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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. 13 minutes ago, SDGDen said:

    off the top of my head this affects grendels pulverize and yareli's merulina. in both cases, the frame can cast their OWN abilities but not any helminthed abilities. this means that you have to deactivate the ability to use any subsumed ability. 

    this isn't consistent with other alternate modes either.

    titania, despite having her razorwing as an alternate mode can still cast helminth abilities in her razorwing form (however, any movement from any helminth abilities will be cancelled out, for example the lunge related to garuda's blood altar) 

    hydroid's puddle also still allowed the use of abilities (RIP)

    hildryn can use her haven and balefire charger, but not pillage or a subsumed ability while in aegis storm

    In my opinion, these frames should all be able to cast helminth abilities during their alternate mode abilities. 

    Voruna’s fourth also doesn’t work

    The reason it doesn’t work is because it would be too odd to make animations while using those abilities. Would probably just look clunky. 
    Imagine Yareli doing Nourish while on Merulina. Poor Merulina would just get stomped. Grendel while in a ball also can’t really work. No animations to play while in ball form. It would be fun if he could use blood alter. He can just be a meatball turning enemies into his sauce. 
    Edit: Of course everything I just stated is obsolete simply because Titania stuck the middle finger to me

    She’s simply built different :)

  2. 8 hours ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

    So with only a small amount of testing, when I heavy throw glaive and detonate it my pet is only receiving healing from one enemy. The healing is abysmal. Have not tried gun blades or heavy attacks with follow through.

    Edit. What kind of healing are people getting with regular melee if the attack hits multiple enemies?

    Going to have to test this further.

    When I use the Xoris, I use it to hit an enemy and detonate, so it seemed fine.

    I’ll try out the simulacrum, and see how it fairs. 

  3. 3 hours ago, White_Matter said:
    15 hours ago, (PSN)ARC_Paroe said:

    Still doesn't answer my quesiton, and I will not repeat it. Work on your reading comprehension if you want my attention.

    Answered your question, just not an answer you like

    Did you, or did you not have to do the normal nodes on the normal Star chart first, before doing Steel Path? If you ignore this question, then you are simply unreasonable, and not worth my time. 

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Veridian said:

    We've reached the bottom, can I now safely complain for the unplayable state the game is in because I can't pet companions while in mission?

    This is the real problem

    We must be able go pet our companions. Then the AI can just stop shooting and start petting each other while we’re doing it.

    • Like 2
  5. 15 hours ago, White_Matter said:

    When Duviri first came out, I went for SP immediately. So all my runs were done on SP. Never bothered playing circuit or Duviri on normal mode. So I'll ask again(hoping this time you'll use an ounce of your intelligence while answering), why does the game force someone, who has completed the said modes on highest difficulty over and over again, to play the tutorial? 

    The amount of time you take trashing other players can be used to complete the normal modes. Time management dude, remember that. If you’re so good at SP then the normal mode should be a breeze now shouldn’t it?

    • Like 3
  6. 8 hours ago, mubsmubs said:

    Dunno if it's just me getting too used to Citrine literally flooding the map with them; but I'm running Dagath with energize, equilibrium and Energy Generator Dethcube and I still manage to run out of energy. Did they mess with orb drop rates or am I just imagining things?

    It’s not a guarantee drop for normal enemies. Eximus drops are though. Could’ve been unlucky in that run. You could also use Lycath’s Hunt as a helminth to replace her 1. I tried that because her one just refresh’s (from what I’ve seen), which I can just do with her one. If you want to stay on theme with the frame, nourish can work. Viral on viral frame

    Edit: confused two with one

  7. 17 hours ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

    Incarnon Dual Ichor, 1,487 health 2,404 armor. I could take out the drain bite and run a mission again.

    Something I noticed is that the mod seems to be buffed it's +183 health now and +2200 overguard or I guess the workshop primed version was unranked or something 

    It has been buffed

    Don’t have Primed, but normal is 100 health +1100 overguard 

    The 100 health per hit makes it much easier

  8. 6 hours ago, ShogunGunshow said:

    Cracked. It's extremely easy to full heal and cap overguard on beasts in a few swings if the mission has any decent amount of enemy density.

    Can confirm, they also buffed it from 50 hp per hit to 100
    Xoris is hitting hard and healing enough for the 2k Panzer

  9. 2 hours ago, (PSN)ClockworkSiren said:

    With the new update the added the lines from the winners of the Cephalon Joke-a-thon 


    it’s in the Additions section on the update posts

    Ohhh I see, I thought I was losing my mind
    Finally some flavor in his speech

  10. 28 minutes ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

    Incarnon Dual Ichor, 1,487 health 2,404 armor. I could take out the drain bite and run a mission again.

