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Posts posted by Achaix

  1. Abra lifted an eyebrow. "Seriously."

    Kate, on the other hand, was losing her calm. Slowly, she started to spin the Zoren axes. "Abra? Don't get involved if this gets ugly."

    "Can I put some music to fit the mood?" The Oberon asked, having a particular song in mind.

    The axes spun a bit quicker. "Whatever."

    (("Power" by K West))

  2. "Oh sure." Kate said sarcastically. "We'll go on picnics, compare wardrobes, buy shoes..."

    "For what it is worth," Abra said, pulling his Galatine out of the ground and sheathing it. "I am sorry for the mistake. However, you threatened my only surviving friend. Please refrain from doing that in the future."

    Kate saw a Vauban checking her out. "What?" She nearly yelled.

  3. "Once a Stalker, always a Stalker!" Kate screamed in fury, drawing her Zoren axes.

    A sudden blast of blue energy knocked them all off their feet; at the center of the blast, azure light lining his form, Abra frowned.

    "Enough of this." He planted his Galatine in the ground, and offered his hand to the fallen Tenno. "Peace, brother. Let us not do something we will regret. That goes to you too, Katherine."

    Kate stood, glaring at Echo.

  4. Kate bared her teeth, and her eyes flashed. "Stalker, huh? No wonder. Only thing you guys ever do, threatening, hiding in the shadows, too ashamed to show your face and fight honestly. If you want a fight..."

    Echo felt the barrel of a Vectis pressing against the back of his head.

    "... you'll have to get through me." Abra smiled and tightened his grip on the sniper rifle.

  5. "Heh. A Volt who considers the Corpus his "friends"." Kate chuckled without humor. She slowly put the fragment in her pocket. "... I'll leave, provided Mr. Sparky here learns to be careful with who he considers his "friends". Also," she added, imitating Echo's low, growling voice, "You should be careful who you threaten."

  6. The Mirage's eyes narrowed

    "What's it seem to you, huh? Did you cause this?" She said accusingly, showing Echo the shard. Her voice dropped in volume.

    "Something - or someone - has enough power to break a Prime weapon. Maybe more." Her fist balled over the golden fragment. "Now tell me. Do you know anyone who fought in this arena, facing an opponent armed with a Dakra Prime?"

  7. Kate was bored.

    Not just regular, usual bored. This was an entirely different kind of boredom.

    "F*ck it. I'm going to look around, Joe. Mind the ship." The Sentinel beeped sleepily.

    *Some time later*

    "Hmm, someone's cooking. Not hungry though." Strolling through the Dojo, she peeked into an arena. She was about to leave when a glint of light caught her eye.

    Walking closer, she saw the source: a narrow yet deep gap. Crouching, she picked up and inspected a minuscule shard of gold. Before her eyes, it started to reform into a perfect cube.

    "Forma... this is the shard of a Prime weapon. Judging by the width of the gap... a Dakra Prime. But that's impossible; no one ever managed to break a Prime weapon. The power needed for such a feat is... immense."

    Kate stood, watching the shard form perfectly euclidean shapes. She looked up, her brow furrowed.

    "Something strange is going on."

  8. *The pup paws at Nyrs chest every so often as it drinks from it's bottle.* "They're always cute." *Shyla says simply, the particular pup she's holding a golden brown with black stripes*

    *Meanwhile Elith goes out to find Droben. She approaches him with a small bottle of something in hand* "Here...it took some convincing but I got you the medicine you requested."

    ((Aaaand drug time for Droben))

  9. Kate yawned and got up from her bed. These were the precious moments in which she could stop pretending to be a ditz; it was a lot of fun to get on Abra's nerves, but she needed to relax every once in a while.

    "Joe. Status report for the Druid?"

    "5c4nn1ng. D4mag3 1n 70w3r hu77."

    *Some time later...*

    Deep within the hangar, a blowtorch buzzed and sparked. Its patient, a large Corvette-Class ship, was sleek yet angular, with four wings adorning the sides. Near the cockpit were turrets on each side.

    The Druid had served Abra well over the years. It was an old design, but it was a lot roomier than a Liset, and the AI wasn't as iffy.

