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Posts posted by DrBorris

  1. In the latest patch we can now see that every weapon has a random bonus to fire rate...


    I don't even think I need to go into why this is upsetting, the points have been made countless times, I am just going to go straight to ideas/solutions.

    • Let us upgrade (not reroll please, no more Rivens) our stat rolls with Dirac.
    • Give us Valence Transfer for Railjack gear
    • Have us craft weapons separately (dojo research) and have "upgrade modules" with random stats drop instead.
      • For example you craft the Sigma Pulsar, then equip a MkIII Zekti module to enhance it with MkIII Zekti stats.

    I feel actively discouraged from investing in my Railjack, if that is not a sign of a failed system I don't know what is.


    Edit: It seems like the bonus can be fire rate or damage. At least fire rate has the downside of increased heat, damage has no trade off. Somehow this is even worse...

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Teridax68 said:

    Complexity and depth are two different things, though. You can load a game with overcomplicated mechanics, yet still have it be incredibly shallow if all of that information overhead fails to provide varied gameplay or meaningful choices. As it stands, many of the complications of Railjack not only feel unnecessary, but sometimes reductive to gameplay, as the whole forge and fire mechanics are a key reason why people hate to stay on their Railjack, itself necessary because enemies scaling against a pointless power progression system prevent Railjacks from truly going into combat. Really, the core concept of Railjack is space exploration and combat, which would normally be easy to understand, and was what DE marketed with what has now proven to be an almost entirely fake Tennocon demo. Railjack does not need to be about pointless ship busywork or being prevented from progressing at an organic pace, simply because one doesn't have the MK3 items to deal with overstatted, regenerating enemies. In fact, cutting down on all of this pointless complexity would likely benefit the mode overall, as it's already turned off many players simply because of all the crap it's been saddled with, in addition to its rocky balance and many technical issues.

    But here's the thing though, it doesn't feel over-complicated to me. To me it just feels deep. And that is not a "git gud", it is just... what I like, and you like what you like. I actually really enjoy the forge mechanics and think that the entire Railjack experience would suffer greatly if it were removed (as it has a lot of tendril effects on every aspect of Railjack). If DE were to remove all of the "pointless" complexity than the mode would, in my opinion, be less fun. I like that there is always something to do and what you are doing varies so wildly.

    The complexity to avionics, balancing mission objectives, and the differences between the manufacturers is all there for a reason and are what make your choices meaningful. The Avionics grid alone is a system that will lead to a whole new world of build diversity and is probably the single best designed thing DE has released in years (mechanically at least, the UI is questionable).


    I get it, making something complicated doesn't make it deep, I just believe that this form of complexity does make it deep. If the mode was able to be grasped in its entirety immediately I very much believe that it would have considerably less staying power.


    Side note, the problems with the equipment progression (not Avionics) is not as much a problem with complexity as it is a problem with progression. Equipment is rather simple, it is just implemented extremely poorly (this is the biggest issue with Railjack outside bugs imo).

    • Like 1
  3. Everyone is entitled to have their own opinions about an update, but what?

    4 minutes ago, Atekron said:

    so cumbersome, so boring, so uninspiring

    Cumbersome? Sure, I guess, although another way to interpret that is depth. I can understand this though.

    But boring? Huh, how is this boring? This requires probably the most mental gymnastics any piece of Warframe content has ever asked.

    And uninspiring? Da fudge? I don't know if I have ever seen a more inspired update to any game. Say what you will about the quality but the inspiration is something to taken aback by.

    • Like 1
  4. Obviously this is just first impressions as I have not actually used most of the Intrinsic perks, but something is something.

