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  1. 新武器Higasa,日式和風武器,是日文「ひがさ」的讀音,日文正譯為 - 「日傘」、「和傘」 The new weapon, Higasa, is a Japanese-style weapon, and it's pronounced 'ひがさ' in Japanese. It means "日傘" or "和傘" (traditional Japanese umbrella). 就算以正譯發想新譯名,應該也是「晴日傘」、「晴空傘」、「天晴傘」或「蔭華傘」吧? Even if you guys had to not use the original meaning for the translation, it should still be something like "晴日傘", "晴空傘", "天晴傘"(The umbrella that prays for the bright sky), or "蔭華傘"(The umbrella that blocks the cloudy day), right? 到底是怎麼被翻成「保護傘」的?完全玷汙了這把武器日式和風的優雅氣質與設計特色。 How in the world did you guys managed to translate it into "Umbrella"? It completely tarnishes the elegance and refined design of this Japanese-style weapon! 「保護傘」同時也是惡靈古堡中邪惡製藥公司「Umbrella」的中文正譯,是因為惡靈古堡製作廠商是日本Capcom所以才覺得這個名字很和風日式嗎?還是為了要應景這次改版要打感染者才故意開的玩笑? Is this some kind of bad joke or easter egg for referencing the evil "Umbrella" company in "Resident Evil" series? Because we are fighting infestation in this update? 請求繁體中文翻譯組更正這把武器的名子! I strongly urge the Traditional Chinese localization team to correct the name of this weapon! 簡體中文也是翻成「晴日傘」 Even the Simplified Chinese team translated it into "晴日傘"(The umbrella that prays for the bright sky).
  2. "Jade Shadows",所有的官方新聞全部都沒使用詞彙表「翠玉遺影」,而是錯誤的「翡翠魅影」,「翡翠魅影」本身也是錯誤翻譯;「晉陞」模式官方新聞也沒有使用正確詞彙「爬升」 All "Jade Shadows" official news did not use the in game glossary term "翠玉遺影 (Shadow of Jade)". Instead, it is using "翡翠魅影 (Phantom of Emerald)", which is a very incorrect translation. The official news for the "Ascension" mode also did not use the correct in game glossary term "爬升 (Ascension)", instead using "晉陞 (Promotion)", which is also a very incorrect translation. 官方網站從翠玉遺影版本公布起,Jade的說明就嚴重翻譯錯誤,並且技能也沒有翻譯,從那時起到如今版本推出已一個多月,依舊沒有修正(網站推出當天已發文回報) Since the release of the "Jade Shadow" official promotion website, the translation of Jade's description has been seriously incorrect. "Bless allies and damn enemies" was translated into "祝福盟友以及該死的敵人 (Bless allies and your god damn enemies)", it looks like it was Google translated without proofreading. Also, most of her abilities have not been translated except her 1st. Despite this being reported on day one, the problems remain unfixed to this day. 「TennoGen暗影」這篇文章繁體中文翻譯除了副標題是詭異的「tktk」以外,內容幾乎完全空白,只翻譯了最後一段TennoGen的介紹,甚至連「什麼是TennoGen」這環節都是空白的。從6月18日至今7月19日依舊沒有修正 "TennoGen Shadows" news: not only was the subtitle weirdly translated into "tktk", but the entire article itself is almost empty. Only the last part, "What is TennoGen," remained, and even that part is missing an entire section. EN: TC: TennoCon的重要新聞將TennoCon打成了TennoGen: TennoCon 2024's news said it is "TennoGen 2024" Cosplay新聞中的Youtube連結tag格式嚴重錯誤 Changed the tag for some unknown reason in Plexi Cosplay's news, resulting in the article showing garbled text. 會將Tag擅自分開是Google Translate的老bug了,建議你們就算要用機翻也別忘了特別校對有tag的部分 It's also a well-known bug in Google Translate to split tags improperly if you direcly dump the entire article in it. Champion品牌合作新聞翻譯得無法理解,而且漏翻了最重要的推出日期 The news about the collaboration with the Champion brand is incomprehensible, and the most important part—the release date is missing. 