    Finishing up on the hull repair, Kate took off her helmet and sighed, scratching her short blue-dyed hair.

    "All's well that ends well, eh Joe?"

    For a moment she thought she saw somebody enter the hangar, but dismissed the idea. Trick of the light, she guessed.

  10. "Alright then." He said a little too cheerfully. "I'll be in the baths if you need me."

    *Some time later*

    "Stupid... the Hek was I thinking? She's staff, of course she'd be occupied. And why did I say "If you need me"? Gods, I'm hopeless."

    He removed his warframe and eased himself into the pool. (( Imagine a slightly older Adam Jensen))

    "Ahhh... that hit the spot..." He sighed, closing his eyes and nodding off to sleep.

  11. *Meanwhile, on the Druid...*

    "Spike is so frakking cool!" Kate said, popping some raisins in her mouth as the ancient videos played, and looking at her Sentinel. "What do you think, Joe?"

    The Carrier shrugged his "wings".

  12. Abra had seen many women in his life, but few had called his attention like this Valkyr. There was something in her blind eyes and scarred face that reminded him ofsomeone he had been quite close to, back when he wore a simple Excalbur warframe...

    He snapped himself out of it to focus on the present.

    "Maybe I could thank your patience with a good meal? You weren't lying; you look tired and hungry."

    There it was again. A feeling of dread when that Tenno, Echo, spoke.

    There's a story behind it, he thought to himself.

  13. ((May want to edit that, Abra was the one shouting))

    Abra couldn't help but feel dread when he saw the other Tenno approach, but he suppressed it.

    "Indeed! If I and this Valkyr are tired, therefore you must be too Kate!"

    "Nope!" Kate said energetically. "I'm totally awake-" Suddenly she fell to the ground, where she curled up and snored.

    "Good thing she can be influenced easily." Abra sighed. He activated a com link to the Druid's resident Sentinel. "Joe? Are you there?"

    The distinctive chirp of a Carrier was heard.

    "Good. I need you to come over and take Kate to her quarters. Put on some Cowboy Bebop episodes if she wakes up."

    *Some time later*

    As the Carrier sped off with the sleeping Mirage on his back, Abra turned to Fae and Echo.

    "Sorry about that. I'm Abra."

  14. *Fae, the resident Valkyr bumped into the two as they were leaving the evident other one. She's much more patient than her fellow Valkyrs* "Is everything alright here?"

    "Yes, yes..." Abra said, seeing the Valkyr's hesitant body language. "Careful with Kate, though. Don't let her see you."

    "Kawaii kitty!" The Mirage squealed.

    "Play along with me, Sister." Abra whispered. Then he shouted. "My, I'm terribly tired! Aren't you too, my good sisters?"

  15. After excusing himself (and Kate) from the Valkyr's fiery gaze, Abra dragged his friend to the gardens.

    "But I don't wanna..." She pouted.

    "Katherine Fleming, you listen to me. You stop that complaining this instant. This is the twelfth time you disrespected a Valkyr!"

    "But they're so kawaii..."

    "No! You do not do that! You're supposed to say hello, engage in pleasantries, and bid them goodbye!"

    With a huff, the Oberon left the Mirage in the bright garden, wanting nothing more than to go to the baths and finally relax.

    Behind him, Kate defiantly said three words.

    "What a d!ck."

  16. "Ooo... shiny..." Kate cooed, admiring the smooth silvery walls of the Dojo. For once, Abra couldn't help but agree with her.

    "This place is pretty fancy."

    "We intend to keep it that way, sir." Startled, he turned to see a (quite pretty) Valkyr with a purple hologram on her shoulder.

    "Kitty!" Kate squealed.

    Abra sweatdropped under his helmet.

  17. The Oberon known as Abra (or rather Abrá-alixerni Gae'rnklet Nosh'té Steve, to be exact) had heard many stories of this beautiful "Grand Dojo", and had had a strange desire to visit the place and see what all the fuss was about. He had been working non-stop for... 136 years, more or less. Tenno aged much more slowly than regular humans, but he was starting to feel age creep into his bones. A day of relaxing would be perfect.


