teammate a few seconds earlyer...

  10. Complaining about tests nowadays feels irrelevant. Just practice them in the cephalon simaris area until you can complete them every time , then do the test and ace it...

    Back when you had a single chance a day and no way to practice, some tests were brutal. especially if you went in blind with no youtube videos, plus with the stress of failing, but nowadays, you don't have any excuses to fail them. Honestly, I kinda miss the old system, as you really felt like you earned your mastery rank on some of the harder tests... I remember failing one for five days in a row... And feeling so happy when it finally worked out.

  11. Well, I think it's tricky to balance things out... Baro has to both be accessible to newcomers, allowing them to catch up with effort, while still offering new stuff to keep veterans occupied, all while making sure that Prime mods stay special and do not become the norm when it comes to mods. I think stuff like Prime Continuity and Prime Flow have shown DE that having must own mods that become the norm might not be the way to go, hence why they tend to be more careful before releasing similar mods nowadays.

    I don't think DE wants a system where the only mods worth owning are prime mods, and where every single regular mod is useless because there's a prime mod existing. I also think it's important not to overflood the amount of new items, as it creates a grind wall that's too abrupt to climb (like having to acquire 2000+ ducats every week or something). There's also the fact Prime mods cost a hellalot of credits and cores to max too, meaning you can't release five every week and expect people to be able to keep up.

    Basically , there has to be some sort of balance in place when it comes to Baro items. In the past, they did limit the amount of items they gave per week, which made it easyer for a dedicated player to get everything every week... But nowadays, it's more of a "I have to choose what I really want" type of situation, where one can pick up stuff he missed or consumables like beacons and boosters if he has excess ducats. Granted, long time vet that got each of these items the first time they were avialable will often feel left out, but I have a feeling these people represent less than 1% of the actual userbase anyway, so it makes sense to target the other 99% that only bought a couple void trader items each month and still have many missing trader items...I'm part of such a group, I'm actually happy when I don't have anything to buy , as it means I'll be able to save for next time when I do need some items. Granted, I'm sure my perspective would change if I spent 5 months not buying anything, but hey... That's life.

    That said, I do agree that Baro should have at least a couple cool new items every month/few months to keep things interesting...But i feel it's not such a big deal , because old timers can buy stuff they already own with their ducats and trade them for plat ,for example...

  12. Some people seem to think that getting to MR21 requires no effort and is immediate when in fact, it requires quite a lot of time and effort. You don't start the game owning all the 330+ frames and weapons this game offers, you have to gather all the ressources to build them , gather the components credits and blueprints to build them, complete the events that award them, farm the ducats and void drops to be able to build them... Oh, and wait for the build times to finish too... All that before you can even level said weapons to 30.

    Then finally, you get to the last part of the equation, where you actually must level up your stuff... Which, apparently, if you use Draco to do so, you're a filthy exploitative noob not deserving of the MR21 title for some reason, when in fact, you just use the most efficient method to grind level hundred of mastery fodder weapons.

    So while yes, Draco does make the last part of leveling them to 30 faster and more optimal, I don't believe one bit that a player can get to MR21 in a couple of weeks/ months like some people claim. I'm pretty sure most MR21 have at least 1000 hours clocked into the game, if not way more, and most of said time was actually spend playing the game and trying to achieve the necessary milestones to be able to reach said goal...

    I'm a MR21 PS4 player that made a new account on PC and after 200 hours on the new account, I'm only MR9 with very few weapons and frames leveled up and I'm always running out of resources and credits to build things... My point is, it requires quite alot of time and effort to get a high MR account in Warframe, and people that think that MR is not representative of the effort of players don't realise how much work one must put into the game to even reach said MR... Even using leveling shortcuts like Draco, that's still alot of work, and I'll give respect when respect is due... That is unless a real player pays real money to buy all weapons and frames, then level them up using Draco only... But who is rich enough to do that anyway ?


  13. This video sums up my feelings pretty well :

    It's insulting to force your fanbase to farm the same mission type for 300 successive extractions to be able to afford a single weapon. I though DE were trying to find ways to make Warframe less of a tedious grind , yet it seems to get progressively worse. As a MR21, one would think I would have enough Cryotic , right ? Wrong, I only had 4.5 K cryotic, mostly because I don't enjoy Excavation that much , and I never jumped on the Hieracon core and key farm grinding bubble. I thought DE wanted people to stop playing the same nodes over and over, yet the specifically target a weapon to a part of their userbase that only plays a single game mode.

    After a couple of hours farming cryotic, I'm at 10K now... Still have 20k to farm ,and I basically gave up for the time being, as I feel like it's a waste of my precious time.

    Is this what warframe is about now ? Farming Shadow Debt mods for days, farming ducats the rest of the week to be able to afford everything Baro has to offer (a bigger inventory each week and items that cost upwards of 500 ducats , great), and now farming ridiculous amount of single ressources to keep players occupied for longer for their mastery rank points. At that rate, I'll quit before long.

