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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. 23 minutes ago, yamishan said:

    the problem with i wish switch was like that is the problem of perception everyone these days seems to think the steamdeck is a console its not its a full pc that just happens to be handheld format, mind you i have a switch as well so might someday bother to see if mouse and keyboard are supported there as well but given they cant even bother to make sure mouse and keyboard work for a pc before declaring it live on stream while holding one as a supported system, i doubt it will be supported for a console like the switch ( and yes if supported everything since PS4/XB one can do KB/M as well as controller just very few deveolpers bother to add KB/M for console versions)

    That’s what I meant by wishing Switch was like Steam Deck. A portable PC instead of a portable console. Also, mouse and keyboard do work on switch, but you need an adapter in order to actually use it to game. Without the adapter, it’s just used for typing.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Kilean said:

    Yamishan is definitely my actual son so it was a bit comical as we've been trying to get through this issue for over a year seperately and together lol

    I- Woah a mother and son who both play WF 

    I’ve seen it all. 
    More on topic, it is absurd that DE still hasn’t fixed it. Though they rarely fix things until a year later.


  3. 1 minute ago, Kilean said:

    i don't run warframe in "game mode"  i run it in "desktop mode" the steam deck is not JUST a handheld but a small formfactor "full computer" system


    Oh? Dang I wish Switch was like that

    Another thread, I wish I could help more than just linking threads. This does seem to be a wide problem that still isn’t fixed. Per usual

  4. 18 minutes ago, Kilean said:

    It is definitely locked to the steam deck controls. because you have to clear the controls on the steam deck before you are even able to select the keyboard/mouse template to even get it to work

    I see, I admit I don’t know much about the Steam Deck, but I do think this article may help 

    A solution seems to be starting Warframe without a controller. Tedious? Yes

    Multiple solutions are put out in the thread, I do hope this helps

  5. 2 minutes ago, PR1D3 said:

    that only the most autistic players have an issue with

    Might be best to leave that out, lest you want to start an argument that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. This also has quite a rather aggressive tone

    • Like 2
  6. 20 hours ago, PR1D3 said:

    No, #*!% off man. This is not remotely a rebuttal for anything we said. For starters, we're talking about End Game content. Of #*!%ing course it should cater to us. And I don't know about you, but I don't have everything and there are plenty of things that need a constant intake of supplies. New content comes out, mods need to be leveled, decorations need constructing, Rivens need rolling. Kuva was one of the suggested drops and is often requested as an evergreen drop cause its always needed. 

    And the idea that "vets don't need to be cater toward" is such a mind boggling stupid take when we're obviously the most devoted, have spend god knows how much money, shill for the game numerous times. We're their life blood, their money makers. IPs have lived and died based on how they treat their most devoted fanbase. If you honestly believe that you have the business acumen on par with some top Hollywood suit with their head up their ass.

    Dude calm down and look at the Magnificent Peagle


  7. 7 minutes ago, (NSW)AegisFifi said:

    Yes, attacking the Well of Life target would work.

    By the way, her passive is also in great need of rework, don't you aggree ? Do you have some ideas for a new passive ?

    I confess that I don't have many ideas for a passive rework other than giving her a damage buff based on the amount of HP/Energy regen she gives (a bit like the Champion's Blessing augment).

    Extra affinity range/range based on how much teammates are within her affinity range? Gives her a more support role, and pushes them (and teammates) to be closer to teammates to support them.

    • Like 1
  8. 13 hours ago, sunderthefirmament said:

    I'm not the one you quoted, but I can offer a bit of perspective on Trinity.  She has her uses, but she's too clunky for modern Warframe.  All of her abilities fully stop her (full body casts).  To make matters worse, her durations are very, very low by default.  They don't feel as comfortable as more recent Warframes with buffs.  Even heavily investing in duration isn't enough, and it's not like you really can with Trinity anyway, at least not heavily.  She is famously tight on mod space due to basically needing everything, especially if you want to use her armor strip Link augment.  She even needs casting speed to help ameliorate her full body casting issues that I mentioned above.


    I don't think Trinity needs a massive rework.  Instead, I'd suggest:

    • doubling the durations of Link and Blessing at base, or even quadrupling them
    • changing most of her abilities to upper body casts only (to allow movement while casting)
    • consider some synergies like "killing a Well of Life target adds X seconds to active Link and Blessing"


    These three changes would go a long way towards making her more viable and appropriate for the game that Warframe has become.

    Ah I see. She seems like a frame who was good at launch (being the only support), but aged kind of oddly over the years.

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  9. 4 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    I would like to Name her Nishra , the eater of magic.

    Interesting frame but may i recommend a twist ? If your energy is full , your chaotic essence becomes unstable and you start  doing bursts of damage , that also damage your partially , not too different from effects like arcane pulse every few seconds.

    Ohhh Nishra? I like how it rolls off the tongue

    the twist sounds on par with the unstable energy theme. Like a combination of arcane pulse and combat discipline 

    13 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

    it's an interesting concept, though I always figured using health for powers would be something Inaros could do, at least to justify his insane health pool and 3 abilities that heal him. plus now that we have a dedicated spellbook (Grimoire weapon), there's no reason not to have a dedicated sorcery frame I guess.

    Very true, always should’ve been Inaros

    With the small health and armor though, it’s unwise to tap into your health, hence strong energy and plenty of shields. The “tapping into your health” just adds a sense of danger that keeps you from constantly using your abilities. A sense of awareness basically. 

