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Posts posted by Instinction

  1. thumbs up from me, and I would even like to see as many as 4 slots :P on weapons too. I hardly think it's gonna make us overpowered if we sprint a bit faster or our weapons can zoom in further. Just be a bit selective about which mods that goes into these slots and it'll be fine.

    Agreed. On the thought of "utilities" on weapons, it'd be something like attachments in the form of mods, which I think is a great idea.

  2. Since this is relatable, I'll paste my response to a DE from another thread here:


    First thing, make the bosses harder! HARDER I SAY! I want a bloody boss (obviously a high level one 80-100) to be able to almost one-shot me with its main attack, a slow-moving rocket, or a huge greatsword. Obviously one-shotting with an automatic rifle would be a little too op, but you get the idea.


    HEALTH! GIVE THE DAMN BOSS MORE HP DON'T PUT A DAMAGE CAP. I want to be able to have a Strun Wraith that's popping out 10k damage per shot and one shotting every mob from here to Tanzania, but what I REALLY want is a boss that can take 50 of those shots and still have 75% of its health left. Also, damage cap makes modding weapons pointless! Why bother forma'ing if I cant surpass a limiter!


    Improve the AI! Specifically on bosses, petty mobs need not be that smart. Make bosses move! Make them jump! Make them dodge, block, take cover, charge forward, climb walls, wallrun, etc!!!! You must make the fight with bosses ENGAGING FOR THE PLAYER!!


    Give bosses more special attacks! To do this you need to create weapons SPECIFICALLY FOR BOSSES. Do not give them weapons that players can get. Give them weapons that are otherwise unbalanced/broken, BOSSES ARE MEANT TO BE MORE POWERFUL THAN THE PLAYER. I SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO SOLO A BOSS LIKE LEPHANTIS. This is also a lot easier if you make bosses MELEE.


    MELEE BOSSES ARE GENERALLY PREFERABLE. With a melee boss you can give it a crap ton of health/armor, cuz it can't shoot back. You make it jump all over the place/charge you like an angry bull because it has to get within melee range. YOU CAN GIVE IT COOL ATTACKS LIKE GRABS WHERE IT PICKS YOU UP BEATS THE SNOT OUT OF YOU AND THROWS YOU LIKE A RAG DOLL ACROSS THE ROOM LEAVING YOU WITH 5 REMAINING HP.


    And congratulations, you also got rid of the damage cap, a terrible, horrible thing in a game where the main goal is to increase the damage of your frame/weapons.

  3. We appreciate the feedback Qynchou. Although I see you do not want to suggest anything; we encourage it.


    It's great to tell us how you feel about the game, but we would love to know how you would "fix it" considering you're unhappy with the direction.



    First thing, make the bosses harder! HARDER I SAY! I want a bloody boss (obviously a high level one 80-100) to be able to almost one-shot me with its main attack, a slow-moving rocket, or a huge greatsword. Obviously one-shotting with an automatic rifle would be a little too op, but you get the idea.


    HEALTH! GIVE THE DAMN BOSS MORE HP DON'T PUT A DAMAGE CAP. I want to be able to have a Strun Wraith that's popping out 10k damage per shot and one shotting every mob from here to Tanzania, but what I REALLY want is a boss that can take 50 of those shots and still have 75% of its health left. Also, damage cap makes modding weapons pointless! Why bother forma'ing if I cant surpass a limiter!


    Improve the AI! Specifically on bosses, petty mobs need not be that smart. Make bosses move! Make them jump! Make them dodge, block, take cover, charge forward, climb walls, wallrun, etc!!!! You must make the fight with bosses ENGAGING FOR THE PLAYER!!


    Give bosses more special attacks! To do this you need to create weapons SPECIFICALLY FOR BOSSES. Do not give them weapons that players can get. Give them weapons that are otherwise unbalanced/broken, BOSSES ARE MEANT TO BE MORE POWERFUL THAN THE PLAYER. I SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO SOLO A BOSS LIKE LEPHANTIS. This is also a lot easier if you make bosses MELEE.


    MELEE BOSSES ARE GENERALLY PREFERABLE. With a melee boss you can give it a crap ton of health/armor, cuz it can't shoot back. You make it jump all over the place/charge you like an angry bull because it has to get within melee range. YOU CAN GIVE IT COOL ATTACKS LIKE GRABS WHERE IT PICKS YOU UP BEATS THE SNOT OUT OF YOU AND THROWS YOU LIKE A RAG DOLL ACROSS THE ROOM LEAVING YOU WITH 5 REMAINING HP.


    And congratulations, you also got rid of the damage cap, a terrible, horrible thing in a game where the main goal is to increase the damage of your frame/weapons.

