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Posts posted by (PSN)Hooligonzo

  1. I love Helios, but I'm trying to open up my Sentinel usage.  I don't want to fall into that using-Helios-all-the-time groove like back when Carrier was the go-to Sentinel because Vacuum was exclusive to it.

    Bad days, man.  Bad days.

  2. Hope I've titled that alright, haha.

    So basically when you get an Immortal skin, and then eventually upgrade from a Warframe to a Warframe Prime, you get to keep using the Immortal skin, but it's actually replaced with a sort of Immortal Prime skin.  I'd like to ask that we be able to use both Immortal options on Prime Warframes, instead of just the Prime version.

    Nekros to Nekros Prime, for instance, has Nekros take on a lot of physical changes into Nekros Prime, with the addition of some wing-like elements.  Currently, if I want to use the Immortal skin for Nekros/Nekros Prime, it uses the Nekros Prime form with the wing-like elements.  I think it would be great if I had the option of using the Nekros version of the Immortal skin on my Nekros Prime.

    Likewise with our other esteemed Immortal skins.  I think providing this sort of dual skin options to the Prime iterations is also a good way to keep the Immortal line of skins relevant in the age of TennoGen (<3) and other wonderful Premium skins. 

    There hasn't been a new entry in the Immortal line of skins in an awfully long time, too, and the Immortal skins should be ... Forever, don't you think?

  3. Leveling Amps and Quills Rep is quite simply the worst grindiness I've seen in Warframe, and I've seen some things, man ... attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion... farming parts for the Brakk before Baro sold lures... the sprawling Void locked behind grouping up with randoms in Recruiting chat....

  4. There are lots of great geometry assets in the Plains of Eidolon, and with the Ostron community being largely scavengers, it seems appropriate that they would offer up a set (or two!) of polished up neat-looking scavenged parts of all this old Orokin tech and Grineer tech as decorations.

    If we look at the Provvok Shoulder Guard, this is exactly the itch I'm looking to get scratched, nawmean?  (Well, the Cleaver was too much for me on the Provvok, so maybe we could get some plain Grineer masks for Shoulder armor pieces?  I digress!)

    We will need places to spend Standing with the Ostrons for as long as the Plains are going to be relevant, and as gorgeous and fun as the Plains are, I hope that they stay relevant in perpetuity.  Plus, I like fancy junk to stick on my Warframes.


  5. I have noticed Syandanas that appear to be anchored off-center in the past, but shrugged it off as maybe having more to do with a Warframe's posture than my perception.

    My first encounter was when I was thinking about buying the Opulas robe for my Vauban, but I passed on it since it seemed ... Off-Center.

    Now I'm setting up an Ash Prime Warframe (finally sat down and got that last part!) and I'm definitely not imagining things.

    My set up is Ash Prime, with the regular Ash skin and Locust helmet, using Nekros Noble animation set with Despair in hands, no Primary equipped.  I have spun Ash facing away from me and aligned him such that the tail of the Locust helmet droops in-line with his spine.  Then, I'm flipping through Syandanas, and these are definitely not plugged into the middle of the back:

    - Harkonar Cloak (and Wraith); leans right

    - Imperator Syandana; leans right

    - Obsidian Azura Syandana; leans right

    - Yamako (and Prisma); leans right

    - Vanquished Banner (and Solstice, Day of the Dead, etc); leans right, but possibly aligned fine as it is highly asymmetrical.

    - Yomo Syandana (and Obsidian); leans right

    - Abrasys Syandana; leans left

    - Apoxys Syandana; leans strongly right, but is organic and asymmetrical.

    - Bombyx Syandana; leans right

    - Foxglove Syandana; leans right

    - Izvara Syandana; leans right

    - Kuva Cloak; leans right

    - Maharliqa Syandana; leans right

    - Nelumbo Syandana; leans right

    - Opulas Robe; leans strongly right

    - Rath Kittag Cloak; leans right, but possibly aligned fine as it is asymmetrical.

    - Rota Syandana; leans right

    - Salix Syandana; may lean right, it is difficult to discern.

    - Samia Syandana; leans right

    - Udyat Syandana; leans right

    - Vexillus Cloak; leans right

    - Zaikhya Syandana; leans slightly right


    It's not actually that long a list, since a number of them share models but notably different naming conventions.  Every other Syandana I flipped through was well-centered.  I'm confident I'm not imagining these being off-center, and I believe the intent is that they are supposed to be centered.