    Fix that crap. 3000 Cryotic would have been a reasonable price for a single, mastery fodder item. That still requires 30 successive excavations, which will take a while... Not 300 excavations.

  14. I'm all for the idea that forma brings back an item to the mastery rank of the player instead of zero... It would tremendously help alleviate the grind required to apply a set of forma... There's nothing that sucks more than releveling the same weapon five times in a row to put a set on forma on it...

    I'm less convinced about all weapons being built at the player's current mastery rank, as I feel it would turn "mastery points" into "ownership points"... I don't think mastery rank should be awarded for simply building a weapon. Granted, it partially depends of how the system is implemented, but I find it cheap that a MR15 Player could build 100 crappy mastery fodder weapons and get 100*1500 Mastery point, in effect gaining 2-3 mastery levels simply by building more stuff in his foundry. It gets even more broken if the base level gets updated for all existing weapons every time you get a new mastery rank... As it would cause a chain reaction where building new weapons gets you new mastery ranks, which in turn levels up all your existing weapons one notch, which in turn gets you another mastery rank, creating an endless loop. Granted, this could be alleviated by making it so that when built, a weapon gets the MR of the player at the time of the weapon creation, and regardless of further MR advancement, said gun stays at it's initial level... But still, I really don't find it logical to award MR rank for not using a weapon, just owning it. Would I care if it was implemented... Not really, since I would abuse it like everyone else. I'm MR21, so earning a free 2100 Mastery Rank everytime I build a new weapon would be a good deal and would save me alot of draco time.. But I think it's a bad design decision. Again, I'm all for doing this for formas, as this is logical imho, just not on new weapons.


    That said, I think there's a deeper, underlying flaw when it comes to forma and polarities that will eventually need to be adressed by DE... Mainly the fact that key mods cost so much mod energy that the player is pretty much forced to put a potato and numerous formas on every single item if he wants them to be remotely useful past the first few planets in the solar system.

    It makes no sense that mods like Serration, Hornet Strike, Split Chamber, Heavy caliber cost so much mod energy that you pretty much need to put forma on your gear three or four times simply to fit these into your build. It doesn't help that 90% of the weapons come with terrible (D) or inexistant innate polarities, meaning said weapon is essentially useless without heavy work. In a game where most of the new content is new weapons, having said weapons be essentially useless unless you spend hours pimping them sucks, and it lowers diversity when it comes to weapons used by a play . Why should I use that new rifle that just released when I can use my five forma crit powerhouse that deals 10 times the damage ?

    This creates a system where most new weapons are relegated to mastery fodder, because, realistically, you're not going to put 300+ catalysts on all your weapons to reach a decent 60 mod capacity, then put three or four formas on each one of them to get all the essential mods slotted in. You focus on a handful of your favorite guns and frames, leaving the rest to collect dust in your collection.

    Ideally, I think no mod should cost more than 9 mod cost or something... Heck, personally, I would remove catalysts altogether and give all weapons 60 mod slots right from the start, with a guaranteed innate polarity slot on every weapon built... This would make even mastery fodder weapons worth using, and at least not make them a chore to level up. If De truly wants to stop draco, maybe they need to look at the bigger picture and make a system where more weapons are viable from the get go.


  15. I'm all for having dedicated arcane slots of each frames... That said, if the devs are feeling lasy, just increase the price of the distiller to 125k Standing and make it reusable... That way everyone can swap their arcanes whenever they feel like it. Easy, simple fix for a problem that should not exist in the first place.

  16. I kinda disagree with the notion that everyone needs to be able to get every single item this game ever offered, especially stuff like founder exclusive content.

    I get that Mastery Rank is the endgame, and that most people want to get a "full" collection. But can't people just settle with the "I have every single item that I could possibly have in my collection since I wasn't there from the start and I missed a couple of discontinued items "... Heck, the codec pages usually don't even include rare/discontinued weapons , so you don't even get teased with stuff you'll never be able to get anyway... So it's not such a big deal. I'd say if you have the highest MR rank and your profile says to have all weapons maxed, live with it and don't worry about rare stuff you might have missed.

    Then there's the fact that asides from a very short window of time when a new MR rank is introduced, a player with all weapons and a player with a few weapons missing have the same MR rank anyway ... If Founders had MR 22 and everyone else had MR21, it could be seen as unfair, but for the most part, it's a non issue, since on paper, both players have the same MR anyway.

    I think DE has been doing good lately, bringing most of the Event mods to Baro, expanding his inventory to make it easeyer for noobs to catch up on his bi-weekely drops, and bringing back most of the event weapons as sortie rewards. They are already working on making newer players able to catch up imho, which is a great thing.

