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Posts posted by Orbister

  1. Well i don't know if they play it, but i do know that most if not all changes and decisions are clearly based on a company's economical point of view rather than a gamers making their dream game.


    They change things all the time to slow us down and make us work harder for things, instead of just making a fun game, instead of making sure that people want to play the game for fun, they keep adding "shiny" stuff for us to chase and then they make us chase that carrot as much and hard as they can.


    Everything in Warframe is a convoluted endless mix of griding and waiting, we never experience new content with a fresh smile on our faces because we always have to work like old time gold miners to get to it. For example dojo colors... a feature that was supposed to add some fresh air to the forsaken dojo system, but nope! it's another grind fest, and some colors are tied to Zanuka or The Stalker... i think DE has been confusing fun with challenge and challenge with monotonous grind for a very very long time.


    It's a very negative way to design, in my case i love how it feels to play the game, i mean, i love moving around in my frame and shooting stuff, i like the sensation of playing the game, but for a long while now i have not felt the itch to log in and play.

  2. I theorise that the reason the tenno wake up in non-prime warframe types could be because thier prime armors stoped working (powered by orokin tech that was no longer maintained cuz every orokin was kaput or something so they became obsolete)

    Then how do you explain current prime warframes working properly without any trouble? 


    Regarding your last idea, i don't think they did it to look different, i think they just made copies with the materials available.

  3. the Buzlok is like Limbo, too cool for Warframe, you can use it and play in a different fun way, but most of the time, countless hordes of enemies will push you out of the fun zone to the mindless killing boltor prime zone. Unfortunately the game doesn't give opportunities for the Buzlok to shine. I wish it did though, i always wanted it to be my main weapon but i just feel like gimping myself whenever i use it, as it is now,

  4. Yes!

    I love that movie lol. I also see more and more of the world reminding me of it, and that makes me sad lol.

    On topic: Personally, I don't really get the whole streaming/lets play/rooster teeth type things out there. I just really don't see the point in watching someone else play a game when I'd rather just play it myself.

    Sometimes it feels generational, as me and a lot of my pals dont like them, but my wife and cousin who are 10 yrs youngers than myself really enjoy lets plays etc. Seems crazy he makes what he does, considering what he does, but then I compare it to radio hosting or Beavis and Butthead(Id watch them, watching music videos and discussing it) and it doesn't seem too crazy anymore. Good for him.

    Yes, i don't really watch Let's plays but i do understand the appeal of the format, is this guy that i don't understand how he got so popular, he is the most annoying thing, the few times i saw some of his material i wanted to punch him in the face. There is some generational aspect to it as well.


    And regarding Idiocracy yea... lol, i see it everywhere, and more frequently. It's awesome that a fellow tenno knows it i was feeling too old for this lol

  5. They hype everything




    "GUYS! WE ARE ADDING KUBROW ARMOOOOOOOR!" and kubrow armor adds NOTHING to the game, it's just to make your space doggy, which is also very lacking in terms of mechanics, shinier than it already is.


    i think they should stop hyping every little piece of expected content they add, like that cloth syandana... hyping the thing for like 2 months, it was a scarf for godsake... they overhype the things that are expected to be added to any game... and all the interesting systems and features always stay lackluster forever, kubrows, archwing, sentinels, syndicates, the codex, there are tons of interesting features in Warframe however all of them have little to no depth at all.


    what's next? something along the lines of: "Dear players buckle up your seat belts cause we are adding a different MOUSE POINTEEEER! (but in 2 to 20 months)


    i mean, i don't think Warframe lacks content, but they overhype every tiny addition so much, that in perspective the result is usually disappointment.

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