    Anyway, I'm going to go do something else for a bit.  I need to wash this pedantic nerd feeling off.

  6. Hey!  Humble request here, for the art dude that worked on all this Ki'Teer gear!  So humble!  Ahh!

    Basically, I am a big fan of this armor set and the Sentinel accessories.  I'm not so much a big fan of the holography elements on this stuff, though, particularly with the Sentinel Accessories, since like every piece has a hologram projector with the little spinny diamond shape.

    When I first got this stuff it was hard to tell what the little holography bit even was with the little in-game icon, but once I put on my armor chunks, I could see the little projector and the spinny diamond.  It's pretty neat, I'm not trying to paint it as some awful design element or anything, but it's not to my taste for regular gameplay use.  So I went to fiddle with the Energy color setting to just turn off the hologram.  I kinda figured this is how it would work since other armor with Energy-related animations or glowy effects work similarly; you go to the Energy color picker, you pick a super deep black like the bottom row of the Smoke set or the complimentary PS4 color picker palette, and it subdues the Energy animations on Prisma or Prime accessories nice and neat.

    Now, this isn't the case for the Ki'Teer gear.  I'm not, like, super bummed out that it isn't the case, but I am hoping that maybe this can be the case one day?  It's such cool armor and it'd be cool if this was a feature, not just because little ol' myself and whoever else would be pleased, but because it would also keep the Ki'Teer sets functioning similarly to the other armor sets.

  7. I just noticed that my Credit Booster seems to be gone.  I got the last Prime Accessories Pack, which granted an Affinity Booster and a Credit Booster for 90 days.  My Affinity Booster is still running, and it still shows on my Landing Craft screen in the upper right corner, but the Credit Booster does not show and it is definitely not running.

    I don't know how long this has been going on, but I do know I was supposed to have at least 4 more days of that Credit Booster going, if the remaining 4 days of the Affinity Booster are any indication.

    I'm wondering if there was a bug with the recent Double Weekend that deactivated the booster when the weekend was turned off.  I dunno.


    Plz halp.

  8. This is a game I play in binges.  I check on it at least weekly, though most days I just pop in for a moment to increment my Daily Login counter, and if an interesting Alert or Siege mission is running, maybe I'll do it.

    Sometimes there are long stretches where I don't feel like Warframe or am occupied elsewhere.  I don't worry about it, because Warframe will still be rad and waiting.  It'll still be free.  It'll still have some of the most agile gameplay out there.

    But each time I leave, it's not a break-up.  Everything gets boring if you keep hitting it.  I just give us both a rest.

  9. I still don't even know how to activate this Madurai Phoenix thingy.  I'm not fond of chasing the goofy Pac Man power ball or paying for these lenses.  I've seen other players summon their Village of the Damned Tenno Children and it didn't seem all that useful.  

    I'm just not seeing a return.

  10. Ducats are quite a lot easier and faster to get with the new Void and Relic system.

    Where you once had to laboriously form groups to expend keys, you can now leisurely drop into any of a random assortment of operating Void missions, get matched up with other players, and then have your pick of four possible rewards.  It's both easier to accumulate ducats and actually get what you want from the Void.

    That said, Baro's prices still feel high, but they're now much more manageable a feat to meet when he visits with his much more ample inventory.

    Basically, everything in this aspect of the game has improved vastly and is a much more rewarding play experience.

  11. Oh, I'm not talking about the Obsidian Excalibur, heh.  Not by a looooong shot.  I still can't find a way to make it look good.

    I meant more the direction that the Galatine skin and Spira skin went.  I feel like there was something else, too... a Syandana?  I'd have to look.

  12. I just wanted to take a moment to thank you dudes for taking another look at the design elements of the Obsidian items in more recent Renown Packs.  

    Since I was an early adopter of Obsidian series offerings, and a vocal complaining jerk about the scrolling blue Digital Camouflage design of earlier items, I felt I owed you guys some positive feedback and appreciation that you went back to the discussion table to discuss the Obsidian "Wow Factor" anew.  

    Recent Obsidian stuff looks elegant, understated but distinct, versus the loud, demanding tone of old.  It all matches well with a lot of the Prisma stuff that Baro offers, having a lot of adjacent or cooperative design elements.  Makes me wish ol' Wyrm had been in a later series to get the new Obsidian treatment.

    TL;DR: Redesign looks great.  Thanks for hearing us out back then and kicking around some new ideas.

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