    Honestly, right now on PS4, I'm basically missing only War (Bad RNG is bad), Detron (Zanuka is a myth), Machete Wraith (It'll be in sorties soon, and baro has it from time to time), Prisma Shade (Only a matter of time till baro gets it again I hope), the founder items (But they don't exist on PS4 anways, so it's not like I care), Snipetron Vandal (Coming Soon to Sorties) and the only weapon which I consider should be avialable somewhere else, the Regular Snipetron... As you can see, asides from Snipetron and the Founder Package, I have a chance to get all of these weapons eventually (They even added Beacons to make farming War and Detron easyer)... So yes, DE is doing great in making sure that players can catch up on their collection and attempt to complete them eventually. In due time, I'll have a full collection of attainable stuff, minus the founder exclusive, and I'm fine with this... I'll be playing excalibur umbra by then anyway (one can hope)...

    My only gripe is the Snipetron , since it was retired before I had the chance to build and mastery rank it , and I somehow missed the small window of opportunity where it was given as login to people as a way to make up with the fact they removed it without warning. I have friends who have it , and I feel like it should be avialable from Baro or something, or given as an alert/reward of some kind... It's especually stupid that it was removed because it wasn't coherent from a lore perspective (it didn't fire lazers)... Just change the bullet to lasers and put it back in the market and be done with it already... Granted, the lanka is it's replacement, but considering the Snipetron Vandal is a thing, why isn't the Regular Snipetron brought back, that's really stupid !!!

    Arcane Helmets though... I can see how a new player could be pissed about those. Personally ,I have all of them except the backdraft ember one, which I actually had , but ended up selling to a clanmate that was desperate and was offering like 400 plat for it... But I can see how I'm defintively not one in a position to complain about them being retired and me missing out on these.

  17. The PC to Console migration happened in the past, and It might happen again eventually. Then again, who wants to migrate to PC to consoles anyway, unless you have a terrible PC that can barely run the game ?

    Console to PC probably won't happen because console manifacturers don't want to lose customers. Less people playing means less plat purchased, which also means they don't get a cut of the profit on each plat sale. If you're an active, mastery rank 21 player that occasionally buys plat from the MS or PS store on console, you're exactly the kind of person you want to keep on your platform, and giving you the ability to basically bring all your progression to PC and never touch the Console version again is actually losing a customer. DE doesn't care, as you'll be a loyal customer regardless of platform, but it makes a difference to Console manifacturers...

    Finally, another thing to factor in is the fact for account migration to be possible, both versions have to be at the same build simultaneously, which pretty much never happens, since PC gets updates every week or so and by the time certification is done on the Console version, the console build is already obsolete. If DE wanted to do account migration, they would have to withhold updating the PC version for a couple of weeks so they Console versions can catch up...

  18. Watch out for the foundry, that thing actually consumes the ressources each time even though construction does not begin... Went from 20 Fieldron to Zero when I tried building my staticor , which costs 10 Fieldron.

    Also have the same problems with extractors, long delays to access dojo reaserch and my codex got wiped too.. That said, I managed to restore my codex by going to my profile, which features the numeric list of all scans done by the player. So try that and hopefully that will fix the missing codex entries.



  19. Same here... I also got the "unknown error" message, which made the game hang up too.

    Also, as I described in the other topic, the game also charged me numerous times for the same foundry items because I kept clicking over and over and building would not start... For example, my staticor cost me 20 Fieldrons instead of 10 because I clicked it numerous times and it would not start... Hence it consumed all my Fieldrons... And I spent about 250 K + the resources on a single forma blueprint that would not beging cooking... I feel that's a particuliarly nasty variant of the issue, as it's one thing to be forced to restart the app or wait for a long time to deploy an extractor, but wasting hard earned credits and ressources on a server issue sucks big time.

  20. Just came here to report the same thing, along with a few similar issues which might be related to the problem.

    I'm playing on PS4, and I've been alot of connection issues lately, especially immediately after logging in... I have to click ten times to reacquire my extractors and redeploy them on a planet, for example, as the game doesn't seem to register that I'm trying to interact with them. I also often get booted back to title screen, and overall operations seems very slugging, with connection issues and long delays to creating and deleting sessions when I go to navigation, for example. When I opened my enemy codex recently, it was totally emtpy. Thankfully, I went to check on my profile to ensure my scan numbers were still recorded in my account and when I came back to my codex, my scans were restored somehow, but it seems the game has real trouble syncing with your servers or something, creating unresponsive delays in numerous situations.

    But alas, the real kicker is the foundry problem. I tried cooking a few things to today (Dual Toxocyst, Staticor and a Forma) and each time I clicked, nothing would happen... Then I backed off the foundry and when I got back , I noticed the building had started... But then I realized that the game had charged me the ressources numerous times for a single item... For example, I had 20 Fieldrons before starting construction on my Staticor, and now I have zero, even though Staticor only costs 10 Fieldron, and I consumed at least two formas on said Staticor too... Likewise, I had about 1 Million credits, only to drop down to 600K after building three items only... Probably because I clicked at least 4 times before my forma started to build...

    So, if you could please hotfix this issue and ideally, refund me the missing ressource and credits,  it would be greatly appreciated. I dunno if you need a support ticket request for a ressource refund, but I wanted to let you know about the issue ASAP, before more people fall victim to this bug.

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