    • Being able to right click the Intrinsic to see the full breakdown is absolutely amazing. I know it is not Intrinsics themselves, but the Intrinsic UI is 10/10.
      • Well, being able to access Intrinsics for those without a Railjack should be a bit more obvious.
    • Engineering looks rather meh. I mean, sure, some of the first few are vital, but after that the majority of perks look very underwhelming. Most of the perks feel like they are filling holes instead of making you more of a bad-arse Engineer. That said, the rank 10 perk for Engineering looks absolutely busted (in a good way), but you shouldn't have to wade through a bunch of underwhelming rewards to get there (especially given that it will take such a long time).
      • To clarify, it is less that the perks for Engineering are "bad" and more that they are boring. The other Intrinsic get new ways to play but Engineering just gets more number.
        • Tactical gives 6 new gameplay abilities
        • Piloting gives 5 new gameplay abilities
        • Gunnery gives 7 new gameplay abilities
        • Engineering gives 4 new gameplay abilities
    • Tactical seems solid, although Recall War (warp back to ship) is such a major buff for every play type that it will likely be a "mandatory mod". If anything Recall Warp would make more sense in Gunnery as far as playstyle goes, every role wants an abort button equally. Either this ability should be available to everyone or it should be the first/second upgrade from Tactical.
    • Piloting looks rather good around the board (rank 10 looks like a good time). Rank 9 looks a bit undertuned, but I'd have to feel it out to be sure (which isn't happening anytime soon).
    • Gunnery also looks solid. Having the big canon be locked behind rank 5 of an Intrinsic does suck though as it seems to be a major part of the gameplay, for this one I would probably just like to see it moved to be a bit earlier of an unlock.


    One final side suggestion. After going through all of the Intrinsic ranks again, it has become more clear that there is one pretty big flaw. Each have ham-fisted "away team" abilities. It doesn't make sense that a Tactical Intrinsic would allow you to Blink faster, you are supposed to be handling Tactical. It doesn't make sense that a Piloting Intrinsic buffs your Archwing speed, you're supposed to be piloting the Railjack.

    Thus, I would actually like to see an entirely separate "Archwing" Intrinsic category. Something that enhances abilities of a person who is off of the Railjack. And because the "away team" experience is likely something everyone wants to partake in, it should be ranked up in conjunction with the other Intrinsic. So for every Intrinsic point you put into any Intrinsic category you automatically rank up your "Archwing" Intrinsic. The game is still called Warframe, you shouldn't have to separately specialize into typical Warframe gameplay (away-team gameplay).

    • If this happens, I think it would actually be fitting to shift Recall Warp and even Join Warp to that new Intrinsic category as those two jobs have more to do with being an away-team member than managing tactical systems. Maybe give rank 10 tactical a new ability to temporarily 'overpower' ship systems, or let it cast abilities for free on a cooldown.
  5. DE doesn't nerf things that are the most popular, they nerf things that are overwhelmingly most popular. And there is a pretty big difference between those two things. There will always be a most popular, but it is quite rare that anything breaks past "most" to "overwhelmingly most". When something does break past that it is generally because it is breaking some portions of the game, generally by trivializing combat to some degree.

    Then if something is trivializing content, then the solution isn't to make everything else trivialize combat.


    If you can't tell the difference between something being popular and being overwhelmingly popular, then honestly that is on you. DE is extremely predictable in what they nerf.

  6. "Challenge" should not involve breaking the normal rules that govern the game, a challenge should if anything put more emphasis on the normal rules of the game. This is already my biggest beef with Arbitrations, playing an Arbitration doesn't feel like playing Warframe because of how the Arbitration Drones skew the gameplay so heavily.

    I want challenging content to feel like Warframe, not just tack on a bunch of annoying modifiers as a way to artificially force "challenge".

  7. It has been a hot minute since I last posted this, and as such it is pretty outdated and has some errors, but is this along the lines of what you are talking about?


    Edit: oof, this is so old it still has the Trials in it. rip Raids.

    • Like 4
  8. But... why?

    What does having a 1 that acts as a weapon do for Chroma's kit? How does it work into his playstyle? Why would you want to use it?

    Some of the worst Warframe design has come from "this thematically makes sense" or "but it looks cool" design. Warframes need to be designed around gameplay first. I know I am being a buzz-kill, but it is getting tiring seeing the same mistakes be made over and over with the justification of "but it looks cool". Chroma needs a kit, not some flashy useless abilities.


