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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. 1 minute ago, Hexerin said:

    Especially considering how jank the headshot detection is for incarnon charging. They really need to make body shots also provide charge.

    Agreed, I can see them adding more “weak spots” to enemies (much like with Banshee’s ability) that can contribute towards incarnon. Could also improve extra damage and reward precise aiming. 

  2. 2 hours ago, (XBOX)Hellsteeth30 said:

    Haven't seen a market discount since early September of any variety.

    Not sure the "bonus" plat vouchers are an instead of now or not, wouldn't surprise me from a business standpoint.  "Freeloading scum" (j/k) have had an easy ride on console for years, time to get them spending.

    Especially considering who DE's overlord is now.

    Still on switch, yes I had a 50% discount around a week or two ago

    They aren’t gone, and I’ve never had those bonus vouchers (yet)

    Edit: Sister also got a discount 

  3. 20 hours ago, (XBOX)Hellsteeth30 said:

    Currently I'm trying to find a weapon that isn't complete dog poop in SP without spending 17 hours stripping armour (some frames don't have that).

    Though I consider SP cruel and unusual punishment, there's just not enough dudes in regular.  

    Sevagoth is my current long term project, as he's going to need at least 12 forma.

    I have most of the frames at this point, and I don't play favourites aside from Protea being way ahead usage wise.  Though now I have Grendel Prime he'll probably get used more.


    I suggest the OG incarnons (need to get headshots though)

    Nataruk is also very fun too

  4. 1 hour ago, Hexerin said:

    Would you accept a nerf to it's obscenely overtuned shotgun form, to get a big buff to the incarnon form in exchange?

    Hmmm depends

    On one hand I really like the shotgun form (that doesn’t need a charge up), on the other hand I feel like the incarnon mode should definitely be more powerful then the base form. 

  5. 5 hours ago, Vindicus8235 said:

    As a Garuda main I can tell you now you're dead wrong lol.  Weird thing but since you are so confident in your wrongness I'll go test just to be 100% sure a) i'm not insane b) i'm not the worst garuda main in history c) they didn't change this in the last 24 hours miraculously.

    I’m also a Garuda main

    And her talons do hit the arbitration drones (nope nvm you were right)

    On switch so I can’t record it

    Also there is no such thing as a terrible Garuda main. You simply being one is rare, and quite nice to hear. 
    I swear I’m not insane too, her claws need two hits to kill them. (One hit to break shield, second hit to kill it)

    (aight actually insane)

    5 hours ago, Vindicus8235 said:

    Edit:  Nope, turns out you're just wrong.  Garuda's talons swing for 0s on arbitration drones, just like all other exalted weapons, even though hers is just pseudo-exalted as her passive.

    Am I… insane? What on earth… we’ll I’ll do another run. Though I do believe you because I usually have false memory. Maybe I was thinking about swatting drones? Or the fact that they work on nullifies and drones made me combine them? Dang now I’m doubting 

    (I think we already knew I was insane)


    3 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

    Hmm, that's interesting.  They used to work on Drones.  I've spent a little bit of time trying to figure out when it changed, and found a comment complaining about it in the wiki from April.  IIRC that would have been around the time they started having trouble with Nullfier Fields.  I think that's been patched up, but it wouldn't shock me if this came in at the same time and wasn't caught by the same fix.

    Is that it? Did they used to work then got bugged/patched? I swear the drones took damage from it. 
    Edit: Randomly joined an arbi and it did nada

    Was patched around April 12, 2023

    Guess it used to work before hand, but I never realized it was patched (makes sense because I took a break around March-June.

    You guys were right, such  a shame I can’t swat them anymore. 

  6. Just now, (XBOX)Hellsteeth30 said:

    Not on the internet my friend, everybody's opinion is better than everybody else's.

    Then it's time for the ad hominem cannons, which are OP AF.

    I want a form of health tanking that isn't flaky under a bombardment of colourful language, had quite enough of shield gating in ME3 MP.