    Something I noticed is that the mod seems to be buffed it's +183 health now and +2200 overguard or I guess the workshop primed version was unranked or something 

    That’s one tanky kitty 

    Bonus health? Never say no to that

  11. 32 minutes ago, White_Matter said:

    So I've been playing on and off for the last year or so and recently I thought it would be fun to go back into the Duviri Experience and the Circuit and I realized I couldn't, because the game was telling me to complete the "normal" mode for each node to be able to play them on SP. Now, I've played them only on SP from the start because the normal mode, aside from posing absolutely no challenge to me, is pretty unrewarding for a veteran. So what's the point of forcing me to play on normal difficulty, out of the blue? I don't want to waste my time, especially on circuit because it takes a while to complete the whole thing.

    There are thousands of posts on the forums on how inadequate the end game is, that veterans need more challenging and rewarding content etc, and yet the Dev's go ahead and force someone who almost never plays anything outside SP to play on normal mode, a mission I've already done countless time on a higher difficulty. That's a textbook example of being out of touch with the playerbase. 

    That’s….. what a tutorial is….. you do the thing on a normal mode to get that feel. Only when you actually know what’s going on (in most cases) do you get to do the hard mode. Plus if you wanted to do SP, the best warm up is through normal mode. Or you can be like me and do the Duviri quest then ignore Duviri for the rest of your warframe career :p

    • Like 6
  12. 1 minute ago, Tiltskillet said:

    I don't know.  Like I said, I'm going to be experimenting with recovery.  The downtime is temporary now, probably less prone to happen because of shieldgating and other changes, less punishing when it does happen, and can be reduced with some mods with other benefits   Pack Leader is highly dependent on multiple things including multiple slots, and the competition for those slots looks like it will be more fierce.

    It'll be fun to play around with different options for a while.

    Recovery you say? Yea this update’s quite fun. I wonder just how low you can get the initial recovery.

  13. On 2023-10-18 at 12:50 PM, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

    Seems pretty decent, managed to spend an entire mission, steel path new mission, without touching my Vasca's health with the overguard up pretty much all the time.

    Although I was using Valkyr which is basically always using melee, it probably isn't worth using if you're not using melee often.

    As a Garuda main, melee is like breathing

    Also what kind of melee were you using? How much health? Not to mention the Vasca has self healing too

  14. Aight with the update now upon us

    What’s everyone’s thoughts? Not at home yet, will post thoughts later in the day. 
    Hopefully my speculations were wrong

    2 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

    It'll be interesting to see if I still use Pack Leader at all after some build experimentation.  With the new mechanics and mods, it'll be very tempting to go for self-revive speed rather than healing, especially with more mods competing for slots with both it and the EHP mods that make it impactful.

    Yeah, I would never use Pack Leader without both an armor and a health mod, and the frames I use it with are more likely to have high health and armor for links.

    Which reminds me of another reason people may have been devaluing it: frame shieldgate builds with zero slots dedicated to ehp, which is a very poor base for the links, and consequently for Pack Leader.

    Now with the “Smol shields bad” meta done and over with (uhhh hopefully) we’ll see tackier pets and more link mods being used.

  15. 11 minutes ago, (PSN)ApoX95 said:

    yes, I never participated but they seem to be doing this every now and then! I believe it's not unusual to even get some form of reward for just participating - isn't this 'Tennotober' currently captura compatible as well?

    if you're into this then I definitely recommend looking it up! :D

    I never look at events outside of the game (with the exception of Quest to Conquer Cancer), so no I haven’t seen it

    Dang imma try this out, thanks!

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

    I'm talking about the current mod which is 6% of the damage we deal unranked. Which is why ranking it is utterly pointless. 

    Yea, that’s on me for miscommunication. I understand now

    1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

    But what does it matter if it is miniscule on those pets? If you heal them as often as you'd heal a pet on any other frames it will have the same outcome. On those massive HP frames you just have more slack before you actually need to heal them. At which point you can just heal them to full. 

    I mean really what is the difference in healing a pet for 2000 hp 3 times during a minute or healing one for 6000 hp 1 time during a minute if both end up requiring the same amount of attacks to achieve it?

    I don’t see your reasoning. The difference would be less hits for the same percentage. 50 health (yes yes let’s forget the fact that melees can hit more than one enemy for a second) per hit isn’t as rewarding for a pet with 3,000 health as opposed to 300. To me it’s like shield gate pet edition, rewarding pets with less health because they can fill up their health faster, for more overguard. Discouraging larger health pool pets. 

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