    Also... Chroma is a knight wearing a dragon's pelt, Chroma is not a dragon.

  9. 11 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

    Sounds like the solution is to make bounties better and travel more interesting, not give everyone a free "teleport to objective" button.

    It is not even that hard, just make it so bounty stages spawn next to each other.


    Or for extra points, make it so bounties have a "path" that takes you deeper into the open landscape. This isn't as much an issue on PoE, but you rarely get to see the outer regions of the Vallis during bounties.

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, zoffmode said:

    I disagree. But then again I believe reworks should be decided on basis of "is there a spot for this frame?" or "is this frame usable/viable?" or "does it absolutely break the game and make it impossible to balance?".

    Chroma is way past being viable. He has plenty of spots everywhere. He's played very often by a lot of people. Does he break the game? Well, not that much really.

    He is arguably quite boring, yes. But then if you're bored of him, there's plenty of other choices. Besides, definition of interesting differs in people... or some people straight up prefer playing something boring.

    So, no. Why would you need to rework him? There's plenty of much more important stuff to work/rework and reworking Chroma is quite a waste of time. Except his 1. Spend a minute to make his 1 at least work with weapons or something.

    I could not disagree more. Personally I look at what gameplay a Warframe offers over everything else. Cause, ya know, we play the game for the gameplay. To me, Chroma is just as dead as Nyx to me. Sure, Chroma is far better than Nyx, but I have more fun playing Nyx therefore I am more likely to play Nyx. When I do use Chroma it isn't to use Chroma, it is to use Big Number Simulator™.

    And if a Warframe is powerful and being often used, that is even more reason for them to offer good gameplay. If you have a sizable portion of the playerbase using a piece of content you would want that content to be good, right? By having Chroma be "good" and "horribly designed" the game is offering a strictly inferior gameplay experience to those that want to min/max. You should not be punished with bad gameplay just because you want to do well in a mission. Playing the game shouldn't feel like a chore.


    And band-aid solutions are a long-term waste of time. Like, look at Nyx again. She got "reworked" but the time spent on her rework was effectively wasted because it did nothing to fix her issues. Chroma has no gameplay, no character, despite being possibly the most interesting "character" in the game (A knight wearing a sentient dragon pelt). Just a few buffs to his 1 won't change Chroma's flaw.


    3 hours ago, ShaneKahnnigan17 said:

    As a chroma main since beginning of my playtime in u16 sanctuary in 2016 (i bought him by getting full price platinum at the time mind you) i can safely say what I said when his prime came out. His 2 and 3 are fine the way they are. The only problem is the 1 which is never used and his 4 which is niche use at best. They should make his 1 an element cycle ability and his 4 something like an element surge thing. Like you could use it to explode your vex armor outwards and like...damage people around depending on the element you're on.

    Tbh 1 and 4 can be literally changed to anything else and it would be an improvement.

    But... why are they good? Just because something is useful that does not mean it is a good design. Chroma's 2 and 3 are basically one ability, the have the same duration, are recast at basically the same time, act as passive buffs, and you need them active 100% of the time for Chroma to do anything. Look at the big picture of how Chroma's kit works, having to push two buttons doesn't make Chroma's gameplay any more interesting. It isn't more difficult, it is not like you are being tactical when you use each of the abilities, they are basically just Chroma's passive except with the requirement of hitting a button every so often.

    Chroma is just a (practically) immortal big number generator, neither of those things change the way you play the game. Hell, if anything they make it so you have to play the game less. Even the meat-sack that is Inaros has more gameplay nuance than Chroma.

  11. 48 minutes ago, WhiteWolf3500 said:

    I agree that it would be a QoL change, however it could be tricky due to energy cost. I would say it can't get lowered when those would be merged and then it could look like a nerf actually since the upkeep costs are already really high and hard to deal with without extra help. However if the energy cost would be lowered, then chroma might become too easy to upkeep. It's already really powerful with little risk. Comparing this to mirage damage buff, she only gets one buff at the time, even if they are more powerful and cost less they still require great deal of positioning. Chroma can get both but his upkeep cost is extremely high. Seems like a balance decision to me. 