建議:這種結合了Champion獨特輪廓與毫不妥協的製造品質,再加上Warframe標誌性的蓮花標誌,打造出了適合你本季所有任務的裝備。 Here's my suggestion to how this part should be translated: "這種結合了Champion獨特輪廓與毫不妥協的製造品質,再加上Warframe標誌性的蓮花標誌,打造出了適合你本季所有任務的裝備。" TennoCon官方新聞語法及翻譯內容錯誤至完全無法理解 The official TennoCon news is filled with grammatical and translation errors, making it almost completely incomprehensible. 「先睹為快」極少會在句首使用,而且原文為"Ready yourself",建議翻成「搶先觀看」 In Chinese, we do not use「先睹為快」at the beginning of a sentense, and it is also a very incorrect translation, the original text is "Ready yourself for", it is best to translate it into "搶先觀看" "Aoi and Arthur aren't the only oddly familiar faces closing the distance..." is completely incomprehensible. 建議翻成「葵與亞瑟並不是唯一會出現的熟悉面孔...」(Suggestion) 錯字:多「人」(X);正確:多「得」 Serious typos. 發給新聞媒體巴哈姆特的文章翻譯嚴重錯誤 The article that was sent to the biggest Traditional Chinese gaming media "Bahamut", also known as Gamer.com.tw, had some serious incorrect translations and untranslated contents. 先不論"Protoframe"是怎麼翻譯成"原型Warframe", 以及Atomicycle為何沒有遵照詞彙表翻譯 Not only are "Warframe" and "Atomicycle" are not translated (most people there do not understand English), but "Protoframe" was even mistranslated as "Prototype Warframe." Where did "war" even come from? It is very misleading! Warframe遊戲總監[DE]Rebecca已經有特別在開發者實況178期上說過Protoframe跟Warframe是完全不一樣的存在,這個翻譯不止嚴重錯誤,更是嚴重誤導讀者! [DE]Rebecca also emphasized at dev stream 178 that "Protoframe" and "Warframe" are completely different! This is a very serious mistake! 我承認我並不會每一篇新聞都看,但目前為止我看到的每一篇新聞幾乎都有問題,而且每一篇看起來都像是Google翻譯後沒人工校對的產物,對有認真看的玩家來說很容易造成誤導,特別是TennoCon這種會有玩家親自前往現場的新聞更是重要,真心希望繁中組能認真點校對與修正。 I admit that I do not read every official news article, and when I do read, I don't usually read carefully. However, every single article I have read so far is filled with problematic and misleading translations that look like they were Google translated without proofreading. Especially news about events like TennoCon, which players will attend in person!
  3. 啟動器與官方網站 = 翡翠魅影 (錯誤) ; 正確 = 翠玉遺影 啟動器:你的行為並不是唯一要面對後果的行為 = 你的行為並不是唯一需要面對的後果 高歌武器說明漏翻 劇情「可體色素」漏翻 劇情對話漏翻 擊殺或助殺(X) = 擊殺或助攻(O) 除去這些小問題以外,這次版本品質很棒,對你們重拾信心了,加油。
  4. 上次午夜電波間歇破曉版本5月15日推出, 內容一直到今天6月19日Jade Shadows更新, 整整35天後才有翻譯(中間也有至少3次熱修), 再加上文章中提到的前幾次新版本大量漏翻與機翻問題, 我這邊已經有很多繁體中文的玩家選擇放棄繁體, 改使用簡體中文了, 真的請你們加油
  5. 原文"Bless allies and damn enemies"翻成了「祝福盟友以及該死的敵人」嚴重錯誤 正確為:「祝福盟友並詛咒敵人」
  6. 繁體中文的翻譯以前表現非常好, 尤其是渡域悖論那一版本的翻譯簡直出神入化, 之後的表現都很不錯。 The Traditional Chinese translations for Warframe used to be excellent, especially The Duviri Paradox, which was simply remarkable. The following updates' translations were also quite good too. 直到破冪者開始出現了一些無法忽視的機翻, 翻譯品質開始直線下滑, 斷斷續續到了但丁解放版本, 開始大量出現機翻(粗略估計大概60~70%, 漏翻, 甚至嚴重的錯翻等, 最嚴重的是但丁3,4技說明, 紫色寶石說明嚴重錯誤, 而且一直到快兩個月後的Protea Prime更新才修改好) However, things took a turn when the veilbreaker update launched, a lot of noticeable google translations starting to emerge. The quality of translations began to plummet, reaching its nadir with the Dante Unbound update, where there were rampant instances of google translations(i would say 60~70%), untranslated, and even severe mistranslations, like Dante's 3rd, 4th abilities and the purple shard descriptions being severely inaccurate, and didn’t get a fix until Protea Prime update, which is almost 2 month. 