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Posts posted by Orbister

  1. Hopefully they ignore arcane helmets and don't waste dev time on something no longer in the game. They have to draw a line somewhere or they'll be supporting all their old mistakes forever.


    Stamina mods will probably just do the same things they do now, but directly instead of through stamina. Marathon might let you do something longer before losing momentum or something, rather than giving more stamina that used to do the same thing.

    And why would they ignore something they sold to us with real money? the last week of arcane helmets they were selling them on the market for platinum with a special limited edition sign on them.

  2. Oh I see, you're that kind of person. I try to come to a compromise on how energy siphon truly affects the game and how it is used so the op can get a real view for future build-planning, but instead you get offended because I didn't just all out agree with whatever you were saying as though it was an attack. Gotcha. No need to respond, I won't take you seriously anymore.

    What kind of person?... im telling you that you are right? why do you get offended what do you expect? please tell me what you want to reply so i don't make the same mistake again, i said energy siphon is useles you said it's not, i said i'm wrong... what do you want mate? 

  3. What are you talking about?

    That you are completely right.


    Some people like using energy siphon in endgame missions, sitting in a corner waiting for it to give them some energy, to go back into the fighting, so i was wrong, it's not useless, just slow, and it won't save your life in a tight situation like Rage does.


    So yea, you are the law, energy siphon is not useless, just almost.

  4. Right, what I said was just a statement showing that it isn't useless in endgame and without 4 users.


    Compromise: For some people, it isn't useful in endgame because it's too slow and doesn't help if you're unable to use crowd control and aren't able to escape to take the mission slowly... unless it is used in a team and all 4 players have it equipped.

    Yea bro, you are the law.

  5. The corrosive projection meta requires all 4 of them, i think it's not a good idea to forma your frame just because of that, because its a very specific situation, regarding energy siphon, its not really useful in endgame, it's too slow, unless again all four players are using the same aura.

    If your weapons hit hard enough you will not really need corrosive projection (in endless missions) for a very big portion of the mission, 4xCorrosive aura is mainly used to push the limit further.

  6. valkyries ARE angels of norse mythology, angels of the battlefield. so its actually quite fitting, this is a very good reprisentaion of what she might look like pre-alad v.


    ive actually spoke directly with steve about this. she will be primed. it'll just be the pre-alad v version of her.

    that doesn't look anything like a Norse-inspired design, it looks like a "kawaii-golden-kitty-onee-chan" (i think i puked a little inside my mouth, brb) 

  7. So DE should change their ways to accommodate sexist pigs? I think not.

    Dude... guys that play female always say they do it to stare at a female butt instead of a male one... playing as a male while being a male in real life is not sexist, is the normal thing to do.

  8. I wonder how, why and when 90% of the gamers became virtual crossdressers... do you guys really want to play barbie dolls in EVERY damn video game?...


    The terminator movie lied, the future is way worse.

  9. First of all how many skanas exactly do you think this game needs?


    Second of all have you seen the Karak Wrath's DPS?


        Third of all what's with the hostile attitude? There's literally no downside to this suggestion. The Skana Prime already exists, the Mastery points are already exclusive, all this would do is make the two weapons stronger and irrefutably balanced across any possible comparative spectrum compared  to what we have now 

    The downside is that "founders" keep thinking they have the right to asking for special treatment, i don't have a hostile attitude, you are too sensitive.

  10.     Here's a crazy idea, why don't we just give them identical stats, buff both of them, and have Prisma and prime both just be plane better then the Dakra? Just saying, then everyone's happy. We get our buff, everyone else gets a "just as powerful" prisma, and then all it is is a question of flare and mastery.


    Seriously I just wanna feel good about using my Skana Prime, I don't care if it's top dog. If it's a carbon stat copy of Prisma and they both just so happen to be top teir then I'm happy.

    What happens when another better skana appears will founders and their "supporters" come to the forums again to demand another "buff"?... I mean i love how the karak looks, yet you don't see me crying a river about making it on par with boltor prime...

  11. Right, Sentient can't, but Orokin can, they created a Liset and Warframes using this energy. Most likely Tenno produced Prisma weaponry, so it should be worse. Tenno can't reproduce Orokin tech from scrap

    So tenno can't produce Orokin era tech, but according to you they make Prisma, still no proof that Prisma has to be worse, and again facts show it IS better.

  12. "Forged from raw Prisma crystals and infused with void energy, this blade's pristine edge is honed razor-sharp to eviscerate even the most deadly of foes."



    Prisma Skana is infused with void energy, the energy that even Sentient can't understand during that time.

    Even the Orokin can't use the energy. Only the Tenno can.

    So it's logical that Prisma Skana is superior to Skana Prime.

    I love my Prisma Skana even more now, i think it's my favorite melee weapon right now, specially with that awesome syndicate mod, the sweet 20 % crit chance and the cool animated energy effect.

  13. Stats are nothing set in stone, DE can change dmg/crit/etc. with few clicks. Orokin had no reason to create Prisma items, it also don't fit their style. Look at codex entries, even during carnage Orokin were shiny White-Gold warriors

    Yes they can, but as they are now, they are indicating that Prisma Quality can surpass that of Prime.


    And if you read previous comments you will see that we already established that Prisma comes from Orokin era artisans, not Orokin themselves, so, just leave that argument alone already.

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