    Or, hear me out, we just nuke Chroma's entire kit and start from fresh? Make Chroma the KNIGHT he deserves to be.


    And I honestly don't think the balance would be that bad, as some have mentioned the damage buffs aren't even that useful in normal content. If it is a bit easier to upkeep Chroma during Eidolons... whoop-de-do.

    Seriously though, Chroma needs a rework the scale of or even more extreme than Ember's.

    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, KnossosTNC said:

    It would be incredibly overpowered. Right now, at least you have to keep an eye on your timers and energy. Merging them would turn it into a tank ability to end all tank abilities, with an insane damage boost to boot.

    How would it be any more powerful than what it is now?

    • Now: Chroma has infinite energy (Rage) and pushes two buttons every minute for stupidly large buffs.
    • Then: Chroma has infinite energy (Rage) and pushes one button every minute for stupidly large buffs.

    It is basically just a QoL change, I don't see how Chroma would be any more powerful. And getting another ability slot is just another good benefit.


    But tbh Chroma has a lot more issues than just having two abilities that should be merged. In my mind he is still the worst designed Warframe by leagues and miles.

    • Like 3
  13. 3 hours ago, (XB1)TehChubbyDugan said:

    What is wrong with you people?  Half of you just joyously celebrate any time part of the player base gets crapped on.  "I'm so glad you people that utilized meta x got nerfed, you totally deserved it, I hope you quit the game, because this game is only for people that think DE can do no wrong."

    That's what you people sound like.  It's honestly disturbing.

    If that is what we sound like to you, then maybe you're not hearing us right.


    I am more concerned with the state of the game than a few toys in my toolbox. You are free to disagree, I can empathize with being upset that your toy was broken, but that does not change my personal opinion. If you can't fathom other people having a different opinion than yours, then honestly I question how well founded your opinion is. There is a logical explanation for everything, if you can't see the logic in the other person's viewpoint then you don't understand the entire situation.

    • Like 1
  14. I was holding on to this post until after the Devstream in case they dropped some major news about Lich changes. And while they did say that Liches will be getting one good change (and one neutral change), there are a lot of other things that can be improved.

    The suggested changes: No fluff, just what I suggest. This is basically the TL;DR, if you care to know why I propose these changes I have that beneath the suggestions.

    Lich Interaction Suggestions

    • Killing Lich via brute force (confirmed already happening)
      • After being downed three times, the Lich will have one final stand where it will “die” if its health is brought to its down state again.
      • Lich will NOT level up
      • Does NOT grant Murmurs
    • Killing Lich via failed Requiem
      • If you do not have the right Requiem combo, rather than having you randomly die, your Lich (temporarily) dies.
      • Lich will die, then revive with the level-up animation
      • Lich levels up.
      • Grants Murmurs
    • Die to Lich finisher
      • If a Lich manages to do its grab attack when you are below 20% health and your shields are down, it will do the finisher and kill you.
      • Lich will NOT level up.
      • Does NOT grant murmurs
    • Run away from Lich
      • Anger meter does NOT go down (anger meter goes down with all above)
      • If ignored three missions in a row, influence will spread.
      • Lich will NOT level up
      • Does NOT grant murmurs (obviously)

    Passive murmur progress

    • Thralls spawn on all nodes on an affected planet.
    • Lich will not spawn in “normal” missions
    • Lich’s anger meter will not increase from “normal” missions.
    • Node tax scales with Lich level AND number of nodes influenced on a given planet. Also maybe add traits that change how much a Lich taxes (greedy vs charitable).
    • Change to ALL Thralls: Murmur progress scales with Thrall level.

