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Posts posted by (PSN)Hooligonzo

  1. I dunno how I feel about this.

    Nekros had a distinct, if annoying utility.  I'd rather the drop rates were friendlier and we simply didn't need Desecrate in its current incarnation at all.

    Screwing with it without tinkering with the problems it was attempting to solve, though, seems like a problem and I can't get behind this solution.

  2. I'm just tossing this in, but the ingredient requirements on building Orokin Cells and Neural Sensors are appallingly high.

    As someone who got them thinking at 100 Plat each I'd be getting some substantial and reasonable convenience out of these, if I happened to be short for a Foundry build, I've felt pretty cheated since they were released in the market.

    Now, add onto that how I found out later that day that you can find these for free in the Raid.  

    That's now feeling Cheated + Boned.


    Please review, DE.

  3. The second time I went into the mission, I figured I'd focus on Life Support from containers.  Group of randoms, everything went great.

    The astounding thing is a dude ended up with 34(!) kills.  No idea how he did it.  Next closest guy had a single kill.

  4. I don't miss it and it hasn't even hit consoles yet.

    I got burned out on the entire Void thing.  It was the keys.  Not getting them, mind you, but having to forage up a group of dudes to go in and try to have some fun while hoping for needed drops.

    There's a bunch of Prime stuff I haven't built yet because I am just that goddamned sick of gathering people for Void missions.  Terrible mechanic, severely outdated, total speedbump on the way to trying to have a good time.  Nobody should have to spend 5-10 minutes scrounging up teammates for an activity.

  5. We do not need an auction house.

    We do need a listing database so we can just list things for sale and look up things to buy.  EVE got things very right on this part.

    Then limit the amount of items we can have listed at a time based on Mastery Rank so that everyone isn't listing everything they possibly can, but are making choices, and then the economy is insulated from dilution due to excessive listings.

  6. I've always liked the asymmetry of the Dendra armor set.

    The new energy field is attractive and distinct from the original set.

    Since the Obsidian Dendra armor has brought up the discussion of the Dendra asymmetry again, it might be worth evaluating the release of more Dendra armor pieces that mirror the limbs, since I can't see any reason to not open up these pieces to be configured however people like.  Then, maybe, provide the mirror Obsidian parts gratis, just because they came out nice and being cool is being cool.  :D


    If there is still discussion on the Obsidian animation (as seen in other items) I wanted to point to that first video that Knightfyre posted.  The background blocky shapes that sort of bubble up would be a great fit for a replacement animation, since it preserves the PS4 identifying marks, retains the sort of Digital Camo look, and eliminates the noisesome and often chaotic scrolling directions on weapons and stuff.  (Example, Obsidian Braton - note the skin scrolls in three different directions on different parts of the gun.)  If the animation just slowly bubbled up digital camo blocks, that then faded and slowly rebubbled, you'd have a clean animation loop that wouldn't have any directional orientation and would look clean on everything.  But seriously - make the animation sloooow if you do it!  (And please do it!)


  7. We don't need an auction house, we need a simple buy order/sale listing system, a la EVE.

    Limit it to a small handful of items based on Mastery Rank, like one item per few ranks like Extractors, then put it up in a searchable system where we can view all of an item's listed sale prices or outstanding buy orders.  The scarcity of listings at a given time will limit depreciation of item values, even potentially improving the salability of niche items or low demand items for those willing to occupy a sale slot with them.

    Leave the Trade channel as it is for the especially trade-oriented folks.  Then we have a noiseless, no-hassle listing system and the same garbage we've always had.

  8. This isn't really a Description thing, but the "CIRTINE ANTITOXIN" probably should be "CITRINE ANTITOXIN" - this is, I think, a very long-standing typo.

    All the other antitoxins have this crystal/gem naming convention, except the Cirtine Antitoxin, and only because Cirtine isn't a thing - Citrine is, however, and Citrine would adhere to the naming convention.

    TL;DR:  Cirtine Antitoxin has been misspelled forever and a day and should be Citrine Antitoxin.

  9. Generally...


    I've never liked that the Obsidian skin sorta "scrolls" its animation.  It's particularly chaotic on items where the skin is scrolling in different directions for different parts, like on the Excalibur skin.


    I've never been fond of the animated layer, too - it's, what, little black blocks?  I really want to like it, in the spirit of blocky digital camouflage, but something about it is too flat and too blocky.


    My opinion on the scroll might be different if it was at a slower speed, but I'd still still never "get" the blocky business of it.


    I'm sorry I don't have any alternatives to suggest, at least for now, since I hate dropping so much negativity without a cherry on top, but ... I mean, you know how it can be, right?  I'll keep thinking on it, though.  I've bought all of the Renown packs to date, even though the skins weren't all that appealing, mostly as a show of support for the program.  The platinum helps a lot, too, of course.  :D

  10. Wow, I came into this thread really expecting some strong arguments for the game being cliche, but this post is pretty flaccid.


    I mean, not to be a $&*^ but really to be a $&*^, this thread is really unimpressive and its argument isn't even worth arguing.  Nevermind you didn't even address the progenitor angle, the social collapse, revolt... I mean, I can't even give you points for effort.


    That said, Warframe offers many more novel ideas than it does step in the very wide footprints left by others in the genre.


    You get a solid D for the course, though.  You should consider another major.

  11. If they want it on a single weapon, it should be the Dual Ichors.


    I don't know how I feel about the skin being applicable to all weapons in class.  I am pretty sure I am against it, though.  I am pretty sure all weapons should have recognizable appearances, even with their alternate skins.



    The Proto-Glaive skin being shared among its weapon class wasn't so bad, since there are four weapons total in that class, two of them are Glaives, and they're barely visible.  There are more Dual Axes weapons out there, though, and they're all highly visible like other standard melee weapons, so they each have much more distinct identities.  I don't think I can get behind sharing the skin across the whole category, but the Cyskis skin should definitely be for Dual Ichors instead of the already-skin-wealthy Dual Zoren.

  12. It's probably weighted by how much the Saryn frame is used and how much people talk about it.


    I do think 165 Plat is kinda up there, but at least they didn't price it like the stupid prices they put on most weapons.  And look at the What Stalker? pack, hahaha!  Well over a year old and offering nothing but the guarantee of weapons you're almost guaranteed to find through regular play, and they're still priced at 800 Plat.


    I love this game, but it's severely Buyer Beware.  I wish it took a higher road with its pricing, I do, but I can only say research everything before you buy and make sure you want it.

  13. To be fair, they really jumped the gun on the Year of End Game.  The game hadn't even hit its halfway point in version iterations.



    Characterizing it as a Miserable Failure is ... a bit much.



    2016, though?  I hope it's the Year of Total War.

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