  4. I'm glad you appreciated my post off this thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/119391-shouldn%C2%B4t-warframes-have-more-mod-slots/page-2


    lol and I think the affinity boost on forma'ing is a great idea. Forma'ing is 100% necessary to get your weapon maxed out at this point so the grind should definitely be lessened a little more each time you do it, since it is the same weapon, over and over.

  5. I must say i like the idea of weapons, more slots and or special frames that unlock after a certain mastery level.

    why is that so weird to accept?..many games do this very thing.

    The point here is the speed at which you acquire mastery rank. Right now it is fairly slow and is also limited to the weapons and warframes that you level, it's not based of the amount of kills you get, like how the leveling is in most games. So yes having slots unlock after a certain amount of mastery levels would be great, that's more like a reward than anything; but having weapons locked until rank 20 would kill new players at the current rate at which you can acquire mastery.

  6. So what exactly is your definition of a hard boss?

    My opinion? Something about 50 to 100x the difficulty of Lephantis. I'm talking something that REQUIRES a fully maxed out 4-man team of decently skilled players with all level 30 and forma'd weapons and takes at least 20 minutes to take down.


    A boss like that would set the players of Warframe on FIRE to kill.

  7. You know what...normally I wouldn't say anything. But I think that a SINGLE utility mod slot would be fine and a lot of fun.

    But I'd like it to be an un-polarized slot (With an option to be polarized with Forma.) and not interfere with having "utility" mods still attached to your Warframe's main build. A utility mod should just have an extra marking to indicate it is eligible for your utility slot.

    My opinion.

    I agree with this except I think at least two would be necessary. There are so many of these useless mods that only being able to use one as a "utility" wouldn't really be much of a change.

    I do like the idea of it being unpolarized and it just having an eligibility marking.

  8. This seems to be a big enough issue that people are complaining about to warrant a thread of its own.


    I'm hearing a lot of "there aren't enough warframe mod slots" and "there are so many useless mods" (i.e. hacker, maglev, etc.)


    So what does the Warframe player-base think of the addition of something like "utility" slots to a warframe? Something similar to an Aura slot, but it takes up energy instead of giving it.


    A designated area for mods that do not directly affect the power of the warframe, such as warm coat, heavy impact, intruder, surefooted, antitoxin, undying will, etc... Mods that do not directly boost a major stat such a stamina, hp, shields, power strength/efficiency, etc.


    I personally something along the lines of this NEEDS to be implemented or we're going to continue to have what we have now except it's going to get worse: a LOT of useless mods filling up the drop table, making it harder to get the good mods we all want and need.


    Your thoughts?

  9. I actually kind of like the new gear. You can't use it the same way you could use the old ammo boxes where you just use it when you run out of ammo, you use it if you can tell that you're going to run out of ammo.


    I agree with the rest though.

    To each their own.

    I can see the benefits in a specific situation such as a defense mission where you're not going anywhere, then yes. However, even if you "plan in advance" so to speak as to when you're going to run out of ammo, you're still left standing there on a pad while everyone else is rushing forward getting all the kills.

  10. for your laser door dilemma do a slide slash attack through the beams.  i've tested it across all my frames, and never have a problem getting through even witha galatine equipped. 


    Your other points are fairly valid, but this is more of a rant.   Help them by giving constructive feedback on what would help to remedy problems.  Just a suggestion if you want to see it help out.

    I'll try the slide dash, thank you.


    As for this being a rant, you're right it is but some of the "fixes" are mind-numbingly simple. Mutagen samples: put them back to the way they were or increase drop-rate. Laser doors and knockdown time: get rid of it/decrease amount. Etc, etc, etc. Something's can be so simply fixed or like the ammo boxes, just left the way they were.

  11. Just my thoughts on the whole mastery level system.



    I am sort of biased in the sense that mastery doesn't affect me as negatively as it does new players since I've been playing


    since early closed beta, but I digress...



    My thinking is for the future of this game, and with mastery specifically I wonder about when players start to reach rank 15,


    rank 20, etc.



    Are we going to have weapons and possibly even warframes that are set to that high of a mastery level?


    Mastery isn't exactly something that goes up very quickly and leveling up every single weapon and warframe becomes a


    bit tedious when it's a weapon or frame you really don't like or want to have to use.



    Anyways, point being, for someone like me, it's not too heavy of an issue because I've been playing for a long time. But


    think of a new player coming into Warframe and seeing a weapon that can't be unlocked until Mastery rank 30 or


    something. Basically he is never going to have that gun unless he spend the next year and a half on Warframe never


    leaving his seat and by then a rank 50 weapon is going to have come out. Then what.



