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Posts posted by Orbister

  1. Uh, so lets just remove sprinting because people like you THINK coptering is fun? Are you serious?


    Check in your control settings for "auto vault over cover" turn it off, if you havent already. It might help.

    No, i'm not asking to remove anything, i'm not a part of the gameplay police watch volunteers, i think to each it's own, people have been whining about removing  coptering since forever, in my opinion they should let coptering and spriting too, so we can choose, but it's true that if an accident, because that is what coptering is, can make a designed system obsolete, then that system is probably very bad.

  2. If you have bothered to look over twitter or the devstreams they have changed Wall Running to Wall Hoping in order to prevent the frame getting stuck into all the bumps and ridges of the walls, you can now use enemies as launch pads, no more stamina system, slide attacks and directional air attacks are still there they just don't launch you further based on attack speed anymore.


    Also if you think the current coptering is healthy to the game, you are wrong, because it invalidates a whole movement system and makes many many melee weapons useless because they can't copter.


    Also what other Third-Person Shooter lets you wall run so naturally ? ey ? What other Third-Person shooter doesn't glue you to a wall and instead trusts you to place cover between you and an enemy ? ey ? Thought so.

    if a system gets invalidated it probably doesn't need to be part of the game, coptering is effective and fun.

  3. no coptering no warframe, simple as that... it's funny how DE created coptering accidentally and now they are putting a lot of effort into making a movement system that is less effective and more complicated than the one they made by accident... it's star chart 2.0 all over again, but this time we are loosing the only effective way of moving without falling asleep, because all frames "run" so incredibly slow...

  4. I think the guy likes you and was fooling around, he was forcing an opportunity to show you his "cool" ASCII sword... i feel bad for him, did you really muted the guy on chat just because of this? if i was the guy i would quit the clan myself. Also do you honestly believe that was a death threat?...

  5. Umm, maybe for the fresh recruits, you guys could explain all these abbreviations? I feel like I'm reading a foreign language here...

    all those abbreviations are common gaming slang and are old as hell, google won't hurt you give it a try, i mean people can explain you but it's faster to just google them instead of waiting for a reply. I know you already got a reply right here but in the future, trust me, google is faster.

  6. Not just us Tennos but also the people at the relays, grineer and corpus

    Your tenno might have facial hair but you would never see it, because we never see our tenno outside the frames, and yea people in the relays could have facial hair i guess, or maybe in the future facial hair is extinct because of evolution, who knows...

  7. let me be more specifi for infinite ammo it would ba a 4th skill, but it will be like a placable object where in which you need to stand , has a radius of effect , time , and energy.   i mean for instance think a bit, each frame has something like that right? why isnt this idea not a bit worth it? just saying

    Well, that's different, that sounds like peacemaker but less boring i guess, and maybe even fun, instead of being forced to use those fixed pistols we could use our own modded weapons, not bad actually, but yea... a lot of "game breaking" risk, i think.

  8. No, i wouldn't use it, i chose Warframe because it's a third person shooter, i hate the first person perspective i don't understand how people like so much playing as a pair of hands, and it's not immersive our own view doesn't end at sharp edges like a screen, it's diffused limit, i think that playing any game with first person perspective is like playing chess with a cam attached to the pieces, uncomfortable and a very poor intent to imitate "reality"


    I wouldn't play for fun and i would hate it if they added achievements and/or rewards attached to first person perspective.

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