    Dang it, yet again thought too highly of Tenno 

    Also in response to the health tanking 
    I use quick thinking with a lot of armor

    Dubbed it “health gating” because I will never take more damage than my 900-1k energy with tons of armor and tank can handle Might get through my 1k health, but never through my energy

  7. 7 minutes ago, nslay said:

    And let's not discount powerful Heat/Electric/Slash procs where each DoT tic instantly drains all shields. IMO, you really have to have some status immunity because it's very annoying (and energy draining!) to have to press a button every DoT tic to stay alive.

    Shall introduce you to Nezha’s first? Base range is more than enough for total status immunity (you generate fire that you automatically stand on). Rolling guard also works 

  8. 2 minutes ago, (NSW)AegisFifi said:

    I don't use shield gate builds with Grendel neither, but more than 1 second of shield gate was nice to protect him from the first stack of some Bleeding status effects (that bypasses armor), as the Narmer one-shot projectile. This was very useful to give Grendel a few seconds to remove the status effect with Hearty Nourishment. But now, with less than one second of shield gate, Grendel won't be protected against the first stack of bleeding and we'll have less than one second to trigger an anti-status ability.

    For most of the game's content, Grendel does not need to shield gate at all, but he has become a bit more vulnerable after the changes, specially on Archon hunts.

    Huh that makes sense. I wonder if you can survive the first instance of slash. That mod would be great for him. Thanks for clarifying 

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, lukinu_u said:

    You just decribed the problem here, and it's the biggest issue in the game right now for me.

    You know… you’re right

    Having better places to use build diversity would be great, better bosses like Raiden Shogun. (Or in this game a combo of Jackal and Archon)

    3 minutes ago, lukinu_u said:

    Some freedom in the way you can approach content is good, but too much completely remove the impact of thoughtful choices and directly reduce your implication in clearing said content and the fun involved.
    To me, there should be some highly specialised content that do benefit from perfectly tuned loadout specifically for that mission and almost force you into a certain category of niche builds that you have to farm for.
    For example, there could be where enemies that only take heat damage (largely encouraging the use of Ember/Nezha/Chroma), or one where everything deal 0 damage and spamming DoT (and their forced 1 damage) is the only way to kill stuff, or anything else that could promote the use of very specialised unusual builds.

    Maybe not elemental specific enemies, unless it’s specified first (like Profit Taker) because the last thing I want to do is go into a fight not knowing that instead of enemies needing toxin, it’s actual heat. 


    4 minutes ago, lukinu_u said:

    I see it coming so before anyone say : "Yeah but I don't wanna do that, I like playing with what I want", yes and you simply don't need to attempt these challenges. The reward for that kind of stuff should never include anything unique for that exact reason, so maybe a badge per challenge (which is unique but not actual gameplay content), large amount of endo, forma and possibly rivens, which are all things you need to continue doing these builds.

    I see what you mean, though there can be many ways to make loadouts viable, but not highly specific. I can see those little achievements though, I would love that. 


    5 minutes ago, lukinu_u said:

    It's very sad because a large portion of the community enjoy theorycraft and it's a big part of the game, but no content in the game actually promote the use of all the stuff you can do. It's basically a super advanced shooting range, but you never actually encounter enemies and keep shooting at the same wall over and over.

    Indeed, this is the biggest thing with WF. We have this kind of thing with Archons, but it’s still so limited. If you have a perfected build, it shouldn’t be immediately neglected. 

  10. 7 minutes ago, Skoomaseller said:

    [pet] is down!

    [pet] has been revived!

    few seconds later

    [pet] is down!

    [pet] has been revived!

    few seconds later

    [pet] is down!

    [pet] has been revived!

    few seconds later

    [pet] is down!

    [pet] has been revived!

    few seconds la


    Laughs in vulpaphyla

    Fr though they need a brief invulnerability time like after reviving a warframe. I know Regen exists, but sentinels are almost never dying now when you’re moving. 

    • Like 2
  11. 1 minute ago, (NSW)AegisFifi said:

    I say yes. I think it would be nice, specially for warframes that has low shields (Grendel) and that will have to sacrify one mod slot to have the same shield gate mechanics as before the shield gate rework (or to use Archon Shards to get more shields).