  10. 12 hours ago, Jarriaga said:

    Let it go. We have 7 pages arguing with them about this. They don't accept intent or opportunity costs vs benefit as valid arguments, so this is moot. Nothing will be accepted by them as reasonable/consistent logic, falling back to false equivalencies as counterpoints.

    Letting it go, haven’t actually read the full thread, but I realize we have dissolved into the typical back and fourth. This is why we can’t argue about civilized things. Then again I’m not sure Tenno are civilized what with war crimes, but we try.

    • Like 2
  11. 15 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    So I've been distracted on a tangent in the wiki, reading up on lore that I haven't heard of yet. Came across the page for Executor Tuvul and the section about Voruna makes me curious about Voruna Prime, and the possibility that she would not have the fused form she currently has. Since her actions that caused her fused form happened at the end of the Orokin era, there's no way that she would've obtained a Prime variant after her base variant (since the Orokin had fallen), so her Prime canonically cannot be based on her fused form.

    Welcome to Prime Frames!

    We have Valkyr Prime, Nidus Prime and Revenant Prime! Later on we’ll have Xaku Prime, Sevagoth Prime then the wonderful Voruna Prime! 
    How in the world did/will DE fit these prime frames into their lore? Simple CONTINUITY

    • Like 1
  12. 53 minutes ago, Zabyr said:

    Let's see.
    Maybe DE will come to his senses and make an mod-augment to return "Undertow" for those who like it, without "Plunder", or they will combine "Tidal Surge" and "Undertow".

    You know DE, listening to the community about ability changes then turning it into an augment. It might just work

    • Like 1
  13. 42 minutes ago, Zabyr said:

    You once said that DE hates Water Warframes, and I told you that it doesn't seem like it. But... now I'm ready to agree.byuntear-bunny.gif

    Don’t worry Zabyr, there is still hope

    We might get augments for the wonderful Looty Booty Pirate, which will (hopefully) bring him back to his non corrosive, fun CC puddle boy. 


    • Like 4
  14. 18 hours ago, (NSW)warfare3376 said:

    On call crew gives you an insane amount of free damage while you sacrifice nothing in the process, or energy pads that only cost a very negligible amount of resources but have no other downsides to using.

    Yes, but the difference between these and the decaying dragon key, is that they are INTENDED to provide bonuses and help. The decaying dragon key was NEVER intended to be anything but a downside. The exchange for the mod that is made to actually help frames who want to shield gate, is intended, and is a different way to use an unintended (but I admit rather fun on frames like Banshee) gimmick.

    • Like 2
  15. Aight so I had an idea for a new warframe that can bring a unique play style (in my eyes)

    Sorcerous theme, unstable energy, operator amp

    Warframe name: Warframe (Idk, suggestions?)

    Stats: High Base Shield (525),Very Low Base Armor (75), Low based health (225) VERY HIGH energy (500)

    This warframe is centered around unstable energy currents 

    Inspiration came from The Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan (basically magic using up your energy/stamina before eating away at your being/burn up) will also focus on channeling, and “toggles”

    With the passive and high based energy, her energy cost/drain will be higher than normal, but she rewards high energy cost. This play style will be very active, and kind of micromanaging, but rewarding. It’s centered around chaos.

    Passive Everflowing Abundance:  When not channeling an ability, energy regenerates at a constant high speed (much like an amp) Additionally uses overshields/shields/then health after running out of energy

    This passive is used as the “burn up” while also being rewarding for those who do decide to tone down the chaos for like 2-3 seconds. (Bummer)

    Keep in mind all abilities will cost more than usual energy, and the drain I’ll also cost a bit.

    First Ability OverCharged: Continuously drains energy to convert to shields/overshields OverCharged will end when energy runs out/ or if cancelled

    Shields/overshields affected by strength and energy drain (More energy drained= more shield)



    This ability is the “survival” ability. I love shields, and this synergizes with her passive quite nicely. 

    Second Ability (Overflow):  A burst of energy springs forth from (Insert name here) that knocks down enemies, and strips their armor. A small percentage of overshields is used to multiply the damage. Enemies hit by the wave will be marked with “Chaos” which will act as a rebounding affect when hit by Chaotic Beam. (Think a prism reflecting light, it’ll create smaller beams that chain)
    This ability is your typical armor strip, but with slightly more synergies, and different types of mechanics: Enemies hit by wave take increased damage by 3 and 4

    Wave’s damage affected by amount of energy used+strength x percentage of overshields. Amplified damage/armor strip affected by strength

    Wave’s range/range 



    Third Ability (Chaotic Beam): Three beams of (something) energy is used to do devastating damage among the battlefield 

    Functions like Wisp’s fourth but actually useful. Press to activate the triple beams, hold down to concentrate into one larger more powerful beam. (Charging drains extra energy, and has a ramp up) While in Chaotic Stasis, ability will not cost energy, but instead increase Chaotic Stasis’ energy drain/shield drain. Enemies hit will be momentarily stunned.

    Damage affected by strength/amount of energy drained
    Range affected by range

    Duration and efficiency affect range

    Fourth Ability (Chaotic Stasis): Unstable energy between life and death collapse draining energy and shields while granting (Gosh darn it, need a name) knock back/stagger immunity, and increased damage. Shield/energy drain will be increased if her third is active. Will drain LESS shield depending on if first is active 

    Every active channeled ability multiples damage increase by (amount) stacking to (amount x3)

    All in all, my concept. Apologies for the MASSIVE text wall. Any questions comments etc. I will gladly answer, or just let you all build off on it. Warframe doesn’t have an energy centered frame, so this is my take on it.






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