    New Mission: Kuva Assault Heist – Steal back your stuff

    • Repurpose the Assault game mode
      • Mission level is set to the Lich’s level
    • Can only be attempted once after each failed Requiem combo
    • Guaranteed Lich spawn
      • Possibly add an additional objective to the mission with a proper boss room (Queen’s room?).
    • Completion gives back all items the Lich has stolen
      • The ship you blow up has the Lich’s stash

    All Conversions and Vanquishes should be useful

    • Allow Liches to be deployed on planets ala Extractors, chance to get other items besides planetary resources.
      • Maybe even allow for creating a “squad” of Liches with stat min-maxing
    • Add Lich Beacon (gear item) that will spawn a squad of your converted Liches for a duration.
    • Allow Kuva weapons to be sold for Kuva/Endo/Credits, more Kuva/Endo/Credits for a higher elemental bonus
      • Infuse Kuva into Kuva weapons to increase their elemental bonus (up to a cap, very expensive)


    Rationale: Why I came to the above conclusions.

    Lich Interaction Suggestions

    1. Being “forced” to die feels bad. Having your Rhino with its overkill umbral Ironclad build be tossed away just doesn’t feel good. There isn’t any counterplay involved, it is basically just RNG most of the time you go against a Lich. The outcome of a fight should be determined by the decisions you make during that fight, otherwise things just feel hopeless. Ding to a Lich is fine, they should have the ability to kill us, but it should be to our gameplay failure and not RNG.
    2. Liches don’t Lich. Part of the selling point of the Lich system was how they were an enemy that matched us in our ability to die but not actually die. An enemy that, no matter how many times we killed, they would always come back. Except that, ya know, the only time we ever kill our Lich is when it dies for good.
    3. No decision making. This kind of hits on some points of the first point, but only having two options in any Lich encounter sucks. Lich hunting has become a monotonous process, there is a pretty clear “right” way and whenever your Lich shows up you know what you are going to do (because the two options aren’t really options). The leveling mechanic of Liches especially is bad. If we want to make our Lich just “go away”, we should have the option. This is especially important to players who may not have the ability to take on a level 5 Lich. Remember, this system is unlocked after TWW, very few players will have the gear necessary to Lich hunt. There should be different approaches to taking out a Lich that don’t involve running away with your tail between your legs.

    Passive murmur progress

    1. ‘New Shiny’ only lasts so long. This is just an assumption, but I don’t think DE’s long-term intention for Liches was for us to “hard farm” them indefinitely. When you first start working on your Syndicates you are likely to put a lot of active effort into ranking them up, be it ensuring you hit standing cap or doing the daily missions. However after the “new shiny” wears off Syndicates fall into something that you don’t actively work for, but rather get progress for in the background. When the “new shiny” wears off Liches shouldn’t fall into the background, they should become part of the passive grind.
    2. Dual farming is fun. Being able to strategically pick what you do to make progress towards multiple things at a time is one of the core principles to Warframe’s daily loop. You are rarely if ever only farming for one thing at a time, or at the very least you are getting some background rewards. We should have the option to farm for Liches while also farming for other things, even if it is at the expense of how fast we farm Liches.
    3. Passive grind > active grind. Liches seem like the kind of system that works in the background, where you slowly make Lich progress while you are doing other Warframe things. And this, imo, is where Liches would settle in best. Rather than spending three hours to farm a Lich you passively get a “free” lich over a week to two weeks of playing.
    4. Level scaling balances things out. Getting more progress from difficult content? In Warframe? I know it is crazy talk, but it would wrap up nicely with other changes. It would keep it so targeted ich farming and ranking up your Lich (instead avoiding it) would still have value.

    New Mission: Kuva Assault Heist – Steal back your stuff

    1. Makes ‘long term’ Liches less punishing. Kicking off some points from the passive murmur progress, if Liches are going to be stealing a week’s worth of materials there should be a way to combat that without having to spend a few hours figuring out your Requiem combo.
    2. Guaranteed Lich spawn. The worst feeling part of the Lich farm in my opinion is when all you need to do is test your Requiem combo. Having to play random Lich missions with just a prayer that they spawn just feels bad.
    3. A back and forth relationship. We have a lot of reasons to hate Liches, but they don’t really have much reason to hate us. Sure, we will clear their influence, but that feels more like being a pest than a “nemesis”.