    I was always confused with this

    Why Grendel? He can health tank like no tomorrow. Am I missing something? Like for frames such as Banshee I can see Shield Gating being favorable, but Grendel? 
    Agree with what you said after, just confused on why Grendel. 

  12. 1 minute ago, (PSN)Hopper_Orouk said:

    well what do I do when there's no more items to farm and no more builds to perfect?

    Breaking the Cycle here means actually go and do something with those items I've worked for for content that doesn't involve farming things.


    I wish it was circuit but it's sadly not.

    I’ve been there

    No more builds? The weirdest builds possible can still exist. I’m thinking max range/strength Baruuk 

    You will hit the “I farmed everything” period eventually, and by then you can find what you like to do in this game aside from farming. If you’re build experimenting, you would keep on build experimenting. Also I do end up doing what I mentioned previously after making weird builds. 


    • Like 1
  13. That’s the neat part, you don’t!

    This is Warfarm we’re talking about, you farm for more farming. It’s a never ending cycle!

    I have the same play style too, making builds and farming (specifically weird builds for Garuda/ such as max range banish). The only “goals” I have in mind is “Can this survive in archon hunt,” and “Is this fun,” and “Is this viable?” 

    • Like 4
  14. 15 hours ago, quxier said:

    Just being able to armor strip won't make frame good, in my opinion.

    No I was referring to his great shield tanking abilities. High strength and duration with 100 efficiency is fine for him. The free agro is also good in Defense. They’ll take all the damage while scaling with level too. I also wasn’t referring to his armor strip, but I will add that. “Woah he can armor strip without helminth!” His second ability gives a very nice damage boost, I just wish they would stop floating away. 


    15 hours ago, quxier said:

    Like making it "adapt" to all damage types and to 90% like Adaptation?

    Yes, the reason I said “tweak” was because if I said “rework” they might remove it entirely. The passive is good IN CONCEPT, but it is TERRIBLY executed. Your solution is the same solution I proposed because stacking DR is obviously proven fine with Baruuk. It would also be completely on par with his theme. 


    15 hours ago, quxier said:

    Maybe if you play some specific way you get shields but my sentients just spawn/go/teleport out of my range. I rarely get shields.

    Curse ye buggy code. They are supposed to teleport WITHIN SHIELD RANGE. Granted there is a cooldown (one second I think?), but the play style with the shields still works well. I recommend brief respite for the aura because they don’t regenerate shields if you don’t have shields. 

  15. 9 hours ago, (PSN)shiwan8 said:

    don’t know what you expect as an example. I laser focused on an example which was a specific part of one task found in one game mode. The point of the post was specifically that and other things like it that serve no purpose in the game other than to make people walk away from those things. 

    I responding to the thread before I read the comments. To keep away the bias, you know? After seeing you specify the Duviri bounty (right?) I can see that being annoying, okay tedious. When it comes to step by step content though, (especially bounties) we got a lot of fillers. If only the fillers had more variety, instead of searching for some special somethings.

    And yes, when you brought that up my initial though was “fillers” because… they are fillers. Extremely boring fillers yes, but still fillers.

  16. 1 hour ago, Hexerin said:

    It gives nearly complete immortality at nearly zero cost all the way through level 9,999. The only thing that gets through it is toxin, which is pretty much exclusively an Infested threat (guess which faction people play against in SPE? that's right, not Infested). Take your garbage lies elsewhere.

    Cmon man we were doing so good with voicing our opinions 

    It is fun seeing people interact

    The majority does vote “no” though, which is understandable. Just glad the Decaying Dragon Key abuse is done.

    Edit: And here we go with the arguing. Can’t we just have a civilized conversation?

  17. 10 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

    Caliban's not as bad as game chat makes him out to be.  And better with the shield rework.  But, saying he's good except for just needing a tweak to his passive and 1 is setting aside a lot of dumber than average crap in his kit.

    You’re right, he’s not bad. Just, as I said, boring (at least to me). His third ability is really solid with shield gating and agro drawing. If only they could actually do damage though. His fourth is a really good armor strip, but it’s simply too expensive. I put an in depth explanation about his abilities in a previous thread. 

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