    So ya, just kinda my thoughts on the matter and wanting to see what the general opinion/feedback is on this. I realize I


    may be thinking a long ways down the road, but I really hope that this game will make it that far!

  12. I dunno what you're talking about for resources

    I'm talking about loads of players having HUGELY abundant amount of certain resources that should be uncommon or rare, for example alloy plate is a resource that lots of players in general have a LOT of and it is supposed to be an uncommon resource, OR never having enough of a resource, such as plastids, also an uncommon resource, due to it being nearly as scarce as a rare resource such as Control Modules and also things in general having a high cost of said resource.


    Mainly, the cost of certain resources needs to be balanced with the drop rate of that resource on whatever planets it drops from.

  13. Also, I want to be able to move my chat box to one corner and have it STAY there. Not reset every time I do a mission or restart the game. Also why is the chat box showing up in the background when I'm trying to color my warframes? And why does my loadout A - B - C reset to A every time I switch something out or restart the game.


  14. This thread would probably do better in the gameplay review area, but I'll add my big regardless.

    There are some stereotypical doosh bags out there who take advantage of the system to ruin everyone elses fun, i.e people who purposefully failed the mission on a timed nightmare mode by staying out of extraction.

    I would enjoy the implementation of not just an "ignore" button/command but a BLOCK button/command preventing me from playing with that player or that player playing with me, THAT WAY he doesn't join into my next game after I've left the lobby by joining on me so he can do it again.

  15. What if we just got something along the lines of this?




    EDIT: I just went ahead and made a thread out of it: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/119700-integration-of-drop-tables-into-ui-example-pic/#entry1402111

    Yes and no. This would be a start, but not a solution. What about all those mods? Having a list like that list off 20+ mods and what enemies they drop off of would be highly impratical.

  16. The move on DE's part to encrypt drop tables thus preventing players from reverse-engineering the drop-tables for mods/bps/parts is a fair one. Data mining is a step on the road to hacking, and the complete information dump created can take the mystery/fun out of the game for both new and old players.


    We can all agree that figuring out one's own path through a game is more fun than using a gameguide, IF the game gives us all of the means to effectively do so. However, (other than resource locations) Warframe provides literally ZERO information to the player about how to progress through the game. Nothing ever tells you where a particular Frame's parts, Weapon component, or Mod drop is located. In a game where getting drops is the primary source of progress, this is unacceptable.


    Banning datamining without adding a Roadmap to drops in game is literally a ban on Warframe's only progress mechanic; drop farming.


    In most PvE games with character advancement elements, such lack of transparency is tolerable, because in most games the character is always making DIRECT progess while grinding. Simply killing enemies increases your level/rank/whatever, which can usually be used to boost power in some gameplay specific way, even if you have difficulty finding/looting the item you're searching for.


    In WF, the PRIMARY source of progress is attaining specific drops. If we have no road-map to attempt to attain said drops, playing the game simply ceases to have a point. We can't grind aimlessly, or rely on rumors when the grind itself has no reward as it does in other games. (which is a sepearate issue altogether). This ban turns "wow that is going to be hard" into "why bother, I have no clue what to do next".


    I will say it plainly; if you think you're having veteran burnout now...wait until you see what happens when you literally remove the only mechanism for even INDIRECT progress in Warframe. Instead of reducing pathways to indirect progress, DE should be adding MORE pathways for DIRECT progress, mastery rewards, achievements etc.


    Livestream vaugely noted a concept to put together an in-game roadmap to drops - but we have no idea if/when/what this will be. Many livestream plans take months to materialze, or were simply ideas and never see production. This is one of those situations where communicating with the players first would have gone a long way to engender support before taking drastic action.


    What's the plan here?

    Yes. Just yes to everything said here, I could not agree more.


    EDIT: This thread should be stickied. Seriously, DE should see this and no one has said it better than this.

  17. Very few are actually useful in my opinion. And the "gimp" to some of them is so great that the bonus simply isn't worth it, without using another mod to offset that gimp, which in turn makes that mod useless, it just lessens the "gimp".


    My particular thought goes like this:


    Take Ash for example. Without Flow(increase max energy capacity) he has a very low base energy amount. You put a maxed Blind Rage(+power strength -power efficiency) on him as Shuriken and Blade Storm both greatly benefit from power strength. However if you don't have Flow he doesn't even have enough energy at max to use Blade Storm due the the cost now being so high. So you have to use Flow to offset this, or maybe a Streamline. Now you can use it, once maybe, and you have this completely wasted slot being used up by Flow or Streamline.


    Long story short, the benefit does not outweigh the cost for the use of these mods.

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