    All Conversions and Vanquishes should be useful

    1. Effort always needs to be rewarded. This is really self-explanatory, and to a degree this is the most important thing that DE needs to fix. If we are going to spend our time grinding, we need to get something. It doesn’t need to always be the absolute best thing ever, but something.
    2. Conversions are mostly useless. The first Lich conversion is already a questionable enough reward, but after the first literally every other Lich converted is useless (ignoring the market because rewards should not be balanced around the market). Allowing Liches to be deployed on planets, kind of like your own little mercenary, would give use to at least a handful of Liches. At the very least this could be done as a “tier 0” implementation where Liches act exactly how an Extractor does (with probably differences coming in with what they gather). But going deep into the system and allowing for sending squads of Liches that have synergies that boost rewards could make for an awesome ‘Extractors 2.0’.
    3. Vanquishing a Lich should also always be useful. The last thing I want is for the default response of getting a Lich with a weapon you don’t want is to convert. Being able to burn Kuva weapons into something useful is a bit of a cheap solution, but it would work well enough.
    4. Kuva weapons need RNG protection. Having your power be completely subject to the will of RNG just isn’t fun (inert Riven rant here). RNG can add some excitement to rewards but if there is too much it becomes demoralizing. Again, using Kuva to power up Kuva weapons isn’t a very fancy solution, but it would work. It would also synergize nicely with being able to burn Kuva weapons for Kuva.

    I tried to keep the scope of the suggestions rather small, no massive pieces of new content or major changes to how the system work.

  15. I knew this was coming, but I was in denial about having to do another Dojo remodel. For those that don't know, a few rooms in the dojo can collide with rooms above/below. The Observatory, classic Obstacle Course, and Reactors are the main perpetrators. The Drydock is the new one on the list. You can't have any "tall" room like a Clan Hall below the Drydock or any "deep" room like a Reactor above the Drydock. This, as you may be able to guess, is quite the predicament for a lot of dojos as having to remodel multiple floors takes weeks to do.

    Suggestion: Make the elevators a bit taller so no rooms will have upper/lower collisions.

    • Like 3
  16. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)TehChubbyDugan said:

    You can't have a system that requires this much work to build out a weapon that is supposed to be modular, and then completely change the system up so that the modularity no longer works and has to be redone.  You have to put so many polarities on things in order to fit a maximized build that the mod system is no longer flexible.  When they go and change up the meta, you now have to redo your polarities, because despite being modular, there is no flexibility in the system so only a handful of builds fit.  Forma is a stupid idea to begin with, but it's really showing it's flaws now.

    So... what is DE supposed to do? Throw in the towel and just say "eh, this is bad, but we can't change it"?

    I want Warframe to be the best game it can be, and if that means I get hit every so often so be it.

  17. Not that these names are bad, but I'd rather see a bit more creativity in what the nemesis's for the other factions are. Like, I don't want every nemesis to just be some souped-up version of a unit.

    • For example imagine if the Infested nemesis was not a single unit, but a rogue "hive mind" of various infested units.
    • Or for Corpus, what if your nemesis was just some nerd that sat in a chair (and commanded underlings around)? Oh, or what if we pulled in lore from Patient Zero and had the Corpus nemesis be a copy of your Warframe that is controlled by a "gamer" Corpus. Rather than figuring out  Requiem combo to "Kill" your nemesis, you are using the combo to hack into the network and find where your nemesis is hiding.
    • And Sentients... I'm not sure about this one, but with how weird and alien they are I would hope they would be more than just another version of a Lich.
  18. Counterpoint: Would you rather have DE never move forward?


    Yes, it does suck to have your toys broken, but it is impossible for DE to improve systems without breaking something. Personally I would much rather have the game be in an overall better place than have the status quo be maintained. I'm not saying that this opinion is "right", but it is important to look at all sides to an action. If you want to keep the status quo you have to be willing to accept that things won't get better.

    In addition, when DE breaks or shifts the meta it creates new content in a way. You had fun with your old toys, but now you can make new goals, find new playstyles. If I could just rest on one loadout for the rest of Warframe's lifetime I would personally get pretty bored. Shaking things up gives me things to do.

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