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  1. They have literally done surveys on what way players would like failstates to occur before and what consequences they incur. I really don't feel like it would invalidate the game at all, but just by the way you're phrasing things I'm inclined to believe you have a fundamentally different perspective.
  2. See this approach I would totally be down with! I think given the structure of the circuit it just becomes a situation wherein you just are simply forced to leave if you roll into a defense objective post wave 5 sp? Dependent on team size ++ what your squad rolled into. I think DE is actually already looking into correcting this what with the devstream discussion alterations and bonus objectives to the defense objectives. I think something akin to Mirror defenses citrine bits would be fantastic to that end. I'm excited to see what comes of that!
  3. Just learned this the hard way. Feels a bit bizarre that in a mode in which you don't have the option of making optimized loadouts you're punished so harshly, particularly given the ability in the Duviri experience being able to extract at any time and keep ALL rewards gained? I'm enjoying pretty much everything else in this update but man I don't think I'm going to engage with the steel path circuit until this is changed.
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