然後是上一個Protea Prime大改版, 遊戲內, 商店, 甚至官方網站幾乎都沒翻, 一直到過了好幾個熱修以後才補上去。另外, 就連Protea Prime的預告也沒有中文字幕(繁體中文是預告字幕裡唯一缺席的語言) And then there’s the Protea Prime update, which…didn’t get translated at all, both in-game and news at the official website stayed in English, there were no translations until several hotfixes later. Additionally, Traditional Chinese is the only language the protea prime trailer doesn’t support. 官方網站上1999相關, 午夜電波V6等新聞100%全部都是機翻, 很多地方不看原文根本無法理解, 1999相關新聞中的"Protoframe"甚至被翻譯成嚴重錯誤的"原型Warframe"(Proto Warframe) The 1999-related news, the newest Nightwave: Nora's Mix Vol. 6 news, and more on official website is 100% google translated, making it almost incomprehensible without referring back to the original English language. More to that, "Protoframe" was even mistranslated to the severely incorrect "原型 Warframe" (Prototype Warframe). 然後是這一次新一季的午夜電波間歇V6版本則是幾乎完全沒翻, 從推出至今已經熱修了非常多次了還是沒翻, 然後DE前幾天宣布要在Jade版本推出前停止熱修, 也就是說繁體中文即將連續缺席兩個大型改版, Protea Prime跟午夜電波, 就在我發表這篇文章的現在, 繁體玩家依舊沒有繁體中文可用, 對比起簡體中文, 簡體已經完全翻譯了, 而且完全沒有機翻, 都是人工校對的。 And now, With the release of Nightwave: Nora's Mix Vol. 6, there's once again, almost no translation, despite there is already numerous hotfixes after the release, it’s been more than 20 days, and DE had announced a halt to hotfixes to get the team focus on the Jade Shadow update. Which means that Traditional Chinese players are about to miss out on two major updates in a row – Protea Prime and Nightwave Vol. 6. As I’m writing this, Traditional Chinese players still don't have access to Traditional Chinese while Simplified Chinese has been fully translated, with no google translations, all manually proofread. Top: Traditional Chinese Bottom: Simplified Chinese Top: Simplified Chinese Bottom: Traditional Chinese Left: Traditional Chinese Right: Simplified Chinese Left: Traditional Chinese Right: Simplified Chinese 請DE重視一下繁體中文玩家的權益, 我目前知道的是, 繁體中文以前是與簡體中文同步進行翻譯的, 若真的人手不足, 可以使用過去的方式, 讓簡體中文組與繁體中文組一起翻譯, 這樣至少比目前70~80%機翻跟不翻來得好 Please, DE, me and my fellow Traditional Chinese Tenno users are really concerned about this. We felt more and more left out in the recent updates. As far as I know, the Traditional Chinese team used to work simultaneously with the Simplified Chinese team(I was one of the Traditional Chinese Translators). If manpower is truly an issue, you could always consider adopting the previous method, where Simplified Chinese team also work with (edited) Traditional Chinese translations. This would at least be better than the current situation of google translation or no translations at all.
  7. 「這就是我害怕的點。」原文是"I was afraid of this." 正確且合理的翻譯是「我就擔心會這樣。」/「我就害怕會這樣。」跟「點」完全扯不上關係。 全句建議修飾成:「我就擔心會這樣。衰變庫的保全系統在周圍有醜八怪的時候是不會開啟的。」
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