    After some inquiring and literal boot-licking ("I wanna see my reflection on 'em, Abe!"), he was able to get the coordinates out of his friend Kate, a ditzy Mirage with serious concentration issues ("Where we goin', again?"), who had spontaneously decided to accompany him.




    "Must be nice an' cosy in there, don't ya think?"

    "Hmm." He shrugged as he eased his ship, Druid, into the docking bay.

    "Wonder what's going on in there?"

    "Could be anything." He shrugged again (not a wise move while manoeuvring a largish ship, but he managed).


    The Druid settled with a low rumble, engaging the docking clamps.


    "Let's go!" The Mirage shouted enthusiastically.

    "Not yet. Have to wait for permission."

  18. Welcome to the MR thread! I hope you know Silverbones' Rules, but I'll say the gist of it if you're too lazy: Do not be a $&*^waffle, and mark your OOC moments whenever they're necessary. Please remember: Under no circumstances are you allowed to create a Mary Sue/Marty Stu. Keep it realistic, dammit, I'm the only one allowed to introduce weird crap. Also, mind the grammar.


    Now that that's out of the way...


    |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||MAGNA RENAISSANCE||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

    | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Great Rebirth | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |


    The sun's light, diluted as it was through the layers of smog, shone through the brilliant blue holes and onto the planet's surface. The planet had had a long history, like many before it; an age of the barren, an age of life and creation, and an age of death and destruction had not treated the third planet any better than any other grand sphere that carried the seed of sapient life within.


    Nevertheless, the sun was shining upon the lush jungle that inhabited an area once known as "Sahara". Wild Kubrow packs poked their heads from within their elaborate nests, checked for predators, and left for the daily hunt, their unnatural red eyes glowing.


    The sun also shined upon a cryopod.


    Swathed in glass, carbon nanotubes and resistant polymer, the inhabitant within stirred, tightening his grip on the book. His arms, like an Egyptian Pharaoh, were crossed over the tome, the fingers touching the corners. An observer may have been able to see that it was titled with the kanji "".


    A bird, clothed in bright azure, glided from the upper canopies, circled in the air, and onto the pod. It tilted its head, confused at the sight of this strange object that had




    The bird did what seemed natural at the time; it tapped the pod once with its long beak.


    What the avian did not expect, however, was the sudden hiss of compressed air being released from the cryopod. It squawked and flew off. The pod began to unfurl like a newborn flower, releasing a child from the metal womb. There was silence for a moment, then a loud yawn filled the air, followed by two stretching arms. The arms were connected to a body, fortunately, all in white, adorned with subtle greys and bright greens.


    A head, decorated with stately antlers and a noble faceplate, emerged. The figure stood up quickly, and straightened when he saw a curious Kubrow looking at him.


    "What is it, dog?" Cowed, the Kubrow scampered off.


    He took a good long look at his surroundings, holding onto the book; a jungle... smoggy yet bright sky... a ship with the Grineer insignia in orbit... Grineer Galleon in orbit? Last he heard of them, the Grineer were holed up in some backwater colony on Ceres...


    "Damn!" Oberon swore under his breath, frantically searching through the pod for any kind of weapon. There was a compartment here... yesss...


    Twirling it with practice, Oberon smiled as he felt the weight of his Magistar on his hand. He slotted it onto his back, grinning as he picked up the Karak and... no ammo. Damn.


    "Oh, well... At least I still have the mace and powers." Oberon looked up, seeing a blue bird staring directly back at him. He extended a gentle hand, and the bird perched on it, chirping happily. "Hello, little one. Would you like to come along?"


    A happy, loud chirp.


    "Let's get going, then."

  19. Well, I'm certainly glad how big this clan got. Not Coup de Grace, but we're getting there. To be honest, I wasn't expecting a Dojo this huge, but it was - is - there. I hope we'll be able to rebuild it soon and update the map, now that the old-but-gold Orokin rooms are gone :(


    Either way, you guys are great. This clan has a bit of everything for everyone in it.


    For Great Justice, and Furious Anger!

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